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This repository contains the final project of the the DTU course 02267: Software Development of Web Services.

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DTU Pay is a company that offers a mobile payment option for shop owners (i.e. merchants) and customers. Both, customer and merchant, already have a bank account with the bank (the bank is supplied by SOAP). To use the service, both, customers and merchants have to be registered with DTU Pay with their bank account id’s / account numbers.

Initial Repositories


Name Email
De Santos Bernal Verconica [email protected]
Hejlsberg Jacob Kølbjerg [email protected]
Karavasilis Nikolaos [email protected]
Laforce Erik Aske [email protected]
Siskou Melina [email protected]
Spyrou Thomas [email protected]

Table of Contents


DTU Pay is implemented using a microservice architecture using docker containers. The communication among the microservices is handled thought RabbitMq. The communication to the outside uses REST and SOAP (to the bank). The resulting applications have associated tests with a high code coverage, and business logic tested using Cucumber scenarios.

Jenkins was used and thus served as an important part of our agile workflow throughout this project as well as making CI/CD possible. The purpose of jenkins was to insure stability of each microservice and the entire DTUPAY application.

The implemantion of DTU-Pay supports the following functionalities through different REST interfaces:

  • Registration of merchants and customers.
  • Payment,which includes transferring money from the account that the customer has in the bank to the account of the merchant in the bank.
  • Fetching payment reports to the manager, merchant and customer. However, the payment reports differ based on the role that requests the information, e.g. the manager should be aple to see all of the payments.

The figure below depicts the payment process. It is assumed that the customer and the merchant are already registered with DTU Pay and that the customer has obtained at least one token.



The customer and the merchant both are using a mobile device to interact with DTU Pay. DTU Pay offers three distinct REST interfaces. One for the customer, merchant, and manager. The customer and merchant apps over each an API to access the corresponding ports of DTU Pay. Both, the customer and the merchant API’s, are used by the automated system tests to test the functionality of the whole system. Here is an example of the test scenario for successful payment in pseudo code. Here, CustomerAPI and MerchantAPI are classes inside the test client that represent the API’s used in the merchant and customer apps to access the REST interface of DTUPay.

customerAccount = bank.createAccount Name, CPR, balance
merchantAccount = bank.createAccount Name, CPR, balance
cid = customerAPI.register Name, customerAccount, ...
                  this will register the customer via the customer port of DTU Pay
mid = merchantAPI.register Name, merchantAccount, ...
                  this will register the merchant via the merchant port of DTU Pay
tokens = customerAPI.getTokens 5, cid
                  this will get 5 tokens via the customer port of DTU Pay
token = select a token from tokens token, mid, amount
                  this will execute the payment via the merchant port of DTU Pay
                  and in DTU Pay, this will cause a call the money transfer service
                      of the bank
customerBalance = bank.getBalance customer account
merchantBalance = bank.getBalance merchant account
check that customerBalance and merchantBlance are correct
bank.retire customer account
bank.retire merchant account

The architecture otherview is shown in the figure below. The green parts are the components that make up the business logic. The red parts belong to the end-to-end tests.



You need to have downloaded maven in order to build and run the webservices. Apache-maven version 3.8.4 which it is known to work with can be downloaded from And java jdk 11 is also needed and can be found at

Build And Run

To test, build and run the application simply run the script file. This will call and builds images of all services and launches them in docker containers. calls these scripts in order. Once the images has been tested and built once the can be used to launch the application. This will expose the facade through localhost on port 8080.


Note The Bank might stop being maintained by DTU.


To run the tests for the microservices (All projects except integrationTest) navi- gate to the folder for the repository eg. Reporting and then to the service folder eg. reporting-service (this is the repository name - service). In here there will be a build script this will run the tests and build an image. If you only wish to run the tests in the same path you can use the mvn test command.

                            == Test Script == 
cd DTUPay-Payment/payment -service ./


mvn test


The ./documentation folder contains the following reports:

  • WebServiceGroup21: Complete description of the implementation including how we took advantage of the DomainDrivenDesign (DDD) approach as well as a thorough analysis of the hexagonal architecture of our system.
  • swaggerGroup21: A swagger file for each REST API implemented.
  • UsersGuideGroup21: A user guide that describes the miscellaneous use cases of our DTUPay implementation.


This repository contains the final project of the the DTU course 02267: Software Development of Web Services.






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