Releases: oqtane/oqtane.framework
Changes in v6.1.1
#5162 Updated to .NET 9.0.3 @sbwalker
#5160 Sorted API Endpoints by route @sbwalker
#5158 Added API Endpoints option in System Info @sbwalker
#5157 Allowed login form to be submitted by pressing enter key @zyhfish
#5155 Added Logout Everywhere option to User Settings @sbwalker
#5152 Upgraded to ImageSharp 3.1.7 due to security vulnerability @sbwalker
#5151 Allowed site settings to be overidden at host level @sbwalker
#5149 Updated Deploy To Azure option based on changes suggested by @ADefWebserver @sbwalker
#5148 Allowed page and module settings to be included in site templates @sbwalker
#5148 Improved terms and privacy default content @sbwalker
#5148 Added Settings for HtmlText module for Dynamic Tokens @sbwalker
#5141 Synchronized interop.js changes with .NET MAUI @sbwalker
#5140 Fixed regression issue with Search component @sbwalker
#5138 Improved CSS styles for cookie consent and search @zyhfish
#5137 Added nonce support to script reload @sbwalker
#5134 Added terms page to upgrademanager for 6.1.1 @sbwalker
#5133 Added default privacy and terms in admin site template @sbwalker
#5132 Added support for output cache and integrated into sitemap @mdmontesinos
#5130 Set the allow cookie value when refreshing state @zyhfish
#5126 Added option in Theme Management to assign a theme to a site @sbwalker
#5124 Added missing maxlength attributes in Page Management @sbwalker
#5123 Removed unnecessary package validation logic @sbwalker
#5122 Removed unnecessary log error message @sbwalker
#5121 Parse date value as UTC time to resolve issue in PostgreSQL @zyhfish
#5114 Added a Cookie Consent theme component @zyhfish
#5111 Removed warning message related to no scheduled jobs being registered @sbwalker
#5110 Improved HostedServiceBase so that scheduled jobs can be registered during installation @sbwalker
#5109 Added logic to remove scheduled jobs which have been uninstalled @sbwalker
#5108 Return a copy of the assembly list to the client application @zyhfish
#5107 Improved purge job by making output more readable @sbwalker
#5104 Improve visitor purge logic to ensure proper data retention @sbwalker
#5097 Synchronized latest BlazorScriptReload changes @sbwalker
#5096 Added another constructor for Script class @sbwalker
#5094 Added support for RightToLeft languages @zyhfish
List of Contributors in v6.1.1
Additional Resources
Oqtane is an open source CMS and Application Framework that provides advanced functionality for developing web, mobile, and desktop applications on .NET. It leverages the Blazor component model to compose a fully dynamic digital experience.
This release of Oqtane is targeted at .NET 9.0. This release is upgradeable from previous Oqtane releases with no breaking changes. Simply install the Upgrade package and your database will be upgraded automatically.
This release of Oqtane is running in production at,, and
Changes in v6.1.0
#5091 Fixed SharedReference in ThemeController @tvatavuk
#5090 Removed upgrade cleanup logic for Oqtane 6.0.1 as .NET 9.0.1 moves assemblies back to /bin folder @sbwalker
#5088 Modified RemoveAssemblies upgrade method so that it only runs once - not for every Tenant @sbwalker
#5087 Updated Provider property to Pomelo.EntityFrameworkCore.MySql @sbwalker
#5086 Improved notification validation in add and update methods @sbwalker
#5082 Enhanced purge job to trim broken urls based on retention policy @sbwalker
#5081 Allowed administrators to send system notifications @sbwalker
#5080 Removed 200 record artificial limit in Url Mapping management @zyhfish
#5076 Synchronized JS interop script changes with .NET MAUI @sbwalker
#5075 Generated cancellation token for file upload @mdmontesinos
#5071 Moved file settings from Site Settings to File Management and added Max Chunk Size setting @sbwalker
#5070 Added support for Guid data types in BaseEntityBuilder @sbwalker
#5069 Ensured sequential file and chunk uploads to avoid server overload @mdmontesinos
#5068 Fixed LogLevel for file upload error message @sbwalker
#5066 Configured Page Management in site template for personalizable pages @sbwalker
#5065 Improved file upload validation and error handling on server @sbwalker
#5064 Modified file upload error message to reflect new behavior @sbwalker
#5062 Improved file upload to better support large files @sbwalker
#5057 Improved file part removal logic in file upload @sbwalker
#5056 Added additional Script class constructors @sbwalker
#5051 Added user impersonation @sbwalker
#5050 Made Kestrel the default profile in launchjSettings.json @sbwalker
#5049 Added a ScriptsLoaded property in ModuleBase and ThemeBase for flow control in Interactive rendering scenarios @sbwalker
#5046 Fixed upgrade issue which can occur in development environments related to assembly locking @sbwalker
