This is a starter template for building production-grade applications using Hono, OpenAPI, and Drizzle.
- Structured logging
- Documented type-safe routes
- Interactive API documentation
- Docker setup
- Type-safe schemas and environment variables
- Single source of truth database schemas
- Database migrations and seeders
- Testing
- Linting and formatting rules
- Health checks
- CI/CD pipeline
- Metrics
- Error tracking
- Debugging
- Node.js
- Hono
- Drizzle
- Postgres
- TypeScript
- Docker
- Scalar
- pino
- zod
- Vitest
- Prometheus
- Grafana
- Dozzle
Create .env
cp .env.example .env
Install dependencies:
pnpm install
Run DB server and push the schema:
pnpm dev:docker
pnpm db:push
Run the app:
pnpm dev
You can now access API documentation at http://localhost:4000/reference.