This website is hosted on the GitHub servers using gh-pages. Here at the gh-pages branch is the source code of the website. If changes are made here, changes are made to the website. If you are interested to learn more about how gh-pages works check out the documentation for more information:
The following sections describe how continuous integration of tutorials, modules, and contributors work in gh-pages.
Part 1 of the CI occurs when a contributor pushes their tutorial .mlx file to the Tutorials Repository. In this part the .mlx file is also converted into a .html, .pdf and .m file. Detailed Documentation for the first part is ‘here’. At the end of the first step, the .HTML file(s) of the new tutorial(s) is/are pushed to gh-pages branch at stable/tutorials/ with the commit message being "Sync files from source repo".
A workflow is then set up to be trigged when a .html file is pushed to the gh-pages branch. The .yml file is called ‘UpdateTutorialIndex.yml’.
The UpdateTutorialIndex.yml can be explained as follows:
branches: gh-pages
- '**.html'
This specifies that the .yml file will run if a .html file is pushed to the gh-pages branch.
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout Repository
uses: actions/checkout@v2
token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
fetch-depth: 0
ref: gh-pages
Here the second step is to checkout the repository and find any changes that were made. Also note that we are now running on ‘ubuntu-latest’ and not ‘self-hosted’ as there is no need to use King for this part. Also, we are cloning only the gh-pages branch
- name: Check Commit Message
id: check_msg
run: |
commit_msg=$(git log --format=%B -n 1)
if [[ "$commit_msg" == "Sync files from source repo" ]]; then
echo "run_job=true" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
echo "run_job=false" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
The commit message: ‘Sync files from source repo’ helps to distinguish between slight edits made to pages on the website and tutorial pushes from the COBRA.tutorials repo. The variable, run_job is created based on the commit message that helps in deciding whether to proceed or not.
- name: Set up Python
uses: actions/setup-python@v2
if: steps.check_msg.outputs.run_job == 'true'
python-version: '3.x'
- name: Install Dependencies
if: steps.check_msg.outputs.run_job == 'true'
run: |
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install beautifulsoup4
Here are some basic steps such as 1. Set up python 2. Install Python dependencies needed. Only beautifulsoup4 is installed which helps in modifying the stable/tutorials/index.html file.
- name: Get Changed HTML Files and update the index.html file of tutorial
id: getfile
if: steps.check_msg.outputs.run_job == 'true'
run: |
changed_files=$(git diff --name-only HEAD~1 HEAD | grep '\.html' | tr '\n' ' ')
for file in $changed_files; do
echo "Processing: $file"
python ./stable/ $file
Now we run the python file, ./stable/ to configure the website to adjust to the added tutorial.
- name: Commit and Push New File
if: steps.check_msg.outputs.run_job == 'true'
run: |
git config "github-actions[bot]"
git config "github-actions[bot]"
git add .
git commit -m "Update Tutorial (Automatic Workflow)" || echo "No changes to commit"
git push
After changing and adding the folders/files in the repo we push the changes to the remote repository
What is This Python script processes the HTML file to extract its heading and then uses this information to update the website's tutorial homepage. Initially, it reads the specified HTML file to find the main heading (inside an h1 tag). Then, it modifies a template HTML file (HOLDER_TEMPLATE.html) by replacing a placeholder with the path of the processed file, and saves this modified content as a new tutorial file within a predefined directory structure (stable/tutorials). Additionally, the script updates the index.html file located within the same stable/tutorials directory, adding a link to the new tutorial under a specific section, which is determined by part of the original file's path.
The modules and citations webpages get updated for new pushes to the master branch. Each push to the master branch triggers Update function docs workflow. Both modules pages and citation page work using the documentation tool sphinx. Detailed description of the workflow is given below:
- master
- This workflow gets triggered only when a new push is made to the master branch of the cobratoolbox repo.
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Set up Python 3.10
uses: actions/setup-python@v3
python-version: '3.10'
- This workflow is set to run on the github-hosted server and it begins by checkout the repository and installing python version 3.10.
- name: Install dependencies
working-directory: ./documentation
run: |
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Next step is to install the required libraries for the automated generation of function docs and the citations page.
