PIO Synchronous Serial Transport for Raspberry Pi pico
Functionally, one PSST link is equivalent to multiplexing a continuous clock, a unidirectional SPI bus, and a pulse signal with sub-microsecond deterministic delays over a single wire. Two links (wires) provides bidirectional communications. It's useful when building a distributed multi-node sensor and control network having a daisy chain topology.
Project status is "beta" - API is stable, needs to survive being used in a couple projects. Documentation needs a comprehensive edit.
Project status is "alpha" - PIO programs running on a single pico
board all work and talk to each other, timings and delays have been
verified with a mixed signal oscilloscope.
Given a 125 MHz system clock, the pulse sampling and clock are 3.125 MHz, and the multiplexed line bit rate is 2.5 times faster (about 7.8 MHz). Note these speeds are relatively easy to route longer distances, and fast enough for physical world interactions (eg, a multi-axis CNC controller).
Gross timing is locked to the master node through the daisy chain - the receive program detects each start of frame and signals (via an IRQ) the transmit program to begin its frame. Fine timing uses the local processor clock - both receive and transmit programs count 8 clocks per bit. Mixing picos using 125 and 133 MHz should1 just work as they stay within 1/4 bit width of each other within the critical period of each frame.
The serial data word width is 30 bits, chosen because it yields just over 100k words/second and has extra bits for message routing or tagging. Bits are reliably aligned to words by dropping short words on receive. Word size can be changed but requires minor code edits to left-justify bits for transmit. Data latency and throughput performance is dependent upon the application handling each received word and passing it to the transmitter.
The pulse signal reproduces any signal fed into it with sub-microsecond accuracy. Deterministic delay through each node is 1/2(*) the 3.125 MHz clock period. Amount of jitter will depend on number of picos in the chain as each aligns the input signal to its internal clock.
The 3.125 MHz clock output is 50% duty cycle on a 125 MHz pico. Amount of jitter will depend on number of picos in the chain as each aligns the input signal to its internal clock.
Default slew rate (slow) and drive strength (4 mA) are kept. The expected < 1 mA current and < 8 MHz are each an order of magnitude below the threshold where they would be a concern.
- test usability with some real world applications
- verify SM behavior during CPU debug (continue independently by default?)
- unwanted SM outputs pins - how to avoid conflicts?
- replace watchdog initial 5 seconds with block for user start
- switch to pindirs for pulse so it can emulate open drain
- justify 30 bit word in the transmit program
- enable sync bypass on input pins (data and pulse)
- join FIFOs
- move wdog /error from side-set to set pins
- APIs for serial data transmit and receive
- verify pico clock accuracy / tuning
- constraints on mixing 125 and 133 mHz?
- configure slew rate and drive strength
The components diagram shows the three programs running on SMs of the first two nodes of a unidirectional chain.
Note that unused GPIOs do not need to be configured to a physical pin.
/error is asserted when the Watchdog times out. It is "open drain" with internal pullup enabled and set via pindirs. Note an external pullup (~4k7 ohms) must be used, internal pullups alone permit noise.
clock is a 3.125 MHz square wave output.
/pulse is a GPIO input (to Transmit) or output (from Receive). It is "open drain" with internal pullup enabled and set via pindirs. Note an external pullup (~4k7 ohms) must be used, internal pullups alone permit noise.
data-out is the multiplexed signal output.
data-in is the multiplexed signal input.
Watchdog provides the IRQ and clock on the master node. TxFIFO must be periodically written with the next timeout to avoid the chain stopping.
Transmit multiplexes clock, pulse, and words from TxFIFO to data-out.
Receive demultiplexes from data-in to clock, pulse, and words to RxFIFO.
IRQ is generated at 3.125 MHz as a signal to Transmit to begin each frame.
Topology is very flexible, but also constrained by number of available PIOs, SMs, program space, and physical distance between nodes. Note that while the nodes are daisy chained together, they are really just a series of point to point links which allows arbitrary handling of both pulse and data at each node.
The simplest unidirectional chain requires a watchdog and transmitter on the master node, a receiver and transmitter on each secondary node, and a receiver on the terminal node.
The loop can be closed by adding a transmitter on the terminal node wired to a receiver added on the master node.
A bi-directional daisy chain can be achieved with either two unidirectional chains, or skip the watchdog on the terminal node and trigger its transmitter from its receiver. A more dynamic chain can be achieved by eliminating the terminal node and physically looping the connection on the last secondary node.
Each transmitter requires an interrupt per frame, normally generated by either a watchdog or receiver. This means the master node requires an entire PIO for one bidirectional chain. Routing an external interrupt source to the SM eliminates the watchdog and allows two chains per PIO. Three transmitters in one PIO and three receivers in the second PIO supports three bidirectional chains and maximizes program space available to the unused SMs.
Any node which does not need to transmit data can simply tap the line and be a receiver only. Follow best practices suitable to the distance and environment to avoid degrading the signal.
The diagram shows the (idealized) timing between various pins. (See verification for actual timing.)
5 bits per frame:
- 0 = idle -- timing jitter will be seen here
- 1 = start -- rising edge begins the critical timing period
- P = pulse value -- sampled from gpio
- V = valid? -- 1 when frame contains a valid data bit
- D = data bit -- 0 when V=0
There is at least one "not valid" frame between each word which the receiver uses to synchronize by discarding partial words. Since V and D are both 0 here, the only rising edge will be for the start bit, which ensures frame alignment at the receiver.
The receiver waits for the rising edge from idle to start. The received pulse value is output to the pulse gpio. The transmitted frame starts 1/2 the 3.125 MHz clock period after the received frame, this ensures the pulse value propagates quickly and reliably.
This software is released under the BSD 3-clause license.
Crystal accuracy is on the order of 30 PPM, compared to 64k PPM difference between 125 and 133 MHz. ↩