Read this in other languages: English, Portuguese-br
(defpackage #:cacau-examples-quickstart
(:use #:common-lisp
(in-package #:cacau-examples-quickstart)
(deftest "Test-1" () (eql-p 1 1))
(deftest "Test-2" () (eql-p 2 2))
(deftest "Test-3" () (eql-p 3 3))
(run :colorful t)
And you get the output of the reporter :min
that is the default of the cacacau:
There are also others reporters.
See that the cacau returned T
, this happened because none test failed, when there are tests failing or errors (errors
of hooks by example) it's returned NIL
- cacau
- Read in other languages
- Quickstart
- Getting started in cacau
- Cacau with colors in SLIME
- ASDF integration
- Contributing
I just tested on Linux using SBCL, coming soon I will writer tests for the others platforms using some CI tool.
1 - Load cacau system by quicklisp
2 - Download and load cacau system by github and asdf
download from github:
git clone
and load by asdf:
(asdf:load-system :cacau)
Note: Remember to configure asdf to find your directory where you downloaded the libraries (asdf call them "systems") above, if you do not know how to make a read at:
The cacau was built to be independent of assertions systems, is true that in Common Lisp we don't have many systems of assertions, but I'm trying with the cacau create this pattern so it can make it easier to use of one some assertion system in many different test runner systems. So the user stay free to choice what more please you. I built the assertion system :assert-p, and in the example quickstart I use both systems together to create the tests.
Is simple, there is the :cacau
test runner system and the :assert-p
system, when there is one assertion fail is throw one
that is caught and stored by :cacau
it to give the end result of the
tests race.
With this is easier emerge new assertions systems for specific cases
or aiming different syntax, which the :cacau
can works with them.
You can organize your tests in suites:
(defpackage #:cacau-examples-suites
(:use #:common-lisp
(in-package #:cacau-examples-suites)
(defsuite :suite-1 ()
(deftest "Test-1" () (t-p t))
(deftest "Test-2" () (t-p t)))
(defsuite :suite-2 ()
(let ((x 0))
(deftest "Test-1" () (eql-p x 0))
(deftest "Test-2" () (t-p t))
(defsuite :suite-3 ()
(deftest "Test-1" () (t-p t))
(deftest "Test-2" () (t-p t)))))
The cacau test runner it has one :suite-root
, so always that you call the
function (run)
a new runner is created with one new :suite-root
The order of execution of the hooks follow the topics order below, thus is executed:
- before-all hook
- before-each hook
- after-each hook
- after-all hook
Do something before all tests of one suite.
(defpackage #:cacau-examples-hooks
(:use #:common-lisp
(in-package #:cacau-examples-hooks)
(defsuite :suite-with-before-all ()
(let ((x 0))
(defbefore-all "Before-all" () (setf x 1))
(deftest "Test-1" () (eql-p x 1))
(deftest "Test-2" () (eql-p x 1))))
Do something before each test of one suite.
(defpackage #:cacau-examples-hooks
(:use #:common-lisp
(in-package #:cacau-examples-hooks)
(defsuite :suite-with-before-each ()
(let ((x 0))
(defbefore-each "Before-each" () (setf x 1))
(deftest "Test-1" () (eql-p x 1))
(deftest "Test-2" () (eql-p x 1))))
Do something after each test of one suite.
(defpackage #:cacau-examples-hooks
(:use #:common-lisp
(in-package #:cacau-examples-hooks)
(defsuite :suite-with-after-each ()
(let ((x 0))
(defafter-each "After-each" () (setf x 1))
(deftest "Test-1" () (eql-p x 0))
(deftest "Test-2" () (eql-p x 1))))
Do something after all tests of one suite.
