This is a simple contract developed on Solidity which creates a new token named Flash and provides functions to mint and burn tokens.
: A string variable that represents the name of the token (e.g., "FLASH").tokenAbbr
: A string variable that represents the abbreviation of the token (e.g., "FLSH").totalSupply
: An unsigned integer variable that holds the total supply of tokens.
: A mapping that associates addresses with their corresponding token balances. It maps addresses to unsigned integer values.
The mint
function is used to create new tokens. It takes two parameters: _address
(the address to assign the tokens to) and _value
(the amount of tokens to create). When called, this function increases the total supply by the specified _value
and adds the same amount to the balance of the _address
The burn
function is used to destroy existing tokens. It takes two parameters: _address
(the address from which the tokens will be burned) and _value
(the amount of tokens to burn). This function verifies if the balance of the _address
is greater than or equal to the specified _value
. If the condition is met, it subtracts the _value
from the total supply and reduces the balance of the _address
by the same amount.
Note that if the condition is not met (i.e., the balance is insufficient), the burn
function will have no effect.
To run this program, you can use Remix, an online Solidity IDE. To get started, go to the Remix website at
Once you are on the Remix website, create a new file by clicking on the "+" icon in the left-hand sidebar. Save the file with a .sol extension (e.g., Flash.sol). Copy and paste the code in Flash.sol into that file.
To compile the code, click on the "Solidity Compiler" tab in the left-hand sidebar. Make sure the "Compiler" option is set to "0.8.18" (or another compatible version), and then click on the "Compile Flash.sol" button.
Once the code is compiled, you can deploy the contract by clicking on the "Deploy & Run Transactions" tab in the left-hand sidebar. Select the "Flash" contract from the dropdown menu, and then click on the "Deploy" button.
Once the contract is deployed, you can start interacting with it by calling the different functions.
Kirti Singh
This contract is released under the MIT License.