#5045 Updated version to 6.1.0 @sbwalker
#5043 Changed ResourceLoadBehavior Never to None @sbwalker
#5042 Fixed logic to retrieve access token in App.razor @sbwalker
#5040 Removed GetPagesHierarchy method from SiteService which was relocated to PageRepository @sbwalker
#5039 Improved static asset caching UI help text for Folders @sbwalker
#5038 Removed Environment.IsDevelopment logic for static asset caching @sbwalker
#5036 Used fingerprint terminology consistently throughout framework @sbwalker
#5035 Added performance improvement when loading list of files within a folder @sbwalker
#5034 Used IConfiguration service as it already exists in Startup @sbwalker
#5033 Redirected file download to login page for unauthenticated users @sbwalker
#5032 Used deterministic hash for eTag in file server image generation @sbwalker
#5031 Removed Oqtane.Server.staticwebassets.endpoints.json from release packaging @sbwalker
#5030 Included options in System Info to control caching for static assets @sbwalker
#5028 Added client caching support for Folders @sbwalker
#5026 Added Fingerprint property to ModuleBase and ThemeBase @sbwalker
#5024 Added ThemeState property to ThemeBase to simplify access to theme properties @sbwalker
#5022 Added automatic fingerprinting for static assets (core, modules, themes) @sbwalker
#5022 Added Version field to the Theme table and updated each time version changes (which also updates the ModifiedOn field) @sbwalker
#5022 Updated the ModifiedOn field in the ModuleDefinition table when the version changes @sbwalker
#5022 Added InstallationVersion and InstallationDate properties to appsettings.json which are updated whenever the core framework version changes @sbwalker
#5022 Added GenerateSimpleHash deterministic hashing method to Utilities @sbwalker
#5022 Added Fingerprint property to Resource class @sbwalker
#5021 Updated package dependencies to .NET SDK 9.0.1 @thabaum
#5017 Fixed page content scripts not loading on initial page request in Interactive rendering @sbwalker
#5013 Added identifier so that packages can be managed across installations @sbwalker
#5010 Modified RemoteServiceBase to use existing bearer token if it was provided by an IDP @sbwalker
#5009 Improved hierarchical page path updates and deletion logic @sbwalker
#5008 Improved user association to sites via Registered User role @sbwalker
#5007 Added caching for static assets @RahulKaushik007
#5006 Fixed issue where MimeType was not updated after image conversion in File Server @mdmontesinos
#5003 Updated Server project to include Pomelo MySQL assembly for release.cmd @sdi2121
#5002 Updated copyright year in default site template @sbwalker
#5000 Allowed entry of host user full name during installation @sbwalker
#4998 Updated ActionDialog with ConfirmClass and CancelClass parameters @leigh-pointer
#4996 Allowed data-reload attribute to support "true" or "always" @sbwalker
#4995 Improved script reload @sbwalker
#4994 Allowed Resources which have Reload specified to be used in Interactive rendering @sbwalker
#4993 Fixed path mapping for personalized pages @sbwalker
#4992 Trimmed Module Owner and Module Name before scaffolding a module from template @beolafsen
#4991 Fixed redirection not working for personalized pages @sbwalker
#4989 Ensured personalized page path do not contain illegal characters @sbwalker
#4988 Introduced reusable RemoveAssemblies utility method in UpgradeManager @sbwalker
#4987 Replaced MySql.EntityFrameworkCore.dll with Pomelo.EntityFrameworkCore.MySql package @zyhfish
#4983 Included option in User Management to Save Tokens during External Login @sbwalker
#4982 Improved filtering logic in UserRole API @sbwalker
#4979 Improved feedback and flow when connection string points to an invalid database @sbwalker
#4978 Added CssClass Parameter to Login and UserProfile Theme Controls @beolafsen
#4962 Updated project dependencies to latest @thabaum
#4959 Fixed ability to login after password reset @sbwalker
#4952 Updated default module template to use dual service approach consistently @sbwalker
#4951 Updated package references @sbwalker
#4949 Allowed administrators to access user roles via API @sbwalker
#4948 Added validation for the 2FA settings @zyhfish
List of Contributors in v6.1.0
Additional Resources
Oqtane is an open source CMS and Application Framework that provides advanced functionality for developing web, mobile, and desktop applications on .NET. It leverages the Blazor component model to compose a fully dynamic digital experience.
This release of Oqtane is targeted at .NET 9.0. This release is upgradeable from previous Oqtane releases with no breaking changes. Simply install the Upgrade package and your database will be upgraded automatically.
