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py-rocket-base beta release

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@eeholmes eeholmes released this 16 Oct 21:35
· 604 commits to main since this release

The py-rocket-base image is a base image for the JupyterHubs with Python and RStudio. The py-rocket-base image is designed to install the Jupyter and JupyterHub environment with repo2docker and the R environment with Rocker installation scripts. You can scroll through the Rocker installation scripts to see how the environment is set up.

There are many ways to install R and RStudio into an image designed for JupyterHubs. The objective of py-rocket-base is that when you click the RStudio button in JupyterLab (in the hub) to enter the RStudio UI, you enter an environment that is the same as if you had used a Rocker image while if you are in the JupyterLab UI, the environment is the same as it you had used repo2docker to create the environment. In addition the py-rocker-base image has the Rocker scripts that can be used to extend the R environment to match other Rocker environments, e.g. verse, geospatial or ml.

The base image has the following support:

  • Python + JupyterLab with mamba handling package installation
  • R + RStudio
  • Desktop VNC for running applications
  • VSCode

Using the image as a base is via a Dockerfile:


# If needed to do a root install of software
USER root
RUN chmod +x && ./ && rm

# install R packages
COPY install.R install.R
RUN Rscript install.R && rm install.R

# install the Python libraries
COPY environment.yml environment.yml
RUN conda env update -n notebook -f environment.yml \
    && conda clean --all \
    && rm environment.yml