Summaries of the information discussions and formal presentations that occur during DSST's Lunch and Learns. Every Tuesday at 12 PM Eastern Time.
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DSST and friends discussed the pros and cons of the various Python package managers and dependency managers available.
DSST and friends discussed tools for generating and hosting static web pages. Challenges and potential solutions for large file hosting on static pages were discussed. While we didn't arrive at a definitive solution, various tools and strategies were proposed.
DSST and friends discussed the challenges and tools of test driven development for NIH research.
DSST and friends discussed aliases commonly used in shell RC files when using biowulf and other servers.
DSST and friends discussed which IDEs were commonly used. Other topics included the Pandas query method, interest in the polars python library, and a discussion on documentation tools like ReadTheDocs (which can use mkdocs or sphinx under the hood) and Jupyter Book.
Demonstration of a very simple dashboard that uses DANDI (Distributed Archives for Neurophysiology Data Integration) Python API.