Checks if Anker is on sale
Checks are performed each Monday at 08:00. The most recent data is available shortly afterwards.
Visit for the newest promotion data. The data is formatted as described here
If you URL is listed in the Webhooks data on, then you receive a POST request every time the new promotions are loaded. It has a payload like described here
"hasPromotion": true,
"isHalfPrice": true,
"promotionString": "50% ab jetzt", // (string or null)
"checkedAt": 1234235654, // seconds since epoch
"signedData": "srtzw.dhrert.sfgrth" // a jwt as explained in chapter Signature
The signedData
contains a JWT, containing all data in the payload, except for (obviously) the signedData. Like this, the response is still human readable, but also secure from attacks from the adversary. He will attempt to send fake POST requests to the registered webhook clients.
To prevent replay attacks, the receiver must check check that the checkedAt time stamp is strictly larger than the one of the last received webhook request.
The signature is calculated using the ES512
algorithm. It can easily be checked with a JWT library. An example is provided below:
pip install pyjwt[crypto]
public_key_pem = """
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----
with open("timestamp.json", "r") as file:
last_timestamp = json.load(file)["timestamp"]
decoded_data = jwt.decode(signed_data, public_key_pem, algorithms=["ES512"])
if(decoded_data["checkedAt"] > last_timestamp):
print("payload is valid")
with open("timestamp.json", "w") as file:
json.dump({"timestamp": decoded_data["checkedAt"]}, file)
This code will throw a jwt.exceptions.InvalidSignatureError
if the signature is incorrect.
The same public key is used as in the example
Add Reviews Request:
Note to myself: Start Docker Desktop to start the docker container that is also used by WSL Build and publish the docker container like this
docker build -t noahzarro/anker-api:v3 .
docker push noahzarro/anker-api:v3
Create new Container in Portainer and select correct docker image (noahzarro/anker-api:v3
) and add a name (anker-api
). Create the container and then add it to the npm
network. Then add forwarding rule to the reverse proxy manager (
-> anker-api:5000
) only for http
. Then add a let's encrypt certificate and save.