This release of Oqtane is running in production at,, and
Changes in v6.0.1
#4942 Fixed reload script to use static array rather than a live HtmlCollection @sbwalker
#4940 Modified logic to write upgrade errors to log rather than console @sbwalker
#4937 Used CompressionEnabled switch to disable static asset compression during publish - eliminates need to cleanup files manually in release.cmd @sbwalker
#4931 Ensured Pages collection is always returned in the same order by moving GetPagesHierarchy method to the repository @sbwalker
#4930 Added support for data-reload=false script attribute in Interactive rendering @sbwalker
#4927 Added support for Type and DataAttributes in Resource class @sbwalker
#4927 Added Script and Stylesheet classes to make Resource declarations more intuitive for developers @sbwalker
#4926 Modified so that page-script elements always render in body @sbwalker
#4925 Improved reload script to replicate all script attributes @sbwalker
#4924 Refactored Static Blazor script processing @sbwalker
#4918 Implemented dynamic ProjectName parameter across build process for modules and themes @leigh-pointer
#4914 Utilized User Settings in User Profile components @leigh-pointer
#4911 Fixed Oqtane glow image @leigh-pointer
#4907 Fixed User Profile to support fields with unlimited max length specification @leigh-pointer
#4904 Added sync events for user login/logout (including external login) @sbwalker
#4898 Implemented dynamic TargetFramework in build process for modules and themes @leigh-pointer
#4895 Added ShowEditMode parameter to ControlPanel to allow hiding the Edit Mode toggle button @tvatavuk
#4894 Passed user id as int to GetUser to fix issue in JWT authentication @W6HBR
#4881 Security trimmed information served by UserRole API @sbwalker
#4880 Ensured User Settings are only be accessible by individual users or administrators @sbwalker
#4879 Updated EFCore.NamingConventions to .NET 9 package version @sbwalker
#4876 Prevented notifications from being accessed by other users @sbwalker
#4873 Included security policy for project @sbwalker
#4870 Referenced Quill CSS theme using BaseUrl so that it works in .NET MAUI @sbwalker
#4869 Improved message grammar for System Update warning @sbwalker
#4861 Forced 2FA validation when it is required at site level @zyhfish
#4860 Displayed update confirmation message in Site Settings @sbwalker
#4858 Added upgrade logic to remove assemblies from /bin which have been moved to /bin/refs in .NET 9 @sbwalker
#4857 Fixed issue related to dropping required column on SQLite @sbwalker
#4854 Resolved .NET version issue in nuspec files which result in incorrect 6.0.0 packages @sbwalker
#4853 Allowed page number alignment to be customized in Pager component @leigh-pointer
#4845 Fixed 2 factor authentication email message @sbwalker
#4837 Added a to the project @markdav-is
#4782 Added ScrollToTopPage() to improve Page Management user experience on validation @thabaum
List of Contributors in v6.0.1
Additional Resources
Oqtane is an open source CMS and Application Framework that provides advanced functionality for developing web, mobile, and desktop applications on .NET. It leverages the Blazor component model to compose a fully dynamic digital experience.
This release of Oqtane is targeted at .NET 9.0. This release is upgradeable from previous Oqtane releases with no breaking changes. Simply install the Upgrade package and your database will be upgraded automatically.
This release of Oqtane is running in production at,, and
Changes in v6.0.0
#4827 Hid search icon when search is disabled @leigh-pointer
#4826 Updated Swashbuckle.AspNetCore to version 7.0 @leigh-pointer
#4825 Modified .NET MAUI to resolve issue on .NET 9 official release @sbwalker
#4823 Excluded wwwroot/_content from official release build @sbwalker
#4822 Adjusted gitignore to exclude wwwroot/_content subfolders @sbwalker
#4821 Added reference to Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore package to resolve issue in PostgreSQL Database provider @zyhfish
#4817 Updated to official .NET 9 release @sbwalker
#4815 Fixed accesibility issue for Search Button @mdmontesinos
#4813 Fixed default module template to use HttpClient rather than IHttpClientFactory so that it handles cookies properly in .NET MAUI @sbwalker
#4811 Resolved issue when setting initial culture cookie @sbwalker
#4810 Made indexing of files opt-in rather than opt-out in search indexer @sbwalker
#4809 Added defensive logic to File Indexer for scenarios where file does not exist on disk @sbwalker
#4809 Added ability to reset the search index for a site prior to reindexing @sbwalker
#4808 Fixed compilation warning in .NET MAUI in .NET 9 @sbwalker
#4807 Removed Microsoft.AspNetCore.Localization from .NET MAUI project @sbwalker
#4806 Defaulted Description to Module Name if not specified in Module Creator @sbwalker
#4802 Remove custom JavaScript reconnection script for SignalR @sbwalker
#4800 Ensured deterministic ordering of file parts when merging files after upload (credit @HQuast) @sbwalker
#4793 Update Microsoft.Data.SqlClient and HtmlAgilityPack to latest packages @thabaum
#4786 Set a default value for PrincipalSchema to ensure backward compatibility @sbwalker
#4783 Get language using CookieRequestCultureProvider @sbwalker
#4780 Removed Microsoft.AspNetCore.Localization from default module template @sbwalker
#4779 Finished removing Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http dependency @sbwalker
#4777 Updated HtmlAgilityPack to latest package @thabaum
#4775 Removed some dependencies on Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http @sbwalker
#4774 Removed Microsoft.AspNetCore.Localization dependency due to security vulnerability warnign in .NET 9 @sbwalker
#4766 Resolved compiler warning in .NET MAUI in .NET 9 RC2 @sbwalker
#4765 Updated .NET MAUI project to .NET 9 RC2 @sbwalker
#4764 Update Updater project to .NET 9 @sbwalker
#4763 Added logic ScrollTo interop.js method detecting if method is executed inside a modal @thabaum
#4761 Migrated Oqtane to version 6.0.0 to .NET 9 RC2 @sbwalker
#4759 Added scroll to top logic after saving settings @thabaum
#4756 Added validate for username and email during installation @zyhfish
List of Contributors in v6.0.0
Additional Resources
Oqtane is an open source CMS and Application Framework that provides advanced functionality for developing web, mobile, and desktop applications on .NET. It leverages the Blazor component model to compose a fully dynamic digital experience.