(defpackage #:cacau-examples-hooks
(:use #:common-lisp
(in-package #:cacau-examples-hooks)
(defsuite :suite-with-after-all ()
(let ((x 0))
(defafter-all "After-all" () (setf x 1))
(deftest "Test-1" () (eql-p x 0))
(deftest "Test-2" () (eql-p x 0))))
For use hooks in :suite-root
it's as simple as call the hooks functions
without be inside of some suite:
(defpackage #:cacau-examples-hooks
(:use #:common-lisp
(in-package #:cacau-examples-hooks)
(defbefore-all "Before-all" () (print ":suite-root's before-all"))
(defbefore-each "Before-each" () (print ":suite-root's before-each"))
(defafter-each "After-each" () (print ":suite-root's after-each"))
(defafter-all "After-all" () (print ":suite-root's after-all"))
(defsuite :suite-1 ()
(deftest "Test-1" () (t-p t))
(deftest "Test-2" () (t-p t)))
The hooks that execute something before or after of one suite are executed only once time, and only at that suite.
However the hooks that execute something before or after each test are
inherited, by example, if one dad suite of name :suite-1
has one hook
for execute something before each test, and this suite have one daughter
suite called :suite-2
, that also has one hook for execute something before
each test, so, when run the tests of the :suite-1
only the your hook will
be executed, but when run the tests of the :suite-2
, will be executed the
first hook of the dad suite and after the hook of the daughter suite.
See one example for better understanding:
(defpackage #:cacau-examples-hooks
(:use #:common-lisp
(in-package #:cacau-examples-hooks)
(defsuite :suite-1 ()
(defbefore-each "Before-each Suite-1" ()
(print "run Before-each Suite-1"))
(deftest "Test-1" () (print "run Test-1") (t-p t))
(defsuite :suite-1 ()
(defbefore-each "Before-each Suite-2" ()
(print "run Before-each Suite-2"))
(deftest "Test-1" () (print "run Test-2") (t-p t))))
This will print:
"run Before-each Suite-1"
"run Test-1"
"run Before-each Suite-1"
"run Before-each Suite-2"
"run Test-2"
For more understanding see the file of hooks examples.
Be aware that when hooks throw errors with except of the extrapolated timeout error, they are going to abort the tests race and the result will be give. This happens because the cacau think that for the tests be run correctly before should whole your configured hooks be run correctly.
You can want run some tests in isolation or skip some tests for sometime. With the cacau you can do this, and you can isolate or skip both suites and tests.
(defpackage #:cacau-examples-onlys
(:use #:common-lisp
(in-package #:cacau-examples-onlys)
(defsuite :suite-1 ()
(deftest "Test-1" (:only) (t-p t))
(deftest "Test-2" () (t-p t)))
(defsuite :suite-2 ()
(let ((x 0))
(deftest "Test-1" () (eql-p x 0))
(deftest "Test-2" () (t-p t))
(defsuite :suite-3 (:only)
(deftest "Test-1" () (t-p t))
(deftest "Test-2" () (t-p t)))))
With the code above three tests are executed: The "Test-1" of the "Suite-1", and both the tests of the "Suite-3".
(defpackage #:cacau-examples-skips
(:use #:common-lisp
(in-package #:cacau-examples-skips)
(defsuite :suite-1 ()
(deftest "Test-1" (:skip) (t-p t))
(deftest "Test-2" () (t-p t)))
(defsuite :suite-2 (:skip)
(let ((x 0))
(deftest "Test-1" () (eql-p x 0))
(deftest "Test-2" () (t-p t))
(defsuite :suite-3 ()
(deftest "Test-1" () (t-p t))
(deftest "Test-2" () (t-p t)))))
(run :colorful t)
With the code above just the "Test-2" of the "Suite-1" is executed.
The rule is simple:
The tests or suites skip
have precedence to tests or suites only
See one example:
(defpackage #:cacau-examples-skips-onlys-rules
(:use #:common-lisp
(in-package #:cacau-examples-skips-onlys-rules)
(defsuite :suite-1 (:only)
(deftest "Test-1" () (t-p t)) ;; run!
(deftest "Test-2" () (t-p t)) ;; run!
(defsuite :suite-2 (:skip)
(deftest "Test-1" () (t-p t))
(deftest "Test-2" () (t-p t))))
(run :colorful t)
You can want see the file of the examples of skip->only rule for better comprehension.
