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fuzz, flamenco: factor out pb dumping logic to separate file
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mjain-jump committed Jan 10, 2025
1 parent e0465c9 commit 08b853e
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Showing 7 changed files with 764 additions and 736 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/flamenco/runtime/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -26,6 +26,9 @@ $(call add-objs,fd_pubkey_utils,fd_flamenco)
$(call add-hdrs,fd_txncache.h)
$(call add-objs,fd_txncache,fd_flamenco)

$(call add-hdrs, tests/fd_dump_pb.h)
$(call add-objs, tests/fd_dump_pb,fd_flamenco)

$(call add-hdrs,fd_rent_lists.h)

$(call make-unit-test,test_txncache,test_txncache,fd_flamenco fd_util)
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603 changes: 3 additions & 600 deletions src/flamenco/runtime/fd_executor.c

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

13 changes: 0 additions & 13 deletions src/flamenco/runtime/fd_executor.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -33,16 +33,6 @@ get_transaction_account_lock_limit( fd_exec_slot_ctx_t const * slot_ctx ) {
return fd_ulong_if( FD_FEATURE_ACTIVE( slot_ctx, increase_tx_account_lock_limit ), MAX_TX_ACCOUNT_LOCKS, 64UL );

/* Create an InstrContext protobuf struct from a given
transaction context and instr info.
NOTE: Calling this function requires the caller to have a scratch
frame ready and pushed (see dump_instr_to_protobuf) */
fd_create_instr_context_protobuf_from_instructions( fd_exec_test_instr_context_t * instr_context,
fd_exec_txn_ctx_t const * txn_ctx,
fd_instr_info_t const * instr );

/* fd_exec_instr_fn_t processes an instruction. Returns an error code

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -151,9 +141,6 @@ fd_exec_consume_cus( fd_exec_txn_ctx_t * txn_ctx,

fd_dump_txn_to_protobuf( fd_exec_txn_ctx_t *txn_ctx, fd_spad_t * spad );

/* We expose these only for the fuzzing harness.
Normally you shouldn't be invoking these manually. */
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/flamenco/runtime/fd_runtime.c
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -43,6 +43,8 @@
#include "sysvar/fd_sysvar_slot_hashes.h"
#include "sysvar/fd_sysvar_slot_history.h"

#include "tests/fd_dump_pb.h"

#include "../nanopb/pb_decode.h"
#include "../nanopb/pb_encode.h"
#include "../types/fd_solana_block.pb.h"
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663 changes: 663 additions & 0 deletions src/flamenco/runtime/tests/fd_dump_pb.c

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

93 changes: 93 additions & 0 deletions src/flamenco/runtime/tests/fd_dump_pb.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
#ifndef HEADER_fd_src_flamenco_runtime_tests_fd_dump_pb_h
#define HEADER_fd_src_flamenco_runtime_tests_fd_dump_pb_h

/* fd_dump_pb.h provides APIs for dumping instructions, transactions, and slots
into a digestable and replayable Protobuf message. This is useful for debugging
ledger test mismatches, collecting seed corpora, and gathering real data to test
new harnesses.
The following arguments can be added when replaying ledger transactions:
--dump-proto-output-dir <output_dir>
* Defines the output directory to dump Protobuf messages to
--dump-proto-start-slot <slot_number>
* Defines the starting slot to dump Protobuf messages from
--dump-txn-to-pb <0/1>
* If enabled, transactions will be dumped to the specified output directory
* File name format is "txn-<base58_enc_sig>.bin"
* Each file represents a single transaction as a serialized TxnContext Protobuf message
--dump-proto-sig-filter <base_58_enc_sig>
* If enabled, only transactions with the specified signature will be dumped
--dump-instr-to-pb <0/1>
* If enabled, instructions will be dumped to the specified output directory
* File name format is "instr-<base58_enc_sig>-<instruction_idx>.bin", where instruction_idx is 1-indexed
* Each file represents a single instruction as a serialized InstrContext Protobuf message
--dump-proto-sig-filter <base_58_enc_sig>
* If enabled, only instructions with the specified signature will be dumped
CPI: Currently not directly invokable with a CLI argument. See details below.
Other notes:
solana-conformance (
* Allows decoding / executing / debugging of above Protobuf messages in an isolated environment
* Allows execution result(s) comparison between Firedancer and Solana / Agave
* See solana-conformance/ for functionality and use cases */

