Headless Kodi images based on the images created by sparklyballs. All files required to build the Docker image is available on my Github account.
Usage: docker run -d [–restart-always] [-p <hostport>:<containerport>] [-e MYSQLip=<IP>] [-e MYSQLport=<port>] [-e MYSQLuser=<user>] [-e MYSQLpass=<pwd>] [-e KODIADDONS=<addons>] -v <hostpath>:/opt/kodi-server/share/kodi/portable_data nicjo814/docker-kodi-headless:<tag>
<hostport>: Port to map the Kodi webserver to on the host (port that will be used to actually reach the webserver).
<containerport>: Webserver port as defined in the advancedsettings.xml file (8080 by default).
<IP>: IP of the Mysql server to connect to.
<port>: Port where the Mysql server is running.
<user>: Kodi Mysql user (xbmc/kodi by default).
<pwd>: Kodi Mysql user password (xbmc/kodi by default).
<addons>: List of addons (separated by pipe (|)) that should be downloaded and installed. If multiple addons are provided, make sure that they are properly quoted like -e KODIADDONS=“metadata.universal|service.watchdog”. All addon dependencies will also be resolved.
<hostpath>: Path on the host to bind-mount into the container (usually /opt/kodi-server or similar).
<tag>: The tag of the Kodi docker image to run. Check available tags on my Docker Hub.