You can define one limit time for your tests, suites and hooks. Read with attention the topics below, because there are differences between the three possibilities.
When define one timeout for one suite, this will make with that all tests of that suite acquire the same timeout of that suite.
(defpackage #:cacau-examples-timeout
(:use #:common-lisp
(in-package #:cacau-examples-timeout)
(defsuite :suite-1 ((:timeout 0))
(deftest "Test-1" () (t-p t)) ;; Timeout Error: Time(0) extrapolated!
(deftest "Test-2" () (t-p t))) ;; Timeout Error: Time(0) extrapolated!
When define one timeout for one hook, this limit timeout only will have importance for the hook configured. When there are timeout fail the tests race will not aborted, as happen when hooks fail for throw of any others errors.
(defpackage #:cacau-examples-timeout
(:use #:common-lisp
(in-package #:cacau-examples-timeout)
(defsuite :suite-1 ()
(defbefore-all "Before-all" ((:timeout 0))) ;; Timeout Error: Time(0) extrapolated!
(deftest "Test-1" () (t-p t))
(deftest "Test-2" () (t-p t)))
When define one timeout for the one test, this limit time only have importance for the test configured. When there are timeout fail the tests race will not aborted.
(defpackage #:cacau-examples-timeout
(:use #:common-lisp
(in-package #:cacau-examples-timeout)
(defsuite :suite-1 ()
(deftest "Test-1" ((:timeout 0)) (t-p t)) ;; Timeout Error: Time(0) extrapolated!
(deftest "Test-2" () (t-p t)))
If the test or suite are inside the some suite that already has configured with one timeout, the same is ignored, and what predominate is the timeout of the test or suite daughter that was configured.
(defpackage #:cacau-examples-timeout
(:use #:common-lisp
(in-package #:cacau-examples-timeout)
(defsuite :suite-1 ((:timeout 0))
(deftest "Test-1" () (t-p t)) ;; Timeout Error: Time(0) extrapolated!
(deftest "Test-2" () (t-p t)) ;; Timeout Error: Time(0) extrapolated!
(defsuite :suite-2 ((:timeout 50000))
(deftest "Test-1" ((:timeout 0)) (t-p t)) ;; Timeout Error: Time(0) extrapolated!
(deftest "Test-2" () (t-p t))))
You can want see the file of the examples of timeout for better comprehension.
You may need test some asynchronous code, and the cacau was built in
a way to wait each test before the next execution test.
You will need call one done
function and also tell to cacau which
test or hook is asynchronous. See one example of as write one test
to test your async code:
(defpackage #:cacau-examples-async-test
(:use #:common-lisp
(in-package #:cacau-examples-async-test)
(defsuite :suite-1 ()
(deftest "Test-1" ((:async done))
(funcall done))
(deftest "Test-2" () (t-p t)))
Above is configured one test passing (:async done)
as configurations,
where done
is the name of the function that you need call for the
test be end, you can give to done
any name that wish, by example:
(deftest "Test-1" ((:async something))
(funcall something))
Attention for that if you don't call done
or the name that you choice,
the cacau going to waits forever by the call. So you will not want
forget of call done
for end your test.
Can be passed three types of different arguments for the done
function, it accept one assertion-error
, one error
, or one lambda
This is useful for you catch assertion errors. By example, passing
one assertion-error
(defpackage #:cacau-examples-async-test
(:use #:common-lisp
(in-package #:cacau-examples-async-test)
(deftest "Test-1" ((:async done))
(handler-case (t-p nil)
(error (c)
(funcall done c))))
Or passing one function lambda
where you can call assertion functions
that will be catches by cacau, as in the tests to test synchronous things:
(defpackage #:cacau-examples-async-test
(:use #:common-lisp
(in-package #:cacau-examples-async-test)
(deftest "Test-2" ((:async done))
(funcall done (lambda () (t-p t))))
You can want see the file of the examples of async test for better comprehension.
The cacau was built in a way support the create new interfaces, so you can use whichever you prefer, or even contribute with the cacau project building one new interface.
