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Juliana Assis Juassis

@biosustain Copenhagen

Cristian Villegas clobos

Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz" Piracicaba

Ximi lxm1117

Ohio University, Technion, NYUAD

André Cunha cunhaandre
PhD Student @ Universidade de São Paulo

@csbl-br São Paulo

foteri oteri
Computational Biologist passionate with cloud and AI
Erkut Ilaslan erkutilaslan
Bioinformatics scientist interested in gene regulation in development and disease.

University of Copenhagen Copenhagen, Denmark

Andy arguease Andyargueasae
A freshman for bioinformatics and machine learning. Interests focus on combination of computing and biology.


Etienne Villain E-vill
PhD in bioinformatics, France. Ruby, omics-data & caffeine
Albert Palleja Caro apalleja
Senior Data Scientist in the Data Science Platform at DTU - Biosustain

DTU - Biosustain Lyngby, Denmark

Henry Webel enryH
Senior Data Scientist at DTU biosustain

DTU biosustain Copenhagen

Zeynep Işık isikz
Boğaziçi CmpE BSc. Sabancı CS MSc. NLP, Bioinformatics
Txell Amigó txellext
_______ Bioinformatician _______

NNF Center for Biosustainability Copenhagen, Denmark

Elena Del Pup elenadelpup
🤖 Bioinformatics PhD Candidate at 🌱Wageningen University & Research, Medema Lab & van der Hooft Lab.

Wageningen University Wageningen, the Netherlands

Shaurita D. Hutchins sdhutchins
Graduate Student Trainee at UAB. Genetics, Genomics, & Bioinformatics. Current lab: @uab-cgds-worthey. Former lab: @vallenderlab.

@uab-cgds-worthey, @datasnakes, @informaticsclub, @bham-rug Birmingham, AL

Gerardo J. Rodríguez Gero1999
Consultant | R & Python Developer | Science Communicator
LegallyOverworked LegallyOverworked
Not active on GitHub, check out my GitLab repos for pipelines and tools!
Foteini Aktypi fotiniak
Copenhagen Bioscience PhD Programme Fellow @ NNF CBMR

Novo Nordisk Foundation - Center for Basic Metabolic Research Copenhagen, Denmark