Asset Framework is a crucial component of any industrial IoT infrastructure. When you collect your IoT data into TSI, you will need a proper AF model to be able to drive insights from it.
This tool enables users to export and modify TSI model within Excel and deploy results back to TSI to form your own asset framework.
Two scripts are provided for this purpose:
: Exports TSI model data from JSON file(s) into ExcelImport-TSIModelFromExcel.ps1
: Imports data from Excel file into JSON file later to be imported into TSI Model.
Follow steps below for a complete cycle of updating your model in TSI.
Excel 2010 or later
You first need to export TSI model data from TSI Explorer
- Navigate to TSI Explorer URL
- Click on TSI Model icon
- Click on "Instances" tab and "Download instances"
- Save "instances.json" file
- Click on "Hierarchies" tab and "Download hierarchies"
- Save "hierarchies.json" file
- Click on "Types" tab and "Download types"
- Save "types.json" file
- Run
to export JSON document into Excel (xlsx) format. The script uses Office COM components so you need to have Excel 2010 or later installed in your workstation.
USAGE: Export-TSIModelToExcel.ps1 [OPTIONS]
SAMPLE: Export-TSIModelToExcel.ps1 -InstancesFile instances.json -HierarchiesFile hierarchies.json -TypesFile types.json -ModelFile TSIModel.xlsx
-h, Help : Display this screen.
-InstancesFile : Instances file exported from TSI. Default is 'instances.json'.
-HierarchiesFile: Hierarchies file exported from TSI. Default is 'hierarchies.json'.
-TypesFile : Types file exported from TSI. Default is 'types.json'.
-ModelFile : Path to the output Excel file, to be modified and fed into 'Import-TSIModelFromExcel'. Default is 'TSIModel.xlsx'.
Exported model in Excel includes following worksheets
: Worksheet contains the list of instances, their types and namesInstances (\<Hierarchy name\>)
: Excel workbook contains a separate worksheet for each hierarchy that shows instances instances in that hierarchyTypes
: List of types. The tool does not update types and this worksheet is only included for reference.Hirarchies
: List of hierarchies. The tool does not update hierarchies and this worksheet is only included for reference.
Updatable columns in each worksheet is marked with yellow background.
timeSeries column(s) are the key in each of "Intances*" worksheets.
Instances worksheet has a line for each timeSeriesId which needs to be unique.
Instances (<Hierarchy name>) worksheets exist for each Hierarchy. These worksheets contain typeId/Name, timeSeriesID, hierarchyId/Name and any instance fields for hierarchy.
Import script processes worksheets in order (left-to-right). If an attribute value (such as typeId or name) is null on any worksheet, existing value is left unchanged. So that when you wan to update those attributes that exist in multiple worksheets you can only update one and leave the rest "null".
Update typeId column in any of ** Instances* ** worksheets to change instance type. Tools will preserve last value in processing worksheets left-to-right.
Add/remove lines into Instances worksheet. You can also add lines into any of Instances (<Hierarchy name>) worksheets to create an instance and include that in the hierarchy.
- For an instance to be added, it needs to be in one of Instances* worksheets
- For an instance to be deleted, it needs to be deleted in all Instances* worksheets
Add/remove lines into/from related Instances (<Hierarchy name>) worksheets. Note that you have to repeat the same hierarchyId in each line added.
Modify instance fields (rightmost fields within worksheet after hierarchy name) within related Instances (<Hierarchy name>) worksheet.
name property can be set in any Instances* worksheet. Tool will process worksheets from left to right and use the last non null value for name property of any instance.
Update instance fields in any Instances* worksheets. In case there are duplicates, toll will use the last value in left-to-right processing order.
You can add new instance fields that are not related to any hierarchy in Instances worksheet.
The tool will not create the instance field in json document if its value is null for any instance.
If an instance field is used in two hierarchies the it will appear in two worksheets. Since you cannot have two instance fields with the same name in time series instance, when converting into JSON, Tool will process worksheets from left to right and use the last non null value it finds for an instance field.
For an example of updating the model file from your existing asset frameworkin an industrial IoT scenario, see Updating Time Series Insights model for Industrial IoT
- Run
to receive the updated model in Excel file and generate the JSON file to be uploaded to TSI.
USAGE: Import-TSIModelFromExcel.ps1 [OPTIONS]
SAMPLE: Import-TSIModelFromExcel.ps1 -InstancesFile instances_out.json -ModelFile TSIModel.xlsx
-h, Help : Display this screen.
-InstancesFile : Instances file created to be imported back into TSI. Default is 'instances_out.json'.
-ModelFile : Path to the input Excel file, created by 'Export-TSIModelToExcel'. Default is 'TSIModel.xlsx'.
The final step is to import modified instances json file back into TSI