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Our app


Nguyen Khoi Nguyen, A0258715W

Muhammad Reyaaz Bin Abdul Basheer, A0218022W

Le Huy Chau, A0276221L



  • Decide team directions
  • Gather insights on Oxbridge & Jardine essays
  • Set up team's repository
  • Devise architecture of the evaluation of essays
  • Prompt-engineer some Oxbridge modules & all Jardine modules
  • Package & deploy app on GCP
  • Prepare marketing materials


  • Completed frontend components for entire landing page.
  • Integrated frontend and backend authentication completely (including google auth) with serializer and validations.
  • Integrated Stripe payment.
  • Set up comment page for frontend.
  • Backend comments generator, specificity, idea extractor (Oxbridge) models, views, and prompts
  • Backend user and payment models
  • Routing and navigations between pages in frontend and navbars
  • Frontend styling and animations


  • Completed the upload page and animations for loading page
  • Completed the viewing submissions page
  • Integrating backend to the comment page
  • Backend general comments generator, relevance, reparagraph, interest (Oxbridge) models, views and prompts
  • Backend authentication for google authentication and token authentication
  • Backend personal statement model for upload and result after run orchestrator
  • Backend endpoint for view past submissions, upload essay
  • Integrating Google analytics


Setup instruction

The easiests way to set up our project and test locally is to use Docker, with docker compose.

  1. In backend folder, copy the example.env and name it .env.
  2. Replace the secret key {some-random-string} with any random string.
  3. Replace OpenAI API key with your API key. You will need to obtain one from OpenAI API platform.
  4. Replace Stripe API key with your API key. You will need to obtain one from Stripe API platform.
  5. Replace Google client ID with your client ID. You will need to obtain one from Google Cloud platform.
  6. In frontend folder, copy the example.env and name it .env.
  7. Run the folllowing command in root folder.

If you are using Windows/MacOS:

docker-compose up --build -d

If you are using Linux:

sudo docker compose up --build -d
  1. Visit http://localhost to test our app.

If you wish not to use Docker, you may follow our development instruction below. However, no successful setup is guaranteed.



  1. Setup a new virtual environment, and install dependencies. Make sure to use Python 3.10. If you use conda, you can run the following commands:
conda create --name CS3216-A3
conda activate CS3216-A3
conda install python=3.10
pip install -r backend/requirements.txt
  1. Add a new .env file under backend folder. Replace API keys with your API keys. For localhost URLs, replace backend URL with http://localhost:8000 and frontend URL with http://localhost:3000.

  2. Under, backend folder, run migration command. If you use the same database URL as the example, this command will create a local db.sqlite3 database.

python migrate
  1. Run the backend server.
python runserver
  1. (Optional) To run a test on any module, modify the code to test the correct module in modules/modules/, and run:
python -m modules.modules.test


  1. Under frontend folder, install dependencies.
npm i --force
  1. Run the React development server.
npm start
  1. Visit http://localhost:3000 to test it out.