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Continuous Entropic OT (Schrodinger Bridge) Benchmark

This is the official Python implementation of the NeurIPS 2023 paper Building the Bridge of Schrödinger: A Continuous Entropic Optimal Transport Benchmark ( by Nikita Gushchin, Alexander Kolesov, Petr Mokrov, Polina Karpikova, Andrey Spiridonov, Evgeny Burnaev, Alexander Korotin.

The repository contains a set of continuous benchmark distributions for testing EOT/SB solvers for the quadratic cost.


If you find this repository or the ideas presented in our paper useful, please consider citing our paper.

  title={Building the Bridge of Schr$\backslash$" odinger: A Continuous Entropic Optimal Transport Benchmark},
  author={Gushchin, Nikita and Kolesov, Alexander and Mokrov, Petr and Karpikova, Polina and Spiridonov, Andrey and Burnaev, Evgeny and Korotin, Alexander},
  booktitle={Thirty-seventh Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems Datasets and Benchmarks Track},


pip install -r requirements.txt
python install

Repository structure

We provide several notebooks illustrating the usage of our benchmark.

  • notebooks/mixtures_benchmark_visualization_eot.ipynb -- visualizing images benchmark pairs, metrics computation example;
  • notebooks/mixtures_benchmark_visualization_sb.ipynb -- visualizing trajectories of the optimal process, metrics computation example;
  • notebooks/images_benchmark_visualization.ipynb -- visualizing images benchmark pairs;
  • notebooks/images_langevin_sampling.ipynb -- obtaining denoised sample from noised counterparts;

And we also provide notebooks to quickly plot some images from the paper.

  • notebooks/plot_mixtures_results_eot.ipynb -- plotting the qualitative results (PCA projections) of EOT methods on our mixtures benchmark;
  • notebooks/plot_mixtures_results_sb.ipynb -- plotting the quantitative results (KL/RKL) of SB methods on our mixtures pairs;
  • benchmark_construction_examples -- several examples of how to construct benchmark pairs from data.

Loading Benchmark Pairs For Mixtures

from eot_benchmark.gaussian_mixture_benchmark import (

DIM = 16  # 2,16,64,128
EPS =  0.1 # 0.1, 1, 10

input_sampler = get_guassian_mixture_benchmark_sampler(input_or_target="input", dim=DIM, eps=EPS,
                                          batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, device=f"cuda:{GPU_DEVICE}", download=True)

target_sampler = get_guassian_mixture_benchmark_sampler(input_or_target="target", dim=DIM, eps=EPS,
                                          batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, device=f"cuda:{GPU_DEVICE}", download=True)

ground_truth_plan_sampler = get_guassian_mixture_benchmark_ground_truth_sampler(dim=DIM,eps=EPS,
                                                          batch_size=BATCH_SIZE , device=f"cuda:{GPU_DEVICE}",

Loading Benchmark Pairs For Images

import torch
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from eot_benchmark.image_benchmark import ImageBenchmark

EPS = 0.1

benchmark = ImageBenchmark(batch_size=20, eps=EPS, glow_device=f"cuda:{GPU_DEVICE}",
                           samples_device=f"cuda:{GPU_DEVICE}", download=False)

X_sampler = benchmark.X_sampler
Y_sampler = benchmark.Y_sampler
GT_sampler = benchmark.GT_sampler

Test image datasets (for cFID, sets of "y" and 5k "x" per each "y") are available via the following link. These are int8 tensors, use torch.load. To get the test set for standard FID, use the built-in function which automatically downloads the test set.

X_test_sampler = benchmark.X_test_sampler
Y_test_sampler = benchmark.Y_test_sampler
