Memento pattern realization for Backbone.js models. I know that an implementation of this pattern already exists, but i need more flexibility so i've written my own implementation.
- Backbone.actAs.Memento - memento object for storing your object state.
- Backbone.actAs.Mementoable - special behavioral methods-helpers for mixin to your model.
- Independent object (Backbone.actAs.Memento) for storing memento information. Of course this object is a child of Backbone.Model with all bonuses from this fact.
- Backbone.actAs.Memento object are comparable. You can compare two Memento objects by simple call of equal() method. As a result of comparable you can get difference between two mementos by diff() method.
- There are special methods for retrieving, storing and restoring Memento objects. You can call saveMemento() to get current state of your model in the form of Backbone.actAs.Memento and make some operations over it. Or you can call storeMemento(), to store Memento internally in your object. And of course you can restore any memento with restoreMemento(memento) call.
- There are three special events that fires than you working with store/restoreMemento methods: memento:save, memento:before-restore, memento:after-restore. In memento:save, memento:before-restore you have access to the resulting Backbone.actAs.Memento object and you can modify it as you need.
You only need to have Backbone (including underscore.js - a requirement for Backbone) in your page before including the Backbone.ActAs.Mementoable plugin.
Backbone >= 0.9.0 (for earlyer versions of Backbone use tag v0.2.1)
There are two ways of using this actAs-plugin:
- Globally. You can simply mix it to Backbone.Model.prototype (like Backbone.Events) and all your models automatically become Mementoable.
_.extend( Backbone.Model.prototype, Backbone.actAs.Mementoable );
Locally. See first paragraf, but mix Backbone.actAs.Mementoable to your own model prototype.
Secret way ^_^. You can use Backbone.actAs.Memento directly without using Backbone.actAs.Mementoable.
* Let's create test object
_.extend( Backbone.Model.prototype, Backbone.actAs.Mementoable );
var MyCoolModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
name: 'Ihha!!1',
description: 'testme, bro'
var TestObject = new MyCoolModel(),
console.log( TestObject.get('name') ); //'Ihha!!1'
Memento0 = TestObject.saveMemento(); // Saving our object state in first memento
Memento1 = TestObject.saveMemento(); // Saving our object state in second memento
if( Memento0.equal( Memento1 ) ){
console.log('Mementos are equal because we haven\'t changed an original object');
console.dir( Memento0.type(), Memento0.memento() ); //Let's have a look inside our memento
TestObject.set({name:'Ooops'}); // Let's change our object
console.log( TestObject.get('name') ); //'Ooops'
if( !Memento0.equal( TestObject.saveMemento() ) ){
console.log('Now mementos aren\'t equal');
console.dir( Memento0.diff( TestObject.saveMemento() ) ); // Let's see what is different form our saved state
console.dir( Memento0.diff( TestObject.saveMemento(), 'flatten' ) ); // Flattened diff
console.dir( Memento0.diffKeys( TestObject.saveMemento(), 'flatten' ) ); // Getting changed keys
TestObject.restoreMemento( Memento0 ); // Restoring our memento
if( Memento0.equal( TestObject.saveMemento() ) ){
console.log('And now they are equal again :)');
console.log( TestObject.get('name') ); //'Ihha!!1'
// If you don't want to store your memento externally you can use storeMemento() method...
console.log( TestObject.get('name') ); //'Ooops'
// ...and restoreMemento() method without parameters
console.log( TestObject.get('name') ); //'Ihha!!1'
Really simple, yeah? :)
If you have some attributes of an object that you don't want to store/restore (or you want to add some additional params for comparing ), you don't need to rewrite store/restoreMememnto methods. All you need is to bind some callbacks to special events.
_.extend( Backbone.Model.prototype, Backbone.actAs.Mementoable );
var MyCoolModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
name: 'Ihha!!1',
description: 'testme, bro',
uselessCounter: 0
additionalParam: 'special generated param'
var TestObject = new MyCoolModel(),
* Let's modify our memento on saveMememto() call
TestObject.bind( 'memento:save', function(memento){
var newMemento = memento.memento();
delete newMemento.uselessCounter; // removing useless param...
newMemento.additionalParam = _.clone(this.additionalParam); // ... and adding useful :)
}, TestObject );
* And we need to restore our special additionalParam
TestObject.bind( 'memento:before-restore', function(memento){
var newMemento = memento.memento();
this.additionalParam = newMemento.additionalParam; // restoring our special param...
delete newMemento.additionalParam; // ... and removing it, to prevent attributes garbaging
}, TestObject );
This use-case is just a syntactic sugar for events hooks. It's useful to keep all your logic inside your model. Of course you can bind event hooks inside your initialize() method, but there is a better way.
Let's rewrite previous example in a new way.
_.extend( Backbone.Model.prototype, Backbone.actAs.Mementoable );
var MyCoolModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
name: 'Ihha!!1',
description: 'testme, bro',
uselessCounter: 0
additionalParam: 'special generated param',
initialize: function(){
this.initMementoable(); // Special binding call!
_saveMemento: function(memento){
var newMemento = memento.memento();
delete newMemento.uselessCounter; // removing useless param...
newMemento.additionalParam = _.clone(this.additionalParam); // ... and adding useful :)
_beforeRestoreMemento: function(memento){
var newMemento = memento.memento();
this.additionalParam = newMemento.additionalParam; // restoring our special param...
delete newMemento.additionalParam; // ... and removing it, to prevent attributes garbaging
As you can see, code is much more neat than before.
For API - see source in src/ folder in this repository. I want to believe code is self-explanatory. :)
Backbone.actAs.Mementoable is available for use under the MIT software license.
- now u need Backbone >= 0.9.0
- diffKeys() method and flatten parameter for diff() method (issue #5)
- few minor changes (bind() replaced with on(), returning this from some of Memento methods)
- compatible with Backbone v0.5.3
- deepClone for Backbone.Model.attributes implementation. Fixes _.clone Date bug. (issue #2)
- diff() method changed. Now it just collaborate the results of diffChanged, diffAdded, diffDeleted methods (issue #1)
- diffChanged() method added. (issue #1)
- diffAdded() method added. (issue #1)
- diffDeleted() method added. (issue #1)
- diff() method added. (issue #1)
- Initial release