#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <errno.h>

#include "../../fd_flamenco.h"
#include "../../fd_flamenco_base.h"
#include "../fd_system_ids.h"
#include "../fd_runtime.h"
#include "../fd_executor.h"
#include "../../vm/fd_vm.h"
#include "../../../util/log/fd_log.h"

#include "../../nanopb/pb_encode.h"
#include "generated/elf.pb.h"
#include "generated/invoke.pb.h"
#include "generated/txn.pb.h"
#include "generated/vm.pb.h"


#define TOSTRING(x) #x

fd_dump_instr_to_protobuf( fd_exec_txn_ctx_t * txn_ctx,
fd_instr_info_t * instr,
ushort instruction_idx );

fd_dump_txn_to_protobuf( fd_exec_txn_ctx_t *txn_ctx, fd_spad_t * spad );

/* Captures the state of the VM (including the instruction context).
Meant to be invoked at the start of the VM_SYSCALL_CPI_ENTRYPOINT like so:
dump_vm_cpi_state(vm, STRINGIFY(FD_EXPAND_THEN_CONCAT2(sol_invoke_signed_, VM_SYSCALL_CPI_ABI)),
instruction_va, acct_infos_va, acct_info_cnt, signers_seeds_va, signers_seeds_cnt);
Assumes that a `vm_cpi_state` directory exists in the current working directory. Generates a
unique dump for combination of (tile_id, caller_pubkey, instr_sz). */
fd_dump_vm_cpi_state( fd_vm_t * vm,
char const * fn_name,
ulong instruction_va,
ulong acct_infos_va,
ulong acct_info_cnt,
ulong signers_seeds_va,
ulong signers_seeds_cnt );


#endif /* HEADER_fd_src_flamenco_runtime_tests_fd_dump_pb_h */
123 changes: 0 additions & 123 deletions src/flamenco/vm/syscall/fd_vm_syscall_cpi.c
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,129 +5,6 @@
#include "../../runtime/fd_executor.h"
#include "../../runtime/fd_account_old.h" /* FIXME: remove this and update to use new APIs */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "../../nanopb/pb_encode.h"
#include "../../runtime/tests/generated/vm.pb.h"
#include "../../runtime/tests/fd_exec_instr_test.h"

#define TOSTRING(x) #x

/* Captures the state of the VM (including the instruction context).
Meant to be invoked at the start of the VM_SYSCALL_CPI_ENTRYPOINT like so:
dump_vm_cpi_state(vm, STRINGIFY(FD_EXPAND_THEN_CONCAT2(sol_invoke_signed_, VM_SYSCALL_CPI_ABI)),
instruction_va, acct_infos_va, acct_info_cnt, signers_seeds_va, signers_seeds_cnt);
Assumes that a `vm_cp_state` directory exists in the current working directory. Generates a
unique dump for combination of (tile_id, caller_pubkey, instr_sz). */

static FD_FN_UNUSED void
dump_vm_cpi_state(fd_vm_t *vm,
char const * fn_name,
ulong instruction_va,
ulong acct_infos_va,
ulong acct_info_cnt,
ulong signers_seeds_va,
ulong signers_seeds_cnt ) {
char filename[100];
fd_instr_info_t const *instr = vm->instr_ctx->instr;
sprintf(filename, "vm_cpi_state/%lu_%lu%lu_%hu.sysctx", fd_tile_id(), instr->program_id_pubkey.ul[0], instr->program_id_pubkey.ul[1], instr->data_sz);

// Check if file exists
if( access (filename, F_OK) != -1 ) {

fd_exec_test_syscall_context_t sys_ctx = FD_EXEC_TEST_SYSCALL_CONTEXT_INIT_ZERO;
sys_ctx.has_instr_ctx = 1;
sys_ctx.has_vm_ctx = 1;
sys_ctx.has_syscall_invocation = 1;

// Copy function name
sys_ctx.syscall_invocation.function_name.size = fd_uint_min( (uint) strlen(fn_name), sizeof(sys_ctx.syscall_invocation.function_name.bytes) );
fd_memcpy( sys_ctx.syscall_invocation.function_name.bytes,
sys_ctx.syscall_invocation.function_name.size );

