This repo provides an easy to install dockerized build of the Isilon Data Insights Dashboards with Grafana, InfluxDB and the API stats collector. The docker build pulls from public repositories to installed and configure the containers enabling an easy to use graphical performance charting tool for monitoring and reporting on Isilon/PowerScale performance. The collector can scale to monitor as many clusters as needed.
- Linux host (physical or VM)
- 1 CPU and 4G of memory (more if monitoring more clusters)
- recent version of docker (tested with 1:20), docker-compose and git
- open firewall port 3000 for grafana access
Run all steps as the root user or docker enabled user.
git clone
cd idi
bash build
These steps provide details how building and Rocky Linux 8.6 (CentOS) VM and the docker environment needed to run idi
- default install
- set root password
- accept or change partitioning as desired
- Initiate install
dnf update -y
Install docker & git (credit)
dnf config-manager --add-repo=
dnf install -y docker-ce git
systemctl start docker
systemctl enable docker
docker run hello-world && echo Success
sudo curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
docker-compose --version && echo Success
firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-port 3000/tcp
git clone
cd idi/
bash build
These steps provide details how building and Ubuntu Linux 22.04 VM and the docker environment needed to run idi
- Minimial Install of Ubuntu Server 22.04
- accept or change partitioning as desired
- Create default user
- Install Openssh for remote access
- Do not select more packages at install
- Start install and allow to run to completion then reboot
sudo su -
apt update
apt upgrade -y
sudo su -
apt install -y docker-compose git
docker run hello-world && echo Success
ufw allow 3000/tcp
git clone
cd idi/
bash build
Below is info on the build to ease the administration of the Isilon Data Insights environment
The updgrade process will shutdown idi temporarily, but all data should be retained and the process will restart idi when complete.
bash upgrade
stay tuned!
stay tuned!