I am working in a company that has a lot of documents, Lotus Notes application, desktop and web applcations scattered everywhere which I need to access on a daily basis for my work. Hence, I wrote the script to help me to launch the app easily instead of searching them up and down in various places.
- Grab all files to a folder.
- Populate mySource.txt in the format: name, "link"
- The link part can take in any link that can be open by Windows Run
- Double click quickLaunch.vbs to start.
- Type in a matching pattern to launch the link.
- The script first read in mySource.txt as key:item pair
- The script search the keys of mySource.txt for that matches the characters of user input in order (e.g. gg matches Google)
- The script launches the link by explorer.exe
- Right click quickLaunch.vbs to create shortcut
- Right click the shortcut to edit the Target field. At WScript.exe and a whitespace in front of the text (script location) in the Target field.
- Right click the shortcut and select pin to taskbar.