Refer to the default values file and Configuration below . Deploy with Skaffold using the following command
skaffold deploy
Default deployment Configuration for skaffold.yaml
apiVersion: skaffold/v1beta13
kind: Config
- name: test
namespace: mongodb
chartPath: mongo-opsmgr-helm
#wait: true
- mongo-opsmgr-helm/values.yaml
#recreatePods will pass --recreate-pods to helm upgrade
#recreatePods: true
#overrides builds an override values.yaml file to run with the helm deploy
# some:
# key: someValue
#setValues get appended to the helm deploy with --set.
#some.key: someValue
- Kubernetes 1.9+
- PV support on the underlying infrastructure if user intends on using persistent volumes
This chart implements MongoDB Ops Manager MongoDB Ops Manager using a Kubernetes deployment based on the opensourcebapu/mongodb-opsmgr-centos image.
To install the chart with the release name test
helm install -n test . -f <values-file>.yaml
The following table lists the configurable parameters of the chart and their default values.
Parameter | Description | Default |
replicaCount |
Number of replicas in the deployment (for HA in the future) | 1 | |
MongoDB Ops Manager image name | opensourcebapu/mongodb-opsmgr-centos |
image.tag |
image tag | latest |
image.pullPolicy |
image pull policy | IfNotPresent |
service.type |
Kubernetes service type | ClusterIP |
service.clusterIP |
Kubernetes clusterIP service IP (none for headless) | None |
service.port |
Kubernetes service port | 8080 |
env.MMS_USER |
Ops Manager username (default mongodb-mms, refer to Dockerfile) | mongodb-mms |
Ops Manager username gen.key path | /etc/mongodb-mms/gen.key | |
Ops Manager backing mongodb URI (URI:port) | mongodb-replicaset-0:27017,mongodb-replicaset-1:27017,mongodb-replicaset-2:27017 |
ingress.enabled |
If true enable creation of ingress resoource |
false |
resources.limits.cpu |
Pod cpu limit | 2000m |
resources.limits.memory |
Pod memory limit | 5Gi |
resources.requests.cpu |
Pod cpu requests | 500m |
resources.requests.memory |
Pod memory requests | 2Gi |
nodeSelector |
Node labels for pod assignment | {} |
affinity |
Node/pod affinities | {} |
securityContext.enabled |
Enable security context | true |
securityContext.fsGroup |
Group ID for the container | 999 |
securityContext.runAsUser |
User ID for the container | 998 |
securityContext.runAsNonRoot |
true |
persistentVolume.keyVol.enabled If true , create pvc for gen key storage |
true |
persistentVolume.keyVol.storageClass |
Persistent volume storage class | `` |
persistentVolume.keyVol.accessModes |
Persistent volume access modes | [ReadWriteOnce] |
persistentVolume.keyVol.size |
Persistent volume size | 50Mi |
persistentVolume.releaseVol.enabled If true , create pvc for mongodb releases storage |
true |
persistentVolume.releaseVol.storageClass |
Persistent volume storage class | `` |
persistentVolume.releaseVol.accessModes |
Persistent volume access modes | [ReadWriteOnce] |
persistentVolume.releaseVol.size |
Persistent volume size | 5Gi |
tolerations |
List of node taints to tolerate | [] |
Specify each parameter using the --set key=value[,key=value]
argument to helm install
Alternatively, a YAML file that specifies the values for the parameters can be provided while installing the chart. For example,
helm install -n <release-name> . -f <custom-values-file>.yaml
HA mode is WIP