This release of Oqtane is targeted at .NET 9.0. This release is upgradeable from previous Oqtane releases with no breaking changes. Simply install the Upgrade package and your database will be upgraded automatically.
This release of Oqtane is running in production at,, and
Changes in v5.2.4
#4744 Added additional external login providers in User Settings @sbwalker
#4743 Added missing localization keys in User Settings @sbwalker
#4742 Fixed sorting of Site.Languages property @sbwalker
#4741 Removed Name column from Language table and populated value dynamically using CultureInfo @sbwalker
#4739 Added Discord community button to README @thabaum
#4736 Updated MySQL.Data to version 9.1.0 @thabaum
#4732 Added full page refresh to affect language changes in static rendering @sbwalker
#4731 Sorted Recycle Bin items by Deleted On date in descending order @sbwalker
#4729 Localized names of languages based on users UI culture @sbwalker
#4728 Set HttpOnly to false for Localization cookie @sbwalker
#4727 When displaying Database Type use SQL Server rather than LocalDB to avoid confusion @sbwalker
#4726 Added support for PrincipalSchema when creating foreign keys (credit @Hypnodude) @sbwalker
#4725 Changed language cookie to disable HttpOnly property as it needs to be accessible by JS Interop in Interactive rendering @sbwalker
#4724 Updated .NET MAUI project to .NET 8.0.10 @sbwalker
#4723 Added support for image resizing via querystring parameters in files page @mdmontesinos
#4715 Updated framework to .NET 8.0.10 @leigh-pointer
#4715 Updated System.Text.Json to 8.0.5 to resolve critical security issue @leigh-pointer
#4712 Added ability to set Secure and SameSite properties on JS Interop SetCookie method @thabaum
#4708 Fixed typo in startup.cs @thabaum
#4705 Fixed hard deletion of pages from Recycle Bin causing DbContext error @maurocavallin
#4702 Added defensive logic if ModuleState is null in ModuleMessage @sbwalker
#4696 Fixed null reference exception when deleting a setting which does not exist @sbwalker
#4691 Prevented invalid parsing of page querystring parameter in Pager component @zyhfish
#4689 Updated framework dependencies and incremented version to 5.2.4 @thabaum
#4687 Added some clarity to the help text for database fields @sbwalker
#4686 Added validation of recipient email address to Notification scheduled job @sbwalker
#4683 Simplified configuration of external login providers ie. Microsoft Entra, etc... @sbwalker
#4682 Displayed progress indicator during download of framework in System Update @sbwalker
#4681 Added disclaimer to System Update feature @sbwalker
#4677 Signed out the principal when it is rejected due to security stamp changes @sbwalker
#4676 Fixed issue when adding a new site to existing installation using separate database on IIS @sbwalker
#4673 Fixed remote login issue which could occur if multiple users have the same email address @sbwalker
#4672 Fixed database installation issues when running on IIS @sbwalker
#4670 Removed unnecessary usings in IMultiDatabase @thabaum
#4668 Fixed scroll position in enhanced navigation by introducing #top pseudo-anchor @sbwalker
List of Contributors in v5.2.4
Additional Resources
Oqtane is an open source CMS and Application Framework that provides advanced functionality for developing web, mobile, and desktop applications on .NET. It leverages the Blazor component model to compose a fully dynamic digital experience.
This release of Oqtane is targeted at .NET 8.0. This release is upgradeable from previous Oqtane releases with no breaking changes. Simply install the Upgrade package and your database will be upgraded automatically.
This release of Oqtane is running in production at,, and
Changes in v5.2.3
#4659 Used RoleName rather than RoleId for consistency in permissions @sbwalker
#4658 Added RoleId to Permission Clone method @sbwalker
#4657 Added autocomplete="off" for SMTP Username/Password in Site Setting @thabaum
#4653 Improve scroll position script for non-anchor links @sbwalker
List of Contributors in v5.2.3
Additional Resources
Oqtane is an open source CMS and Application Framework that provides advanced functionality for developing web, mobile, and desktop applications on .NET. It leverages the Blazor component model to compose a fully dynamic digital experience.