You don't need setting nothing or passing nothing when call (run)
use some interface. All interfaces are available for you use whichever
you wish, and until mix them, but I don't recommend do this, keep one
pattern, and use just one interface for better readability of the code.
This interface was one that was used in the examples above. It works by define suites inside others suites, and provides the macros:
(defsuite name options &body body)
(defbefore-all name options &body body)
(defbefore-each name options &body body)
(defafter-each name options &body body)
(defafter-all name options &body body)
(deftest name options &body body)
The options
parameter receive one list that should have zero or more
of the following items, in the hooks:
((:async done) (:timeout 0))
in defsuite
or deftest
(:skip :only (:async done) (:timeout 0))
See one example of use:
(defpackage #:cacau-examples-interfaces
(:use #:common-lisp
(in-package #:cacau-examples-interfaces)
(defsuite :suite-1 ()
(let ((x 0))
(defbefore-all "Before-all Suite-1" () (setf x 1))
(defbefore-each "Before-each Suite-1" () (setf x 0))
(defafter-each "After-each Suite-1" () (setf x 1))
(defafter-all "After-all Suite-1" ((:async done))
(setf x 1)
(funcall done))
(deftest "Test-1" () (eql-p x 0))
(deftest "Test-2" ((:async done))
(funcall done (lambda () (eql-p x 0))))))
This interface works by define suites inside others suites, but no
is provide macros, it provides functions that need of the use
of lambda
(before-all name fn &key async (timeout -1))
(before-each name fn &key async (timeout -1))
(after-each name fn &key async (timeout -1))
(after-all name fn &key async (timeout -1))
(context name fn &key only skip (timeout -1))
(it name fn &key async only skip (timeout -1))
See one example of use:
(defpackage #:cacau-examples-interfaces
(:use #:common-lisp
(in-package #:cacau-examples-interfaces)
(lambda (&optional (x 0))
(before-all "Before-all Suite-1" (lambda () (setf x 1)))
(before-each "Before-each Suite-1" (lambda () (setf x 1)))
(after-each "After-each Suite-1" (lambda () (setf x 1)))
(after-all "After-all Suite-1" (lambda (done) (funcall done)) :async t)
(it "Test-1" (lambda () (eql-p x 1)))
(it "Test-2" (lambda () (incf x) (eql-p x 2)))
(lambda (&optional (x 0))
(it "Test-1" (lambda () (incf x) (eql-p x 1)))
(it "Test-2" (lambda () (eql-p x 1)))))))
This interface works by define suites inside others suites, but no
is provide macros, it provides functions that need of the use
of lambda
(suite-setup name fn &key async (timeout -1))
(suite-teardown name fn &key async (timeout -1))
(test-setup name fn &key async (timeout -1))
(test-teardown name fn &key async (timeout -1))
(suite name fn &key only skip (timeout -1))
(test name fn &key async only skip (timeout -1))
See one example of use:
(defpackage #:cacau-examples-interfaces
(:use #:common-lisp
(in-package #:cacau-examples-interfaces)
(lambda (&optional (x 0))
(suite-setup "Suite-setup Suite-1" (lambda () (setf x 1)))
(test-setup "Test-setup Suite-1" (lambda () (setf x 1)))
(test-teardown "Test-teardown Suite-1" (lambda () (setf x 1)))
(suite-teardown "Suite-teardown Suite-1" (lambda (done) (funcall done)) :async t)
(test "Test-1" (lambda () (eql-p x 1)))
(test "Test-2" (lambda () (incf x) (eql-p x 2)))
(lambda (&optional (x 0))
(test "Test-1" (lambda () (incf x) (eql-p x 1)))
(test "Test-2" (lambda () (eql-p x 1)))))))
This interface works by without define suites inside others suites, it works on the serial way and provide the macros:
(defbefore-plan name options &body body)
(defbefore-t name options &body body)
(defafter-t name options &body body)
(defafter-plan name options &body body)
(in-plan name &optional (options ()))
(deft name &optional (options ()))
