Interactive handwritten digits live recognizer with Pyglet and PyTorch.
Here's a preview of the program in action. Cool right? It thinks that a smiley face is 2. The drawing functionality came out pretty good, I didn't inted it to be that smooth, but the way I made it resulted in it accidentally looking exactly like MNIST digits. I didn't directly implement anti-aliasing or anything.
It works on most of the platforms. On Windows you may need to jump through some hoops, download some stuff. Windows is weird, but it works.
It was made in and for Linux, so it will work on Linux the best.
Here's the whole command sequence for running the code, I won't bother you with line by line guides and explanations:
git clone
cd handwritten-digits-reco
pip3 install torch torchvision --index-url
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
You can just copy and paste that in the terminal and it should work. You are installing PyTorch and torchvision separately because it needs to be specified that you want the CPU version, which is more easy to set up and work with. I have a laptop so no CUDA for me.
I wrote the project in 3 hours, I was bored. Although I keep adding features, because it's fun. The base project including the model and the user interface took 3 hours. No copypasta here, it's just me and my code. I also learned Pyglet in 1 hour too so, contribute to my bad code.
So... if you like this project, reach out. Let's do something together. I like AI and stuff. I can also build web servers and frontends.