This release of Oqtane is targeted at .NET 8.0. This release is upgradeable from previous Oqtane releases with no breaking changes. Simply install the Upgrade package and your database will be upgraded automatically.
This release of Oqtane is running in production at,, and
Changes in v5.2.2
#4645 Add Logout Everywhere option to User Profile @sbwalker
#4645 Logged IP address during user login @sbwalker
#4645 Fixed issue in Log Manager which could result in index out of range exception @sbwalker
#4643 Highlighted default site theme in list of themes displayed in page management @sbwalker
#4640 Preserved current Url for all Module Actions @sbwalker
#4637 Synchronize interop.js with .NET MAUI @sbwalker
#4636 Improved LoadJS logic in interop.js to handle scripts already registered @zyhfish
#4635 Implemented deep cloning to not mutate cache @sbwalker
#4633 Fixed trimming of site, page, and module settings @sbwalker
#4632 Added ability to load resources for Theme and Container setting components @sbwalker
#4631 Added message in Blazor Hybrid scenario if Security Token has not been configured for file upload @sbwalker
#4630 Synchronized static resources with .NET MAUI solution @zyhfish
#4629 Preserved ReturnUrl when navigating to Settings component @sbwalker
#4627 Added FileLogger as fallback in LogManager when site cannot be determined @sbwalker
#4626 Fixed logic to force authenticated users to provide email address in static rendering @sbwalker
#4625 Updated nuget.exe to latest and fix nuspec specification of readme @sbwalker
#4623 Move principal creation in external login to occur after role processing logic @sbwalker
#4622 Allowed external login to support SecurityStamp @sbwalker
#4620 Allowed JwtMiddleware to support SecurityStamp @sbwalker
#4619 Enabled SecurityStamp in IdentityRevalidatingAuthenticationStateProvider @sbwalker
#4618 Added support for "logout everywhere" using SecurityStamp (credit @marcdrexel) @sbwalker
#4617 Improved script injection in static rendering @sbwalker
#4616 Include SecurityStamp in cached User object @sbwalker
#4613 Improved support for site name in logo component @sbwalker
#4612 Allowed logo to show site name as fallback (credit @JanOlsmar) @sbwalker
#4611 Fixed Site HeadContent scripts being added twice @sbwalker
#4609 Improved support for external login roles @sbwalker
#4608 Optimized logic in toggle edit mode @hishamco
#4606 Improved user experience for file upload @sbwalker
#4605 Relocated logic to filter user settings in API layer @sbwalker
#4601 Avoided null exception in Module Settings @hishamco
#4597 Ensured all state is initialized before rendering permission grid @sbwalker
#4596 Added support for DateOnly and TimeOnly columns in migrations @sbwalker
#4593 Fixed IconOnly property behavior in ActionDialog @mdmontesinos
#4588 Updated MySQL Project File version to 5.2.2 @thabaum
#4582 Removed reference to HttpContext from Search component as it is not used @sbwalker
#4578 Fixed issue adding existing user to a new site @sbwalker
#4577 Abstracted Bootstrap references so they can be updated in a single location @zyhfish
#4576 Improved developer experience for Url helper methods @sbwalker
#4574 Improved upgrade user experience to display the upgrade progress @zyhfish
#4573 Filtered deleted modules from Control Panel add existing and copy existing options @leigh-pointer
#4571 Provided better support for AllowTextInput on Search component @sbwalker
#4570 Fixed progress indicator in search results in static rendering @sbwalker
#4568 Prevented Log fields from exceeding column length @sbwalker
#4566 Fixed Search component so that it checks if search is enabled for site, and include AllowTextInput parameter to control input textbox @sbwalker
#4565 Fixed default module template issue caused by gitignore @sbwalker
#4555 Add to Oqtane nuget packages @sbwalker
List of Contributors in v5.2.2
Additional Resources
Oqtane is an open source CMS and Application Framework that provides advanced functionality for developing web, mobile, and desktop applications on .NET. It leverages the Blazor component model to compose a fully dynamic digital experience.
This release of Oqtane is targeted at .NET 8.0. This release is upgradeable from previous Oqtane releases with no breaking changes. Simply install the Upgrade package and your database will be upgraded automatically.