// VM Ctx integral fields
sys_ctx.vm_ctx.r1 = instruction_va;
sys_ctx.vm_ctx.r2 = acct_infos_va;
sys_ctx.vm_ctx.r3 = acct_info_cnt;
sys_ctx.vm_ctx.r4 = signers_seeds_va;
sys_ctx.vm_ctx.r5 = signers_seeds_cnt;

sys_ctx.vm_ctx.rodata_text_section_length = vm->text_sz;
sys_ctx.vm_ctx.rodata_text_section_offset = vm->text_off;

sys_ctx.vm_ctx.heap_max = vm->heap_max; /* should be equiv. to txn_ctx->heap_sz */

sys_ctx.vm_ctx.rodata = fd_scratch_alloc( 8UL, PB_BYTES_ARRAY_T_ALLOCSIZE(vm->rodata_sz) );
sys_ctx.vm_ctx.rodata->size = (pb_size_t) vm->rodata_sz;
fd_memcpy( sys_ctx.vm_ctx.rodata->bytes, vm->rodata, vm->rodata_sz );

pb_size_t stack_sz = (pb_size_t) ( (vm->frame_cnt + 1)*FD_VM_STACK_GUARD_SZ*2 );
sys_ctx.syscall_invocation.stack_prefix = fd_scratch_alloc( 8UL, PB_BYTES_ARRAY_T_ALLOCSIZE(stack_sz) );
sys_ctx.syscall_invocation.stack_prefix->size = stack_sz;
fd_memcpy( sys_ctx.syscall_invocation.stack_prefix->bytes, vm->stack, stack_sz );

sys_ctx.syscall_invocation.heap_prefix = fd_scratch_alloc( 8UL, PB_BYTES_ARRAY_T_ALLOCSIZE(vm->heap_max) );
sys_ctx.syscall_invocation.heap_prefix->size = (pb_size_t) vm->instr_ctx->txn_ctx->heap_size;
fd_memcpy( sys_ctx.syscall_invocation.heap_prefix->bytes, vm->heap, vm->instr_ctx->txn_ctx->heap_size );

sys_ctx.vm_ctx.input_data_regions_count = vm->input_mem_regions_cnt;
sys_ctx.vm_ctx.input_data_regions = fd_scratch_alloc( 8UL, sizeof(fd_exec_test_input_data_region_t) * vm->input_mem_regions_cnt );
for( ulong i=0UL; i<vm->input_mem_regions_cnt; i++ ) {
sys_ctx.vm_ctx.input_data_regions[i].content = fd_scratch_alloc( 8UL, PB_BYTES_ARRAY_T_ALLOCSIZE(vm->input_mem_regions[i].region_sz) );
sys_ctx.vm_ctx.input_data_regions[i].content->size = (pb_size_t) vm->input_mem_regions[i].region_sz;
fd_memcpy( sys_ctx.vm_ctx.input_data_regions[i].content->bytes, (uchar *) vm->input_mem_regions[i].haddr, vm->input_mem_regions[i].region_sz );
sys_ctx.vm_ctx.input_data_regions[i].offset = vm->input_mem_regions[i].vaddr_offset;
sys_ctx.vm_ctx.input_data_regions[i].is_writable = vm->input_mem_regions[i].is_writable;

fd_create_instr_context_protobuf_from_instructions( &sys_ctx.instr_ctx,
vm->instr_ctx->instr );

// Serialize the protobuf to file (using mmap)
size_t pb_alloc_size = 100 * 1024 * 1024; // 100MB (largest so far is 19MB)
FILE *f = fopen(filename, "wb+");
if( ftruncate(fileno(f), (off_t) pb_alloc_size) != 0 ) {
FD_LOG_WARNING(("Failed to resize file %s", filename));

uchar *pb_alloc = mmap( NULL,
0 /* offset */);
if( pb_alloc == MAP_FAILED ) {
FD_LOG_WARNING(( "Failed to mmap file %d", errno ));

pb_ostream_t stream = pb_ostream_from_buffer(pb_alloc, pb_alloc_size);
if( !pb_encode( &stream, FD_EXEC_TEST_SYSCALL_CONTEXT_FIELDS, &sys_ctx ) ) {
FD_LOG_WARNING(( "Failed to encode instruction context" ));
// resize file to actual size
if( ftruncate( fileno(f), (off_t) stream.bytes_written ) != 0 ) {
FD_LOG_WARNING(( "Failed to resize file %s", filename ));



static inline int
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