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Build test and deploy Maven Central semantic-release: conventional-commits License: MIT

The purpose of this plugin is to enforce the use of Conventional Commit in an sbt-based Scala project.


In the project/plugins.sbt file add the plugin:

addSbtPlugin("it.nicolasfarabegoli" % "sbt-conventional-commits" % <version>)

In order to run the task as soon as the project is loaded you should configure the build.sbt as follows:

lazy val startupTransition: State => State = "conventionalCommits" :: _

lazy val root = project
    // Other settings...
    Global / onLoad ~= (_ andThen ("conventionalCommits" :: _))

If you want to manually run the task the command is:

sbt> conventionalCommits

The task creates a git hooks file that enforces that each commit is compliant with the Conventional Commit convention:

> git commit -m "message"
The commit message does not meet the Conventional Commit standard
An example of a valid message is:
  feat(login): add the 'remember me' button
More details at:

> git commit -m "feat: we love conventional commit!"
Conventional Commit standards...

You can configure the available types for your commits by setting the ThisBuild / conventionalCommits / types key. The default commit types are build, chore, ci, docs, feat, fix, perf, refactor, revert, style, and test.

ThisBuild / conventionalCommits / types := Seq("feat", "fix") // Allow only feat and fix commits
ThisBuild / conventionalCommits / types ++= Seq("some", "other") // Allow "some" and "other" in addition to the default types

In the same way, you can restrict the available scopes by setting the ThisBuild / conventionalCommits / scopes key. By default, all scopes are allowed.

ThisBuild / conventionalCommits / scopes := Seq() // Allow all scopes
ThisBuild / conventionalCommits / scopes := Seq("scope1", "scope2") // Allow only scope1 and scope2

You can also configure the success and failure messages displayed when committing, respectively by changing the ThisBuild / conventionalCommits / successMessage and ThisBuild / conventionalCommits / failureMessage keys.

You can freely use color codes and newlines in the provided message.

ThisBuild / conventionalCommits / successMessage = None // Won't display a success message
ThisBuild / conventionalCommits / successMessage = Some("\\e[32mCongratulations!\\e[0m") // Shows "Congratulations" in green

Settings keys

Key Description Default
warningIfNoGitRoot A warning is raised if no .git root is found walking up until the / from the project folder. true
types List of admitted types in the commit message. build, chore, ci, docs, feat, fix, perf, refactor, revert, style, test
scopes List of admitted scopes in the commit message. An empty list means that all scopes are admitted emptyList
successMessage A message printed if the commit meets conventional commit. If null is set, no message is printed. "Commit message meets Conventional Commit standards..."
failureMessage A message printed if the commit not meets conventional commit. If null is set no message is printed. "The commit message does not meet the Conventional Commit standard"


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