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Adding logic to convert tabulated to constant multiplicity, started w…
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whaeck committed Aug 7, 2024
1 parent 68c02b9 commit c859314
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Showing 7 changed files with 233 additions and 4 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion cmake/release_dependencies.cmake
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ FetchContent_Declare( range-v3

FetchContent_Declare( scion
GIT_TAG 6079dc15153b1948c772835096662be65b062676
GIT_TAG fd76c11780fcdde507f8952c8698085cf47b0369

FetchContent_Declare( spdlog
Expand Down
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions src/dryad/format/endf.hpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,15 @@
#include "dryad/format/endf/createInteractionType.hpp"

#include "dryad/format/endf/createTabulatedMultiplicity.hpp"
#include "dryad/format/endf/createMultiplicity.hpp"
#include "dryad/format/endf/createTabulatedCrossSection.hpp"
#include "dryad/format/endf/createTabulatedAngularDistribution.hpp"
#include "dryad/format/endf/createTabulatedAngularDistributions.hpp"
#include "dryad/format/endf/createTabulatedEnergyDistribution.hpp"
#include "dryad/format/endf/createTabulatedEnergyDistributions.hpp"
#include "dryad/format/endf/createTabulatedAverageEnergy.hpp"
#include "dryad/format/endf/createReactionProduct.hpp"
#include "dryad/format/endf/createReactionProducts.hpp"
#include "dryad/format/endf/createReaction.hpp"
#include "dryad/format/endf/createReactions.hpp"
#include "dryad/format/endf/createProjectileTarget.hpp"
Expand Down
43 changes: 43 additions & 0 deletions src/dryad/format/endf/createMultiplicity.hpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@

// system includes
#include <variant>

// other includes
#include "tools/Log.hpp"
#include "dryad/format/endf/createTabulatedMultiplicity.hpp"
#include "dryad/TabulatedMultiplicity.hpp"
#include "ENDFtk/section/6.hpp"
#include "ENDFtk/section/26.hpp"

namespace njoy {
namespace dryad {
namespace format {
namespace endf {

* @brief Create an integer or tabulated multiplicity from a parsed ENDF multiplicity
template < typename Multiplicity >
auto createMultiplicity( const Multiplicity& multiplicity )
-> std::enable_if_t< ( std::is_same_v< Multiplicity, ENDFtk::section::Type< 6 >::Multiplicity > ||
std::is_same_v< Multiplicity, ENDFtk::section::Type< 26 >::Multiplicity > ),
std::variant< int, TabulatedMultiplicity > > {

if ( scion::verification::isAllSameElement( multiplicity.multiplicities() ) ) {

return static_cast< int >( std::round( multiplicity.multiplicities().front() ) );
else {

return createTabulatedMultiplicity( multiplicity );

} // endf namespace
} // format namespace
} // dryad namespace
} // njoy namespace

13 changes: 10 additions & 3 deletions src/dryad/format/endf/createReactionProduct.hpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
// other includes
#include "tools/Log.hpp"
#include "dryad/format/endf/createProductIdentifier.hpp"
#include "dryad/format/endf/createTabulatedMultiplicity.hpp"
#include "dryad/format/endf/createMultiplicity.hpp"
#include "dryad/format/endf/createTabulatedEnergyDistributions.hpp"
#include "dryad/format/endf/createTabulatedAngularDistributions.hpp"
#include "dryad/format/endf/createTabulatedAverageEnergy.hpp"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ namespace endf {
multiple );
Log::info( "Reading reaction product data for \'{}\'", id );
TabulatedMultiplicity multiplicity = createTabulatedMultiplicity( product.multiplicity() );
auto multiplicity = createMultiplicity( product.multiplicity() );

return ReactionProduct( std::move( id ), std::move( multiplicity ) );
Expand All @@ -56,14 +56,21 @@ namespace endf {

id::ParticleID id = createProductIdentifier( product.productIdentifier(), 0, false );
Log::info( "Reading reaction product data for \'{}\'", id );
TabulatedMultiplicity multiplicity = createTabulatedMultiplicity( product.multiplicity() );
auto multiplicity = createMultiplicity( product.multiplicity() );

//! @todo what about the reference frames?

