Scanner is a simple barcode and QR code scanner app built using Java and Android. It utilizes Google ML Kit for barcode scanning.
- Allows users to scan barcodes and QR codes using the device's camera.
- Uses Google ML Kit for accurate and fast barcode recognition.
- Displays the scanned information from the barcode or QR code.
- Provides a simple and intuitive user interface.
To run this app, you need the following:
- Android Studio installed on your system.
- Basic knowledge of Java and Android development.
Clone the repository or download the source code.
Open the project in Android Studio.
Build and run the app on an emulator or physical device.
Once the app is installed and running:
Point the camera at a barcode or QR code.
The app will automatically detect and scan the code.
The scanned information will be displayed on the screen.
Users can take appropriate actions based on the scanned data.