Release v2.1.1
Changelog (since v2.0.7)
- Update Orbbec SDK v2.1.1
- Fix service settings for abnormal laser switch
- Fix the issue of invalid usb_port startup for a single camera specified under multiple cameras
- Two encoding formats have been added to the color stream: RGBA and BGRA
- Three new features have been added to the services:
- set_reset_timestamp:Clear timestamp function,only takes effect when the device is set in time_domain
- set_sync_interleaverlaser:Using laser pattern sync with alternating frames and multi cameras synchronization
- set_sync_hosttime:Sync immediate function under multi cameras synchronization,only takes effect when the device is set in time_domain
- The metadataexport, metadatasave, and multisavergbir tool nodes use json files to pass in parameters
- Abandoning use_hardware_time in the launch file instead of time_domain
- Update OrbbecSDKConfig_v1.0.xml to OrbbecSDKConfig_v2.0.xml
- Set auto_exposure to take precedence over exposure parameters
- Add interleave_ae related parameters in launch
- Remove laser_on_off_mode param in launch
- Delete timed sync
- Other bug fixed
Issues Addressed (since v2.0.7)
- Sync_mode Not Working When Connecting Multiple Femto Bolt Devices
- Error on camera info topics retrieval in ROS2
Using uvc_backend param, you need to unplug the camera when switching from libuvc to v4l2, otherwise the camera device will not be found