This release of Oqtane is running in production at,, and
Changes in v5.2.1
#4551 Fixed required field validation in Search Results Settings @sbwalker
#4550 Used localized Yes/No values when displaying Site Urls Default? option @sbwalker
#4548 Handled cache invalidation for site deletion scenario @sbwalker
#4547 Fixed cache refresh issue for Site Settings - UI Component Settings @sbwalker
#4543 Fixed login redirect issue in sub-site where user has navigated directly to login page @sbwalker
#4542 Filtered deleted modules from appearing in Page Management - Modules panel @sbwalker
#4541 Fixed issues in default template for Interactive Client (WebAssembly/.NET MAUI) scenarios @sbwalker
#4540 Set BaseAddress for IHttpClientFactory @sbwalker
#4538 Modified logic to build ServerState Assemblies collection in a more thread safe manner @sbwalker
#4535 Optimized ModuleDefinitionRepository logic to use existing SiteKey value @sbwalker
#4532 Ensured form name is unique in ActionDialog component @sbwalker
#4530 Fixed functional and cosmetic issues with ActionDialog component in static rendering @sbwalker
#4529 Fixed app-form-inline CSS style @sbwalker
#4524 Prevented scroll position from resetting to top of page when querystring or hash changes @sbwalker
#4521 Added ability to extract zip file contents in File Management @sbwalker
#4520 Moved HtmlText caching from repository to service layer for better scalability @sbwalker
#4518 Updated nuspec files for 5.2.1 @sbwalker
#4516 Fixed search settings translation entry @ijaz-saeed
#4515 Updated to .NET 8.0.8 and Oqtane 5.2.1 @thabaum
#4513 Moved folder permissions grid to dedicated tab for consistency @sbwalker
#4512 Improved file name and file extension validation @sbwalker
#4509 Optimized data access in SettingService and introduced a AddOrUpdateSettingAsync method @sbwalker
#4507 Fixed issue where custom module permissions were not being displayed @leigh-pointer
#4505 Added search reindexing capability to Search Settings @sbwalker
#4504 Optimized search results linq query performance @sbwalker
#4502 Fixed issue where page modules were not loaded properly @sbwalker
#4501 Improved user caching @sbwalker
#4497 Improved search result performance and relevancy @sbwalker
#4494 Added missing unique database table indexes @sbwalker
#4493 Updated Culture and Visitor cookies to use "Lax" SameSite and Secure cookie options @thabaum
#4487 Updated default Theme template to Bootstrap 5.3.3 @leigh-pointer
#4483 Included "://" on default Alias Protocol for consistency @sbwalker
#4480 Removed the extra "://" from the Log Manager error notification links @leigh-pointer
#4479 Fixed Page Management not showing 404 for unauthorized users @pollux
#4472 Fixed Search pages not being added on upgrade @sbwalker
List of Contributors in v5.2.1
Additional Resources
Oqtane is an open source CMS and Application Framework that provides advanced functionality for developing web, mobile, and desktop applications on .NET. It leverages the Blazor component model to compose a fully dynamic digital experience.
This release of Oqtane is targeted at .NET 8.0. This release is upgradeable from previous Oqtane releases with no breaking changes. Simply install the Upgrade package and your database will be upgraded automatically.
This release of Oqtane is running in production at,, and
Changes in v5.2.0
#4467 Removed Settings button logic from QuillJS text editor interop @sbwalker
#4466 Resolved localization issue in ActionDialog @sbwalker
#4465 Included NotificationId in exception message in NotificationJob @leigh-pointer
#4464 Resolved issue with default Blazor theme using Position parameter @sbwalker
#4461 Added missing localizations for Search Results settings @sbwalker
#4460 Prevented breaking change for interactive components referencing PageState.Pages @sbwalker
#4458 Improved RichTextEditor performance by using PageState.Site.Settings rather than reloading settings from database @sbwalker
#4457 Renamed IsEffectiveOrExpired to IsEffectiveAndNotExpired for clarity @sbwalker
#4456 Updated ImageSharp to 3.1.5 to address CVE @leigh-pointer
#4454 Fixed issue when setting RichTextEditor active tab @mdmontesinos
#4453 Fixed user role effective and expiry date verification @sbwalker
#4453 Cached user object for improved performance @sbwalker
#4452 Consolidated ITextEditor and ITextEditorProvider interfaces to simplify extensibility @sbwalker
#4451 Fixed problem loading QuillJSTextEditor settings @sbwalker
#4448 Changed Ignore Paths option to Ignore Pages in search settings @sbwalker
#4447 Added Search Provider setting to Search Settings UI @sbwalker
#4445 Added Functionality section to Site Settings and included Text Editor option @sbwalker
#4442 Added localization for QuillJSTextEditor settings @sbwalker
#4439 Improved validation of search content during indexing @sbwalker
#4438 Allowed page-script to support integrity and crossorigin attributes @sbwalker
#4436 Added ability to manage Search Results settings @sbwalker
#4435 Allowed CSS style tags to be injected using Site or Page HeadContent @sbwalker
#4434 Used JSInterop for loading QuillJSTextEditor stylesheets and removed resources from HtmlText module @sbwalker
#4433 Improved search user experience @sbwalker
#4432 Fixed ISearchable implementation in default module template @sbwalker
#4431 Improved QuillJSTextEditor settings user experience @sbwalker
