The dockernm/iac-tools-aws
Dockerfile provides a useful baseline image for run some common tools for working with Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Infrastructure as Code (IaC).
I use these tools for work across different client environments. I built this docker image to avoid cluttering up my laptop and getting into trouble with multiple different versions of python, pip and other packages that many of these tools use. I can have one container for each customer with a seperate set of AWS key etc so there is no chance of cross-contamination between clients.
The image is based on Ubuntu (
This image contains my favourite tools which I find useful for development and help to adopt a 'shift left' approach for IaC security testing
All baseline Ubuntu tools plus
gcc python3-dev
Terraform, Terraform Lint, Checkov and TFSec:
AWS CLI which is for Terraform Backends
AWSUME which is to allow automatic IAM role assumption on the AWS CLI (Very very useful)
(latest at time of publishing = 4.5.1a2)
(latest at time of publishing = 2.11.1)
In order to run this container you'll need docker installed.
There are two options you have, you can download and run the container I have put on Docker Hub or download this repo and build your own image locally. If you chose to build your own image you can amend the versions of some of the tools such as Terraform to meet your needs.
Clone this repo
SSH - git clone [email protected]:nmarchini/iac-tools-aws.git
HTTPS - git clone && cd iac-tools-aws
Issue the docker build command docker build -t <image-name:tag> .
Example docker build -t <my-iac-tools-aws:v1> .
Download from Docker Hub (
docker pull dockernm/iac-tools-aws && cd iac-tools-aws
docker run -it dockernm/iac-tools-aws:latest /bin/bash
To scan the image for vulnerabilities then you can do this on the cli using this command. Uses Snyk
docker scan dockernm/iac-tools-aws:latest