switch ( product.LAW() ) {

case 1 : {

// ENDF/B-VIII.0 erroneously uses 11 for the gamma identifier
if ( id == "e-" ) {

id = createProductIdentifier( 0, 0, false );
Log::warning( "Reaction product identifier changed from \'e-\' to \'g\'" );

// MF26 LAW = 1 : NA must be 0 and LANG must be 1
decltype(auto) data = std::get< ENDFtk::section::Type< 26 >::ContinuumEnergyAngle >( product.distribution() );
auto distribution = UncorrelatedDistributionData( ReferenceFrame::Laboratory,
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/dryad/format/endf/test/CMakeLists.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,11 +8,13 @@ add_cpp_test( format.endf.createInteractionType createInteractionType.test.

add_cpp_test( format.endf.createTabulatedCrossSection createTabulatedCrossSection.test.cpp )
add_cpp_test( format.endf.createTabulatedMultiplicity createTabulatedMultiplicity.test.cpp )
add_cpp_test( format.endf.createMultiplicity createMultiplicity.test.cpp )
add_cpp_test( format.endf.createTabulatedAngularDistribution createTabulatedAngularDistribution.test.cpp )
add_cpp_test( format.endf.createTabulatedAngularDistributions createTabulatedAngularDistributions.test.cpp )
add_cpp_test( format.endf.createTabulatedEnergyDistribution createTabulatedEnergyDistribution.test.cpp )
add_cpp_test( format.endf.createTabulatedEnergyDistributions createTabulatedEnergyDistributions.test.cpp )
add_cpp_test( format.endf.createTabulatedAverageEnergy createTabulatedAverageEnergy.test.cpp )
add_cpp_test( format.endf.createReactionProduct createReactionProduct.test.cpp )
add_cpp_test( format.endf.createReaction createReaction.test.cpp )
add_cpp_test( format.endf.createReactions createReactions.test.cpp )
add_cpp_test( format.endf.createProjectileTarget createProjectileTarget.test.cpp )
Expand Down
104 changes: 104 additions & 0 deletions src/dryad/format/endf/test/createMultiplicity.test.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
// include Catch2
#include <catch2/catch_test_macros.hpp>
#include <catch2/matchers/catch_matchers_floating_point.hpp>
using Catch::Matchers::WithinRel;

// what we are testing
#include "dryad/format/endf/createMultiplicity.hpp"

// other includes
#include "ENDFtk/tree/fromFile.hpp"

// convenience typedefs
using namespace njoy::dryad;
using Multiplicity = std::variant< int, TabulatedMultiplicity >;

void verifyNeutronConstantChunk( const Multiplicity& );
void verifyNeutronTabulatedChunk( const Multiplicity& );
void verifyElectronConstantChunk( const Multiplicity& );

//! @todo look for an electron example where the multiplicity is tabulated?

SCENARIO( "createTabulatedMultiplicity" ) {

GIVEN( "ENDF MF6 multiplicities" ) {

auto tape = njoy::ENDFtk::tree::fromFile( "n-017_Cl_035.endf" );
auto section = tape.materials().front().section( 6, 16 ).parse< 6 >();
auto constant = section.reactionProduct( 1 ).multiplicity();
auto tabulated = section.reactionProduct( 0 ).multiplicity();

WHEN( "a single parsed MF6 multiplicity with a constant value is given" ) {

THEN( "it can be converted" ) {

auto chunk = format::endf::createMultiplicity( constant );

verifyNeutronConstantChunk( chunk );
} // THEN
} // WHEN

WHEN( "a single parsed MF6 multiplicity with tabulated values is given" ) {

THEN( "it can be converted" ) {

auto chunk = format::endf::createMultiplicity( tabulated );

verifyNeutronTabulatedChunk( chunk );
} // THEN
} // WHEN
} // GIVEN

GIVEN( "ENDF MF26 multiplicities" ) {

auto tape = njoy::ENDFtk::tree::fromFile( "e-001_H_000.endf" );
auto section = tape.materials().front().section( 26, 527 ).parse< 26 >();
auto constant = section.reactionProducts()[0].multiplicity();