#4430 Set Prerender to true on Login component to avoid delay in rendering @sbwalker
#4429 Remove hardcoded strings when using GetInterface method @sbwalker
#4428 Allowed search content permissions to support roles @sbwalker
#4427 Added Refresh option for viewing Job Logs @sbwalker
#4426 Added localization to Search Settings @sbwalker
#4425 Updated theme template to .NET 8.0.7 @sbwalker
#4424 Used Task.FromResult() rather than Task.CompletedTask for asynchronous methods @sbwalker
#4423 Updated default module template to .NET 8.0.7 @sbwalker
#4422 Updated framework to .NET 8.0.7 @sbwalker
#4421 Added search indexing optimizations @sbwalker
#4419 Improved PageState trimming @sbwalker
#4418 Added missing properties to Clone method for Site model @sbwalker
#4416 Included performance improvement in Control Panel to only load list of pages when required @sbwalker
#4415 Included Search Settings as a new option in Admin Dashboard @sbwalker
#4414 Updated System.Text.Json reference to 8.0.4 to resolve CVE @pollux
#4413 Made SearchResults API consistent with other core APIs @sbwalker
#4412 Added performance optimization to mitigate page bloat caused by Blazor serializing/encrypting state when crossing render mode boundaries @sbwalker
#4407 Resolved potential security issue in Search Results related to passing User @sbwalker
#4406 Avoided mutating Site object in cache by introducing a Clone method @sbwalker
#4405 Added search indexing of folders and files in File Management module @sbwalker
#4402 Improved search API consistency @sbwalker
#4400 Removed incorrect help text in Module and Theme Management when uploading packages @sbwalker
#4399 Fixed InputList component not handling scenario where input is reset to nothing @sbwalker
#4394 Replaced hardcoded behaviors with settings for search indexing configuration @sbwalker
#4389 Fixed app_offline link to use https @sbwalker
#4388 Refactored search implementation for framework consistency @sbwalker
#4382 Removed unnecessary database call to GetPage when indexing site @sbwalker
#4381 Changed ISearchable to use PageModule rather than Module to provide extra context @sbwalker
#4380 Modified SiteService to filter deleted pages @sbwalker
#4376 Ensured UniqueKey in SearchContent is unique by including TenantId and SiteId prefix @sbwalker
#4374 Introduced QuillJSTextEditor and TextAreaTextEditor @zyhfish
#4372 Provided default Permissions value during module indexing @sbwalker
#4371 Ensured ModuleDefinition exists during indexing to handle uninstalled modules @sbwalker
#4370 Changed SearcContent EntityId to string to support all types of primary keys @sbwalker
#4368 Modified SearchContent model class to include Permissions, ContentModifiedBy, and CreatedOn @sbwalker
#4365 Repositioned Search component in default Oqtane theme @sbwalker
#4364 Modified PageModule repository to eager load Pages @sbwalker
#4361 Fixed DocFX build issues @iJungleboy
#4356 Added defensive logic when sending notifications and improved performance @sbwalker
#4352 Fixed issue when adding a module to a subsite in Interactive render mode @sbwalker
#4350 Fixed url redirect issue when adding page in a subsite @sbwalker
#4338 Modified code to use List rather than IList and removed List from method names for framework consistency @sbwalker
#4337 Set SearchResults Categories to Admin so that module is treated as an admin module @leigh-pointer
#4336 Fixed form handling and added Reset button for consistency with other framework search options @sbwalker
#4336 Used SharedLocalizer, removed unused localization keys, and removed Settings in favor of default pager options @sbwalker
#4334 Upgraded framework to Bootstrap 5.3.3 @leigh-pointer
#4333 Changed IList to List for consistency with rest of framework @sbwalker
#4332 Updated app version constant to 5.2.0 @sbwalker
#4331 Fixed issue with primary key on SearchContentWord table @sbwalker
#4328 Updated Project Templates to .NET 8.0.6 @leigh-pointer
#4326 Moved AdminSiteTemplate logic from SiteRepository to PageTemplates @sbwalker
#4325 Updated package dependences and prepared for 5.2.0 release @thabaum
#4323 Moved Search Results page and module to Admin template so that it is always provisioned @sbwalker
#4320 Refactored search to change model property names @sbwalker
#4317 Added text editor abstraction interfaces @zyhfish
#4311 Fixed cookie date conversion to respect culture and format @fonsecaf
#4310 Made search theme component responsive @zyhfish
#4307 Allowed ActionDialog and ActionLink to support other icon sets @leigh-pointer
#4304 Added initial search implementation @zyhfish
#4302 Included logic to load module collection explicitly as PageState.Modules no longer incloudes all modules @sbwalker
#4301 Added defensive logic to SiteRouter to handle cases where PageState.Modules is empty @zyhfish
#4299 Improved scalability by removing the Modules collection from the Site model to reduce the size of Site objects @sbwalker
#4299 Improved scalability by only loading Modules for the current page rather than all modules in a site @sbwalker
#4299 Improved scalability by caching Site objects per site rather than per site/user @sbwalker
List of Contributors in v5.2.0
Additional Resources
Oqtane is an open source CMS and Application Framework that provides advanced functionality for developing web, mobile, and desktop applications on .NET. It leverages the Blazor component model to compose a fully dynamic digital experience.
