Swipe Right your favorite beers and create a "tap list" to track your next brews! iOS and Android mobile application built with React Native.
- Click HERE to view Demo Video on Google Drive
- Create account via one-time login with text authentication.
- A random popular beer list is generated.
- Users will be presented with cards showcasing each beer.
- If a user wants to add a beer to their tap list, they swipe right (left to discard)
- Once the users go through the card deck, the user is presented with their updated tap list.
- https://expo.io/@nmclear/tap-list
- Android has some visual/design bugs (fixing soon!)
- Connected to serverless backend via graphql and AWS Lambda functions.
- Backend repo
- React - JavaScript library for building interactive user interfaces.
- React Native - framework for building native mobile apps using Javascript and React.
- Expo - React Native toolkit to expedite the building of iOS and Android applications.
- React Native Router Flux - assists with screen navigation and eases communication between screens.
- React Native Elements - cross platform toolkit for React Native components.
- Redux - JavaScript state container or managing application state.
- Apollo Boost - Apollo Client implentation to utilize GraphQL client side.
- React Apollo - React integration of Apollo to fetch data from GraphQL server.
- GraphQL - API query langauge and runtime to fulfill queries.
- Expand amount of beers to review.
- Improve animations.
- Add a loading/landing screen.