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Common issues

Labarr edited this page Jul 30, 2020 · 25 revisions

Check this list for a problem that you have encountered:

Diablo II is not opening when I hit play

This is usually due to an invalid Diablo II LOD install path. Double check you have correctly pointed the launcher to your Diablo II folder, and that you installed BOTH Diablo II and Diablo II LOD.

I ran the DEP fix and I'm still getting errors

Did you forget to reboot your PC? Otherwise run it again, Windows can sometimes be tricky with DEP.

My custom maphack config keeps getting overwritten when the launcher applies patches

The launcher downloads the default SlashDiablo maphack config if you don't specify that it should be ignored. There's an option on your game install in Game settings called Override maphack config. If you enable this the launcher won't download new maphack configs and leave your custom config on disk.


This is a common error, which is usually caused by DEP issues, try running the Disable DEP fix and rebooting your PC.

CD-Rom drive error

This is usually due to an invalid Diablo II LOD install path. Double check you have correctly pointed the SlashDiablo Launcher to your Diablo II folder, and that you installed BOTH Diablo II and Diablo II LOD.

An exception (C000000D) occurred during DllEntrypoint or DllMain in module

Sometimes when closing Diablo II on Windows you will encounter this error and it is related to glide3x.dll but is caused by the HD mod/Autoinjector, there is no work around available at the moment but as soon as it is, the launcher will automatically make it available for you.

Issue not listed here? Or need more help?

Join the SlashDiablo Discord and head over to the #help-and-support channel!