Note: for Spectrum 2 tokens, look at the beta
branch and beta
tagged packages on NPM.
This repo uses:
- pnpm for package management
- moon to manage task running
- Changesets for automated versioning and releasing
- Prettier for code formatting/linting
- commitlint and Convetional Commits to standardize commit messages
- husky to automate formatting of committed files and linting of commit messages
Packages in this monorepo:
- Spectrum Tokens design tokens for Spectrum, Adobe's design system.
- Spectrum Token Visualizer Tool a visualizer for inspecting tokens. Published as a static site, not an NPM package.
- Spectrum Tokens Docs a static site to show the component options API and other token data.
- Install pnpm using this guide.
- Install dependencies
pnpm i
Run build script
pnpm moon run :build
pnpm moon run :test