This release of Oqtane is targeted at .NET 8.0. This release is upgradeable from previous Oqtane releases with no breaking changes. Simply install the Upgrade package and your database will be upgraded automatically.
This release of Oqtane is running in production at,, and
Changes in v5.1.2
#4291 Introduced Clone method in Permission model @sbwalker
#4286 Improved processing of SiteTemplates @sbwalker
#4283 Added ability to specify session duration for visitor tracking @sbwalker
#4281 Removed Theme Settings tab from Add Page UI as PageId cannot be determined @sbwalker
#4277 Updated theme and module templates to .NET SDK 8.0.5 @sbwalker
#4276 Upgraded framework to .NET 8.0.5 @sbwalker
#4274 Improved script formatting in App component @sbwalker
#4273 Optimized scripts in App component @sbwalker
#4272 Improved file path validation in package extraction @sbwalker
#4271 Allowed EmailConfirmed property to be updated in UserManager Update method @sbwalker
#4269 Refactored ModuleMessage to support static render mode @sbwalker
#4268 Optimized ModuleMessage to only re-render the component when message changes @zyhfish
#4266 Improved scroll position navigation behavior in static rendering @sbwalker
#4265 Fixed ModuleMessage form exception when clicking close button @sbwalker
#4264 Fixed browser scroll position on navigation in static rendering @sbwalker
#4263 Fixed navigation logic when adding a new page @sbwalker
#4262 Reloaded page after adding module in Static Rendering to remove overlay mask @sbwalker
#4261 Fixed rendering issue where HtmlText module was not initializing content if null @sbwalker
#4260 Fixed localization issues in Module Settings @leigh-pointer
#4256 Added defensive logic to route parsing @sbwalker
#4255 Removed redundant space when injecting scripts @zyhfish
#4253 Preserved the user photo setting when editing the user @zyhfish
#4244 Modified prerendering UI options to be disabled in static rendering @sbwalker
#4239 Required AntiForgery on fallback route for component rendering @sbwalker
#4237 Added space above Logout button in Control Panel @sbwalker
#4234 Added shadow-none to page links in Pager @sbwalker
#4227 Fixed exception in Module Management when a module has been uninstalled (credit @marceloatoledo) @sbwalker
#4226 Fixed issue in Ubuntu environment when trying to upload a file @ohba-ikuo
#4219 Added support for IconOnly in ActionDialog open button @mdmontesinos
#4218 Added defensive logic in FormatContent Utilities method @leigh-pointer
#4217 Restored support for Site-level Scripts in Resources @sbwalker
#4215 Added missing element in module settings RESX file @sbwalker
#4214 Added localization for ModuleSettings title @leigh-pointer
#4213 Validated folder names for duplicates @sbwalker
#4212 Fixed localization in ModuleSettings ContainerSettings @leigh-pointer
#4208 Trimmed README by moving legacy release history to docs @iJungleboy
#4205 Fixed missing parameters and localization values @leigh-pointer
#4204 Refactored copy existing module logic in Control Panel @sbwalker
#4201 Allowed hidden pages to be included in SiteMap @sbwalker
#4198 Added copy existing module option in Control Panel @zyhfish
#4197 Added support for Headless modules and optimized usage of reflection during startup @sbwalker
#4195 Avoided redirect to home page when switching languages @zyhfish
#4194 Fixed globalization formatting issue when parsing integers @ijaz-saeed
#4193 Used ButtonClass parameter in LanguageSwitcher @leigh-pointer
#4190 Enhanced LanguageSwitcher to support static render mode @sbwalker
#4189 Fixed comment to indicate actual RenderMode for component (including Interactivity and Prerendering) @sbwalker
#4185 Fixed RichTextEditor issue where content entered was being overidden by original content @sbwalker
#4184 Localization fixes for Scheduled Jobs and Theme Management @leigh-pointer
#4183 Fixed path issue for root page in NavigateUrl @sbwalker
#4181 Replaced form with link in AdminContainer @sbwalker
#4179 Added Prerender property to IModuleControl @vnetonline
#4177 Fixed missing slash in subfolder sites in NavigateUrl @sbwalker
#4169 Added missing translations @leigh-pointer
#4167 Removed extra table column in Theme Management @leigh-pointer
#4164 Fixed globalization datetime formatting issue @ohba-ikuo
#4161 Inserted image into correct position in RichTextEditor @zyhfish
#4157 Removed Add Existing Module option from Control Panel when managing personalized pages @sbwalker
List of Contributors in v5.1.2
Additional Resources
Oqtane is an open source CMS and Application Framework that provides advanced functionality for developing web, mobile, and desktop applications on .NET. It leverages the Blazor component model to compose a fully dynamic digital experience.
This release of Oqtane is targeted at .NET 8.0. This release is upgradeable from previous Oqtane releases with no breaking changes. Simply install the Upgrade package and your database will be upgraded automatically.
This release of Oqtane is running in production at,, and