Release Notes
List of new features and improvements
- OroPlatform and OroCRM have been upgraded to 5.0.7
- Product Sort Order [BB-21762]
Allows administrators to define sort order of products within master catalog categories and web catalog product collections
- Port nested content widgets to 5.0 [BB-21661]
This functionality enables rendering content widgets inside other content widgets. The newly introduced "Tabbed Content" widget allows to add content or organize other content widgets as tabs or an accordion
- Product Description & Brand Microdata [BB-16510]
Ensures that product brand data is properly included in microdata and allows to include product description in the microdata as well
- Export/Import Customer Addresses [BB-14870]
Adds ability to export/import customer addresses and customer user addresses
- Review visibility limited with price search handler [BB-21757]
- Add column components based on new grid markup to WYSIWYG [BB-21748]
- Refactor customer visitor creation and update in database [BB-21705]
- Make Google Tag Manager work with any homepage image slider widget instance [BB-21702]
- Improve performance of partial indexation for ORM engine [BB-21528]
10+ times better performance on partial reindex execution time
- Show "remove row" icon in quick order form for rows with incomplete data [BB-20723]
- Add scrolling to the first validation error when saving content node [BB-16036]
- Improve performance QOF validation on form submit [BB-21817]
- Behat smoke suite for services [BB-21663]
- Shipping Selection Per Line Item [BB-21649]\
List of fixed issues
- Unnecessary page scrolling after closing shopping list modal window dialog on tablet/mobile [BB-21952]
- "In shopping list" badge displayed for products from previous browser session if current user has access to the same list [BB-21934]
- Partial indexation may lead to exceeded max allowed inline script size in Elasticsearch [BB-21889]
- The mode view is opened after clicking on “cancel“ button on Saved Search dropdown [BB-21887]
- Email search autocomplete is slow when there are thousands of emails [BB-21882]
- The filters are shown incorrectly on the storefront role edit page in mobile version [BB-21878]
- Postal code is not included in formatted addresses in Ireland [BB-21857]
- Image placeholder set in website configuration shows up in global config [BB-21855]
- Missing padding between address map, address and subsidiaries section on back-office customer view page on mobile [BB-21854]
- Customer address map preview is not displayed in back-office [BB-21852]
- "No records found" messages are not aligned properly on back-office order view page on iPad [BB-21850]
- Missing scroll in taxes grid on back-office order view page on mobile [BB-21849]
- Order actions are shown incorrectly on back-office order view page on mobile [BB-21848]
- Invalid demo data for web catalog [BB-21834]
- Wrong status is selected in "Filter by status" in quotes grid [BB-21832]
- Unexpected page scrolling on hovering over change permission buttons in user role creation popup [BB-21830]
- "Invalid or unsupported unit pricing measure" error for PDP [BB-21815]
- Missing image in microdata in compact view of product listing page [BB-21814]
- Duplicated accounts are created by import [BB-21810]
- Impossible to apply “is empty” or “ is not empty” filter in storefront Quotes grid [BB-21809]
- Filter toggle button is rendered twice on storefront search page on iPad when filters are displayed in sidebar [BB-21808]
- Shipping/Payment rules grid paginator shows wrong number of records when rules are assigned to multiple websites [BB-21798]
- "Check UPS Connection" uses wrong data to check connection [BB-21792]
- Email templates assigned to no entity cannot be used in email campaign [BB-21774]
- Impossible to modify some imported product descriptions in WYSIWYG [BB-21765]
- Missing padding between SKU and Product columns in line items on back-office order creation page [BB-21763]
- Order created with disabled taxation cannot be updated after taxation re-enabling [BB-21759]
- Filter by owner on storefront shopping list datagrid disappears after clearing all filters [BB-21750]
- Consumers fail during import of configurable product with non-existing product variant [BB-21746]
- Filter option result counts considered when searching for numeric value in storefront filter options [BB-21744]
- Incorrect Qty is set when using Quick Order Form [BB-21741]
- Shipping tracking information is positioned incorrectly on back-office order view page on mobile [BB-21729]
- Quotes are shown as HTML code at data audit grid [BB-21728]
- Order grid shows wrong dates in Chinese localization [BB-21723]
- Editing product visibility form also updates custom non-attribute product fields [BB-21722]
- Wrong position of grid header on iPad [BB-21676]
- Incorrect active tab state view in stylebook [BB-21654]
- "Login as Customer User" feature is blocked on iPhones [BB-21624]
- WYSIWYG editor allows to create wrong mix of lists and styling markup [BB-21594]
- Unwanted fields added for Customer User relation during export of Customer User owned entities [BB-21590]
- Incorrect word wrapping in long back-office page titles on iPhone [BB-21586]
- Wrong layout of "is empty" filter on mobile [BB-21581]
- Error in logs when user with no permission to view categories accesses back-office product grid [BB-21483]
- Filter panel in sidebar is empty when search query returns zero results [BB-21481]
- Error on product edit pages after deletion of file/image product attributes [BB-20452]
- Product listing datagrid listeners load excessive attributes [BB-20337]
- Insufficient padding for flash messages displayed in checkout payment step [BB-19946]
- Promotions based on filtering condition are shared between organizations [BB-19753]
- Impossible to add image to landing page during web catalog node creation in global organization [BB-19448]
- No scroll in Send Email popup when adding multiple attachments [BB-19114]
- Some dialog popups in back-office change width several times upon opening [BB-18663]
- Email reply dialog is too narrow [BB-18655]
- Shipping taxes from all organizations are applied on order creation [BB-17203]
- Unnecessary swipe actions on the storefront role edit page in mobile version (iOS/Android) [BB-17104]
- Shipping tax incorrectly calculated in order total in some tax configurations [BB-16052]