- name: Generate publications rst file
working-directory: ./documentation/source/sphinxext
run: |
- This step in particular is to generate .rst file that is required in further steps to generate the citations webpage. What is This python file generates the required .rst file that generates the webpage, citations.html. It begins with the year 2006 (from the initial publication that cited cobratoolbox) to the present year. Further the citations follow the style, ModStyle defined in file.
- name: Update packages
working-directory: ./documentation/source
run: |
python ./sphinxext/
- For the tab style shown in the current webpage of citations.html, tab.css file is required.
- For appending each of the function docs with the github link, file is required. Note that sphinx extensions have by default a file, but that does not work well for the matlab files (.m).
- The above two files, are used despite of default style file (tab.css) and the linkcode file. file replaces these two files.
- name: Generate functions rst files
working-directory: ./documentation/source/modules
run: |
python ./
- Website design using sphinx requires the .rst files to be predefined. These .rst files will further be used to create the .html files for the webpage.
- automates the process of generating the .rst files.
What is For each of the sections in src, all the subfolders are iterated and a separate .rst file is generated for each subfolder. These .rst files carry the information on the contents of the modules page.
- name: Generate documentation
working-directory: ./documentation
run: |
make HTML
- This creates the .HTML files required for the webpage using the .rst files obtained in previous steps.
- This requires that has the details of the extensions to be used, format of the function docs and other implementation details.
- Further, for citations page, COBRA.bib file is required and this needs to be manually updated. Currently the .bib file is retrieved from web of science.
- name: Copy the citations html page
run: |
cp ./documentation/build/html/citations.html ./documentation/source/Citations/citations.html
- Citations html page is alone copied into a new folder. This is because deployment requires all files in a folder to be copied and hence we need a separate folder
- name: Deploy the function modules
uses: JamesIves/github-pages-deploy-action@v4
folder: ./documentation/build/html/modules
branch: gh-pages
target-folder: stable/modules
commit-message: "update Function Docs (Automatic Workflow)"
- This is the deploying step for the modules webpages.
- name: Deploy the citations page
uses: peaceiris/actions-gh-pages@v3
github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
publish_dir: ./documentation/source/Citations
publish_branch: gh-pages
keep_files: true
destination_dir: stable
commit_message: "update Function Docs (Automatic Workflow)"
- This is the deploying step for the citations webpage
- name: Deploy the citations static page
uses: peaceiris/actions-gh-pages@v3
github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
publish_dir: ./documentation/build/html/_static
publish_branch: gh-pages
keep_files: true
destination_dir: stable/_static
commit_message: "update Function Docs (Automatic Workflow)"
- This step copies the style files required for the modules and the citations page.
The contributors webpage is updated based on each new commits made to the repo. This workflow is triggered by the UpdateContributors.yml file. The detailed description is given below.
- master
- This workflow gets triggered only when a new push is made to the master branch of the cobratoolbox repo.
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Set up Python 3.10
uses: actions/setup-python@v3
python-version: '3.10'
- This workflow is set to run on the github-hosted server and it begins by checkout the repository and installing python version 3.10.
- name: Install dependencies
working-directory: ./documentation/source/Contributions
run: |
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Next step is to install the required libraries for the automated generation of contributors list.
- name: Update contributors
working-directory: ./documentation/source/Contributions
run: |
- In this step list of all the contributors to cobratoolbox is obtained and stored in AllContributors.csv file.
What is This python file generates the AllContributors.csv file. This csv file stores the following information required to generate the html page: Contributor's github username; the avatar URL of the contributor; link to the github page of the contributor; number of contributions made (count of commits); whether or not contributed in past one year.
- name: Generate HTML file
working-directory: ./documentation/source/Contributions
run: |
- Based on the details stored in the AllContributors.csv generated in the previous step, this step generates a .HTML page that is used in the webpage.
- name: Deploy to gh-pages/stable
uses: peaceiris/actions-gh-pages@v3
github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
publish_dir: ./documentation/source/Contributions/contributors
publish_branch: gh-pages
keep_files: true
destination_dir: stable
commit_message: "Update Contributors (Automatic Workflow)"
- The generated webpage is further deployed in this step