WHEN( "a single parsed MF6 multiplicity with a constant value is given" ) {

THEN( "it can be converted" ) {

auto chunk = format::endf::createMultiplicity( constant );

verifyElectronConstantChunk( chunk );
} // THEN
} // WHEN
} // GIVEN

void verifyNeutronConstantChunk( const Multiplicity& chunk ) {

CHECK( true == std::holds_alternative< int >( chunk ) );

auto multiplicity = std::get< int >( chunk );
CHECK( 2 == multiplicity );

void verifyNeutronTabulatedChunk( const Multiplicity& chunk ) {

CHECK( true == std::holds_alternative< TabulatedMultiplicity >( chunk ) );

auto multiplicity = std::get< TabulatedMultiplicity >( chunk );
CHECK( true == multiplicity.isLinearised() );
CHECK( 15 == multiplicity.numberPoints() );
CHECK( 1 == multiplicity.numberRegions() );
CHECK( 15 == multiplicity.energies().size() );
CHECK( 15 == multiplicity.values().size() );
CHECK( 1 == multiplicity.boundaries().size() );
CHECK( 1 == multiplicity.interpolants().size() );
CHECK( 14 == multiplicity.boundaries()[0] );
CHECK( InterpolationType::LinearLinear == multiplicity.interpolants()[0] );
CHECK_THAT( 1.300979e+7, WithinRel( multiplicity.energies()[0] ) );
CHECK_THAT( 2e+7 , WithinRel( multiplicity.energies()[14] ) );
CHECK_THAT( 0.8634751 , WithinRel( multiplicity.values()[0] ) );
CHECK_THAT( 1.618791 , WithinRel( multiplicity.values()[14] ) );

void verifyElectronConstantChunk( const Multiplicity& chunk ) {

CHECK( true == std::holds_alternative< int >( chunk ) );

auto multiplicity = std::get< int >( chunk );
CHECK( 1 == multiplicity );
65 changes: 65 additions & 0 deletions src/dryad/format/endf/test/createReactionProduct.test.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
// include Catch2
#include <catch2/catch_test_macros.hpp>
#include <catch2/matchers/catch_matchers_floating_point.hpp>
using Catch::Matchers::WithinRel;

// what we are testing
#include "dryad/format/endf/createReactionProduct.hpp"

// other includes
#include "ENDFtk/tree/fromFile.hpp"

// convenience typedefs
using namespace njoy::dryad;

void verifyElectronlargeAngleElasticElectronProduct( const ReactionProduct& );
void verifyElectronBremsstrahlungPhotonProduct( const ReactionProduct& );
void verifyElectronBremsstrahlungElectronProduct( const ReactionProduct& );

SCENARIO( "createReactionProduct" ) {

GIVEN( "ENDF reaction products - electro-atomic interactions" ) {

auto tape = njoy::ENDFtk::tree::fromFile( "e-001_H_000.endf" );
auto material = tape.materials().front();

WHEN( "a single ENDF reaction product is given" ) {

THEN( "a Reaction can be created" ) {

auto elastic = tape.materials().front().section( 26, 525 ).parse< 26 >();
auto bremsstrahlung = tape.materials().front().section( 26, 527 ).parse< 26 >();

id::ParticleID projectile( "e-" );
id::ParticleID target( "H1" );

auto product = elastic.reactionProducts()[0];
ReactionProduct electron_elastic = format::endf::createReactionProduct( projectile, target, product );
verifyElectronlargeAngleElasticElectronProduct( electron_elastic );

product = bremsstrahlung.reactionProducts()[0];
ReactionProduct photon_bremsstrahlung = format::endf::createReactionProduct( projectile, target, product );
verifyElectronBremsstrahlungPhotonProduct( photon_bremsstrahlung );

product = bremsstrahlung.reactionProducts()[1];
ReactionProduct electron_bremsstrahlung = format::endf::createReactionProduct( projectile, target, product );
verifyElectronBremsstrahlungElectronProduct( electron_bremsstrahlung );
} // THEN
} // WHEN
} // GIVEN

void verifyElectronlargeAngleElasticElectronProduct( const ReactionProduct& chunk ) {

CHECK( id::ParticleID( "e-" ) == chunk.identifier() );

void verifyElectronBremsstrahlungPhotonProduct( const ReactionProduct& chunk ) {

CHECK( id::ParticleID( "g" ) == chunk.identifier() );

void verifyElectronBremsstrahlungElectronProduct( const ReactionProduct& chunk ) {

CHECK( id::ParticleID( "e-" ) == chunk.identifier() );

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