Compass4nfv is an installer project based on open source project COMPASS, which provides automated deployment and management of OpenStack and other distributed systems.
This is a project for running compass4nfv in OPNFV, including build OPNFV imaged-base installation ISO, deployment for OPNFV distributed system.
There are two files in this directory:
- build: build imaged-base installation ISO for OPNFV.
- deploy: deploy OPNFV distributed system base the above ISO.
There are five directories in this directory:
- repo: make repo for building the installation ISO
For the repo directory:
|-- constants.py ## set OS of Docker to make repo
|-- features ## feature components of OPNFV
| |-- brahmaputra ## release name of OPNFV
| | |-- make_odl.sh ## script to make ODL package
| | `-- make_opencon-trail.sh ## script to make Open-contrail package
| |-- colorado ## release name of OPNFV
| | |-- make_kvmfornfv.sh ## script to make Kvm4nfv package
| | |-- make_moon.sh ## script to make Moon package
| | |-- make_odl.sh ## script to make ODL package
| | |-- make_onos.sh ## script to make ONOS package
| | `-- make_opencon-trail.sh ## script to make Open-contrail package
| |-- danube ## release name of OPNFV
| | |-- make_moon.sh ## script to make Moon package
| | |-- make_odl.sh ## script to make ODL package
| | |-- make_onos.sh ## script to make ONOS package
| | `-- make_opencon-trail.sh ## script to make Open-contrail package
| `-- Dockerfile ## Dockerfile to make feature repo
|-- gen_ins_pkg_script.py ## generate the script of downloading package
|-- jhenv_template ## Dockerfile used for making jumphost related package
| |-- centos ## arch name
| | `-- rhel7 ## OS name
| | `-- Dockerfile
| `-- ubuntu ## arch name
| |-- trusty ## OS name
| | `-- Dockerfile
| `-- xenial ## OS name
| `-- Dockerfile
|-- make_repo.sh ## entrance to make repo
|-- openstack ## make openstack package
| |-- make_ppa ## scripts used to make openstack deb or rpm repo
| | |-- centos ## arch
| | | |-- ceph_key_release.asc ## Release repositories use the release.asc key to verify packages.
| | | |-- comps.xml ## used in rpm repo
| | | |-- Dockerfile.tmpl ## Dockerfile running to make repo
| | | `-- rhel7 ## arch
| | | |-- compass ## Make the package used by compass vm
| | | | `-- download_pkg.tmpl
| | | |-- juno ## package for openstack juno
| | | | `-- download_pkg.tmpl
| | | |-- kilo ## package for openstack kilo
| | | | `-- download_pkg.tmpl
| | | |-- liberty ## package for openstack liberty
| | | | `-- download_pkg.tmpl
| | | `-- mitaka ## package for openstack mitaka
| | | `-- download_pkg.tmpl
| | |-- redhat ## Red Hat Enterprise Linux Release
| | | |-- ceph_key_release.asc ## Release repositories use the release.asc key to verify packages
| | | |-- comps.xml ## used in rpm repo
| | | |-- Dockerfile.tmpl ## Dockerfile running to make repo
| | | `-- redhat7 ## OS name
| | | `-- osp9 ## Red Hat OpenStack Platform
| | | `-- download_pkg.tmpl
| | `-- ubuntu ## arch
| | |-- Dockerfile.tmpl ## Dockerfile running to make repo
| | |-- trusty ## OS name
| | | |-- juno ## package for openstack juno
| | | | `-- download_pkg.tmpl
| | | |-- kilo ## package for openstack kilo
| | | | `-- download_pkg.tmpl
| | | |-- liberty ## package for openstack liberty
| | | | `-- download_pkg.tmpl
| | | `-- mitaka ## package for openstack mitaka
| | | `-- download_pkg.tmpl
| | `-- xenial ## OS name
| | |-- mitaka ## package for openstack mitaka
| | | `-- download_pkg.tmpl
| | `-- newton ## package for openstack newton
| | `-- download_pkg.tmpl
| |-- pip ## make pip package according to the requirement.txt openstack source code repo
| | |-- code_url.conf ##code url
| | `-- Dockerfile
| `-- special_pkg ## some special packages
| |-- Debian
| | `-- make_openvswitch-switch.sh
| `-- RedHat
| |-- make_jdk.sh
| `-- make_kibana.sh
|-- repo.conf ## configuration file used in making repo
`-- repo_func.sh ## function lib
- build: configuration file of building is put in this directory.
For the build directory:
`-- build.conf ## configuration file used in building ISO