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No labels!

There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

In Progress
In Progress
Someone is currently working on that task.
priority | classic
priority | classic
This need to be fix, but there are most important things to de before.
priority | critical
priority | critical
Ok let's anything else aside. You absolutly need to fix it because there is nothing that work well !
priority | high
priority | high
This task need to be fix now ! Go work now dumb dev !
priority | low
priority | low
You can wait for that task, that not really important to fix it now.
Ready to review
Ready to review
This task need to be reviewed now. Can someone work on it ?
status | blocked
status | blocked
We need something from the team to work on this issue.
status | breaking-change
status | breaking-change
This Issue/PR make something incompatible with lower version.
status | duplicate
status | duplicate
This issue or pull request already exists
status | help wanted
status | help wanted
Extra attention is needed. Can someone help the dev on that task ?
status | invalid
status | invalid
This doesn't seem right
status | wontfix
status | wontfix
This will not be worked on. We did't agree or we can't make this task at all.
type | bug
type | bug
Something isn't working. Please fix it.
type | bugfix
type | bugfix
This PR fix the previous bug
type | design
type | design
You'll change the design specs (mock-ups, ...). So use this label.
type | documentation
type | documentation
Improvements or additions to documentation. That will help anybody to work or to use the project.
type | feature
type | feature
New feature or request to improve the project.
type | maintenance
type | maintenance
This is for the git or server maintenance.
type | poc
type | poc
You have make a Proof of Concept before making a choice. You can try everything you want here.
type | question
type | question
Further information is requested. Please, someone on the project can answer this ?
type | unkown
type | unkown
Good for newcomers. If you didn't know how to class your issue, then use this one someone will do it
This label will filter tasks for Univ-LR projects