The options
parameter receive one list that should have zero or more
of the following items, in the hooks:
((:async done) (:timeout 0))
in in-plan
(:skip :only (:async done) (:timeout 0) (:parent :suite-name))
and in deft
(:skip :only (:async done) (:timeout 0))
This works like this to avoid that you need specify who is the father
suite of each test that you write. When you call in-plan
, whole next
calls of deft
or hooks calls will have this suite as father, until
you call other in-plan
See one example of use:
(defpackage #:cacau-examples-interfaces
(:use #:common-lisp
(in-package #:cacau-examples-interfaces)
(let ((x 0))
(in-plan :suite-1 ()) ;; or (in-suite :suite-1 ((:parent :suite-root)))
(defbefore-plan :before-plan-suite-1 () (setf x 1))
(deft :test-1 () (eql-p x 1))
(deft :test-2 ((:async done))
(incf x)
(funcall done (lambda () (eql-p x 2))))
(in-plan :suite-2 ((:parent :suite-1)))
(defafter-plan :after-plan-suite-2 ((:async done-hook)) (setf x 1) (funcall done-hook))
(deft :test-1 () (eql-p x 2))
(deft :test-2 () (incf x) (eql-p x 3))
(in-plan :suite-3 ((:parent :suite-2)))
(defbefore-t :before-t-suite-3 () (setf x 0))
(deft :test-1 () (incf x) (eql-p x 1))
(deft :test-2 () (eql-p x 0))
(in-plan :suite-4) ;; or (in-suite :suite-4 ((:parent :suite-root)))
(defafter-t :after-t-suite-4 () (setf x 0))
(deft :test-1 () (incf x) (eql-p x 2))
(deft :test-2 () (eql-p x 0)))
You can want see the file of the examples of interfaces for better comprehension.
The cacau by default don't deliver colorful results, but you can
enable the colors in output of the cacau and have one visualization
colorful of the reporters result.
You need configure the cacau passing the :colorful
key argument with
the value t
for the function (run)
, see how:
(run :colorful t)
The cacau was built in a way support the create new reporters, so you can use whichever you prefer, or even contribute with the cacau project building one new reporter.
You need configure the reporter who chose to use, you should do this
passing for (run)
the :reporter
key argument with the value of
the reporter name chosen.
I will introduce the reporters in details order of your outputs, from most basic until the more detailed reporter.
This is the cacau's default reporter, when you call (run)
specify some reporter, the cacau will use the :min
This reporter show very basic information, it output consist in one epilogue saying the running tests quantity and how many passed and failed.
For this code:
(defpackage #:cacau-examples-reporters
(:use #:common-lisp
(in-package #:cacau-examples-reporters)
(defsuite :suite-1 ()
(deftest "Test-1" () (t-p t))
(deftest "Test-2" (:skip) (t-p t))
(deftest "Test-3" () (t-p nil)))
(run :colorful t) ;; or (run :colorful t :reporter :min)
The output will be:
This rather reporter show more detailed information then :min
reporter, it list the suites and tests that are running, and
finally show one epilogue saying the running tests quantity
and how many passed and failed, and also still provides the
quantity of the suites and tests that are configured with skip
For this code:
(defpackage #:cacau-examples-reporters
(:use #:common-lisp
(in-package #:cacau-examples-reporters)
(defsuite :suite-1 ()
(deftest "Test-1" () (t-p t))
(deftest "Test-2" (:skip) (t-p t))
(deftest "Test-3" () (t-p nil)))
(run :colorful t :reporter :list)
The output will be:
This rather reporter show more detailed information then :list
reporter, it list the suites and tests that are running, and
show one epilogue saying all the information of the tests
race that cacau can give, and finally show the failing tests with
the error messages, provide the option of analyze the full stack
that led until that error.
