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Object Detection Inference

License: MIT C++20

C++ framework for real-time object detection, supporting multiple deep learning backends and input sources. Run state-of-the-art object detection models on video streams, video files, or images with configurable hardware acceleration.

πŸš€ Key Features

  • Multiple model support (YOLO series from YOLOv4 to YOLOv12, RT-DETR, D-FINE, DEIM)
  • Switchable inference backends (OpenCV DNN, ONNX Runtime, TensorRT, Libtorch, OpenVINO, Libtensorflow)
  • Real-time video processing with GStreamer integration
  • GPU acceleration support
  • Docker deployment ready
  • Benchmarking tools included

πŸ”§ Requirements

Core Dependencies

  • CMake (β‰₯ 3.15)
  • C++17 compiler (GCC β‰₯ 8.0)
  • OpenCV (β‰₯ 4.6)
    apt install libopencv-dev
  • Google Logging (glog)
    apt install libgoogle-glog-dev

Fetched Dependencies

The project automatically fetches and builds the following dependencies using CMake's FetchContent:

VideoCapture Library (Only for the App module, not the library)

    GIT_TAG main
  • Handles video input processing
  • Provides unified interface for various video sources
  • Optional GStreamer integration
    GIT_TAG main
  • Provides abstraction layer for multiple inference backends
  • Supported backends:
    • OpenCV DNN Module
    • ONNX Runtime (default)
    • LibTorch
    • TensorRT(
    • OpenVINO
    • LibTensorflow(2.13)

⚠️ Note: After the CMake configuration step, fetched dependencies are cloned into the build/_deps folder.

πŸ— Building

Complete Build (Shared Library + Application)

mkdir build && cd build
cmake --build .

Enabling GStreamer Support

cmake --build .

Library-Only Build

mkdir build && cd build
cmake --build .

Backend Options

Replace <backend> with one of the following options:



  1. Custom Backend Paths
    If the required backend package is not installed system-wide, you can manually specify its path:

    • Libtorch
      Modify LibTorch.cmake or pass the Torch_DIR argument.

    • ONNX Runtime
      Modify ONNXRuntime.cmake or pass the ONNX_RUNTIME_DIR and ORT_VERSION arguments.

    • TensorRT
      Modify TensorRT.cmake or pass the TENSORRT_DIR and TRT_VERSION arguments.

    • ⚠️ Important:

  2. Cleaning the Build Folder
    When switching backends or changing configuration options, clean the build directory before reconfiguring and compiling.

    Full Clean (Major Changes)

    • Command:
      rm -rf build && mkdir build

    Partial Clean (Minor Changes)

    • Command:
      rm build/CMakeCache.txt

Test Builds

# App tests

# Library tests

πŸ’» App Usage

Command Line Options

./object-detection-inference \
  [--help | -h] \
  --type=<model_type> \
  --source=<input_source> \
  --labels=<labels_file> \
  --weights=<model_weights> \
  [--min_confidence=<threshold>] \
  [--batch|-b=<batch_size>] \
  [--input_sizes|-is='<input_sizes>'] \
  [--use-gpu] \
  [--warmup] \
  [--benchmark] \

Required Parameters

  • --type=<model_type>: Specifies the type of object detection model to use. Possible values include yolov4, yolov5, yolov6, yolov7, yolov8, yolov9, yolov10, yolo11, yolov12, rtdetr,rtdetrv2, rtdetrul, dfine, deim.

  • --source=<input_source>: Defines the input source for the object detection. It can be:

    • A live feed URL, e.g., rtsp://cameraip:port/stream
    • A path to a video file, e.g., path/to/video.format
    • A path to an image file, e.g., path/to/image.format
  • --labels=<path/to/labels/file>: Specifies the path to the file containing the class labels. This file should list the labels used by the model, with each label on a new line.

  • --weights=<path/to/model/weights>: Defines the path to the file containing the model weights.

Optional Parameters

  • [--min_confidence=<confidence_value>]: Sets the minimum confidence threshold for detections. Detections with a confidence score below this value will be discarded. The default value is 0.25.

  • [--batch | -b=<batch_size>]: Specifies the batch size for inference. Default value is 1, inference with batch size bigger than 1 is not currently supported.

  • [--input_sizes | -is=<input_sizes>]: Input sizes for each model input when models have dynamic axes or the backend can't retrieve input layer information (like the OpenCV DNN module). Format: CHW;CHW;.... For example:

    • '3,224,224' for a single input
    • '3,224,224;3,224,224' for two inputs
    • '3,640,640;2' for RT-DETR/D-FINE/DEIM models
  • [--use-gpu]: Activates GPU support for inference. This can significantly speed up the inference process if a compatible GPU is available. Default is false.

  • [--warmup]: Enables GPU warmup. Warming up the GPU before performing actual inference can help achieve more consistent and optimized performance. This parameter is relevant only if the inference is being performed on an image source. Default is false.

  • [--benchmark]: Enables benchmarking mode. In this mode, the application will run multiple iterations of inference to measure and report the average inference time. This is useful for evaluating the performance of the model and the inference setup. This parameter is relevant only if the inference is being performed on an image source. Default is false.

  • [--iterations=<number>]: Specifies the number of iterations for benchmarking. The default value is 10.

To check all available options:

./object-detection-inference --help

Common Use Case Examples

# YOLOv8 Onnx Runtime image processing
./object-detection-inference \
  --type=yolov8 \
  --source=image.png \
  --weights=models/yolov8s.onnx \

# YOLOv8 TensorRT video processing
./object-detection-inference \
  --type=yolov8 \
  --source=video.mp4 \
  --weights=models/yolov8s.engine \
  --labels=data/coco.names \

# RTSP stream processing using RT-DETR Ultralytics implementation
    --type=rtdetrul \
    --source="rtsp://camera:554/stream" \
    --weights=models/rtdetr-l.onnx \
    --labels=data/coco.names \

Check the .vscode folder for other examples.

🐳 Docker Deployment

Building Images

Inside the project, in the Dockerfiles folder, there will be a dockerfile for each inference backend (currently onnxruntime, libtorch, tensorrt, openvino)

# Build for specific backend
docker build --rm -t object-detection-inference:<backend_tag>  \
    -f docker/Dockerfile.backend .

Running Containers

Replace the wildcards with your desired options and paths:

docker run --rm \
    -v<path_host_data_folder>:/app/data \
    -v<path_host_weights_folder>:/weights \
    -v<path_host_labels_folder>:/labels \
    object-detection-inference:<backend_tag> \
    --type=<model_type> \
    --weights=<weight_according_your_backend> \
    --source=/app/data/<image_or_video> \

For GPU support, add --gpus all to the docker run command.

πŸ—Ί Project Structure

β”œβ”€β”€ app/            # Main application
β”œβ”€β”€ detectors/      # Detection library
β”œβ”€β”€ cmake/          # CMake modules
└── docker/         # Dockerfiles
└── build/_deps/    # Fetched dependencies after CMake configuration

πŸ“š Additional Resources

⚠️ Known Limitations

  • Windows builds not currently supported
  • Some model/backend combinations may require specific export configurations

πŸ™ Acknowledgments


πŸ“« Support

  • Open an issue for bug reports or feature requests
  • Check existing issues for solutions to common problems


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