For this code:
(defpackage #:cacau-examples-reporters
(:use #:common-lisp
(in-package #:cacau-examples-reporters)
(defsuite :suite-1 ()
(deftest "Test-1" () (t-p t))
(deftest "Test-2" () (t-p t))
(deftest "Test-3" () (t-p nil)))
(run :colorful t :reporter :full)
The output will be:
You can configure the output of the :full
reporter passing the
key argument for (run)
and with this show the
information in the order you want, or you can hide the information
that don't wish see.
For this code:
(defsuite :suite-1 ()
(deftest "Test-1" () (t-p t))
(deftest "Test-2" () (t-p t))
(deftest "Test-3" () (t-p nil)))
(run :colorful t
:reporter :full
The output will be:
You can want see the file of the examples of reporters for better comprehension.
If you want call the cl-debugger avoiding that the cacau catches the
errors, you can do this configuring the cacau when passing :cl-debugger
key argument with the value t
for the (run)
function, see:
(run :cl-debugger t)
If you need execute something before or after of the execution of the
function, there are two hooks available for this, you only need
pass one key argument for (run)
(run :before-run (lambda () (print "before-run"))
:after-run (lambda () (print "after-run")))
The cacau use ANSI escape codes for print your colorful outputs, and by default the SLIME does not support this.
For enable the use ANSI colors in the SLIME, you will need follow them steps below:
1. Copy "slime-repl-ansi-color.el" file
You will need copy the slime-repl-ansi-color.el file for the directory "contrib" of the SLIME, something as "~/.emacs.d/site-lisp/slime/contrib/", it will depend of how you be configured your EMACS + SLIME.
2. Configure your ".emacs" file
Add the line below in the your EMACS configure file:
(slime-setup '(slime-repl-ansi-color))
It also will depend of how you be configured your EMACS.
3. Enable/disable slime-repl-ansi
For enable:
For disable:
And finally, in the cacau you just need call (run)
passing the
key argument with the value t
(cacau:run :colorful t)
You also can want call the cacau in your ASDF system, to get it, configure your system of tests like this:
(defsystem :cacau-examples-asdf-integration-test
:depends-on (:cacau-examples-asdf-integration
:defsystem-depends-on (:cacau-asdf)
:components ((:cacau-file "cacau-examples-asdf-integration-test"))
:perform (test-op (op c) (symbol-call :cacau '#:run)))
You can want see the directory of example of ASDF integration for better comprehension.
The cacau was built to facilitate add new functionalities, as also write new interfaces or reporters. If you have one new idea for make it better, or found come bug, or want contribute of any other way, don't let of open a new issue.
- Provide tests in others CL compilers/interpreters using some CI tool.
- Write unit tests for the cacau kernel functions.
function (context name fn &key only skip (timeout -1)) => suite
function (before-all name fn &key async (timeout -1)) => suite-before-all
function (after-all name fn &key async (timeout -1)) => suite-after-all
function (before-each name fn &key async (timeout -1)) => suite-before-each
function (after-each name fn &key async (timeout -1)) => suite-after-all
function (it name fn &key async only skip (timeout -1)) => test
function (suite name fn &key only skip (timeout -1)) => suite
function (suite-setup name fn &key async (timeout -1)) => suite-before-all
function (suite-teardown name fn &key async (timeout -1)) => suite-after-all
function (test-setup name fn &key async (timeout -1)) => suite-before-each
function (test-teardown name fn &key async (timeout -1)) => suite-after-each
function (test name fn &key async only skip (timeout -1)) => test
macro (defsuite name options &body body) => suite
macro (defbefore-all name options &body body) => suite-before-all
macro (defafter-all name options &body body) => suite-after-all
macro (defbefore-each name options &body body) => suite-before-each
macro (defafter-each name options &body body) => suite-after-each
macro (deftest name options &body body) => test
macro (in-plan name &optional (options ())) => suite
macro (defbefore-plan name options &body body) => => suite-before-all
macro (defafter-plan name options &body body) => suite-after-all
macro (defbefore-t name options &body body) => suite-before-each
macro (defafter-t name options &body body) => suite-after-each
macro (deft name options &body body) => test
function (run &key (reporter :min) before-run after-run colorful reporter-options cl-debugger) => result
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