Releases: nf-core/ampliseq
Releases · nf-core/ampliseq
Ampliseq Version 2.4.1
nf-core/ampliseq version 2.4.1 - 2022-12-07
Summary of changes
Most importantly this release fixes a bug in 2.4.0 that prevented the use of the SILVA v138 database with QIIME2.
Detailed changes
- #494 -
accepts a comma separated list of metadata categories and plots for each barplots with average relative abundance.
- #492 -
accepts a comma separated list of formulas.
- #486 - Fixed typo in error message stating
instead of--classifier
. - #487,#488 - Update stale links in usage documentation.
- #489 - Reduce linting warnings for nf-core tools version 2.5.1.
- #491 - Make output from --addSH match UNITE format by replacing spaces with underscores.
- #495 - Template update for nf-core/tools version 2.6
- #501 - Check for empty fields in samplesheet column "run" and raise an appropriate error.
- #503 - Changed environment for formatting databases.
- #504 - Fixed warnings with nextflow 22.10 (and later) about processes that are defined more than once.
Tool | Previous version | New version |
QIIME2 | 2021.8 | 2022.8 |
Ampliseq Version 2.4.0
nf-core/ampliseq version 2.4.0 - 2022-09-07
Summary of changes
- Custom DADA2 reference taxonomy databases are now supported.
- Illumina NovaSeq data can be correctly processed.
- ASV length filter is available for stricter QC.
- Species classification is now reported in columns "Species" using DADA2's assignTaxonomy function or "Species_exact" using DADA2's addSpecies function, the latter only assigns exact sequence matches.
Detailed changes
- #456 - An optional ASV length filter can be activated using
--min_len_asv <int>
and/or--max_len_asv <int>
. - #458 - Samplesheet, ASV fasta file, and/or metadata sheet is now exported into
- #459 - MIDORI2 CO1 database with keys
- #460 - Taxonomic ranks for DADA2 taxonomic classification can be now adjusted using
--dada_assign_taxlevels <comma separated string>
. - #461 - A custom DADA2 reference taxonomy database can now be used with
, typically accompanied by--dada_assign_taxlevels
. - #446,#467 - Binned quality scores from Illumina NovaSeq data can be now corrected with
. - #477 - QC plots of DADA2's plotQualityProfile are now also produced after preprocessing.
- #478 - Added GTDB R07-RS207 DADA2 taxonomy reference databases
- #444,#457,#463,#465,#466,#469 - Updated the documentation.
- #445 - The minimum number of total bases to use for error rate learning by default is 1e8 (DADA2, learnErrors, nbases). Previously, samples were read in the provided order until enough reads were obtained (DADA2, learnErrors, randomize=FALSE). Now, samples are picked at random from those provided (DADA2, learnError, randomize=TRUE) and a seed is set.
- #453 - Export a few more basic QIIME2 fragments (zipped files) that can be easily imported into the correct QIIME2 version for custom analysis.
- #464 - Reported taxonomic classifications on species level based on DADA2's assignTaxonomy (approximations) is now listed in column "Species" while exact matches based on DADA2's addSpecies are now reported in column "Species_exact".
- #448 - Updated SBDI export scripts to include Unite species hypothesis information if available.
- #451 - Pairwise statistics will be now performed on a subset of metadata columns specified with
instead of ignoring that setting. - #451 - Replace busybox with Ubuntu base image for GCP support.
- #455 - Stop with descriptive error when only one of
is given, earlier it was silently ignored. - #474 - Template update for nf-core/tools version 2.5.1
- #475 - Report software versions for DADA2_TAXONOMY
- #479 - Updated software
Tool | Previous version | New version |
PICRUSt2 | 2.4.2 | 2.5.0 |
MultiQC | 1.12 | 1.13a |
Ampliseq Version 2.3.2
nf-core/ampliseq version 2.3.2 - 2022-05-27
Summary of changes
This release fixes bugs and adds more options to manipulate cutadapt parameters.
Detailed changes
- #429 -
sets cutadapt's global minimum overlap (-O
) and--cutadapt_max_error_rate
sets cutadapt's global maximum error rate (-e
) for trimming primer sequences. - #431 -
allows to skip quality check with DADA2. This is only allowed when--trunclenf
are set.
- #432 - The number of records to sample from a fastq file was decreased from 5e+06 to 5e+04 for plotQualityProfile (DADA2_QUALITY), therefore a smaller subset of reads is sampled for determining
. This should make the process more robust also from larger data sets.
Ampliseq Version 2.3.1
nf-core/ampliseq version 2.3.1 - 2022-04-05
Summary of changes
This release fixes a bug.
Detailed changes
- #415 - ADONIS test was running by default in version 2.2.0 and 2.3.0 on metadata columns that did not always have the required format, now specifying
is required to run that step.
Ampliseq Version 2.3.0
nf-core/ampliseq version 2.3.0 - 2022-04-04
Summary of changes
- Added Barrnap that annotates whether ASV sequences are SSUs and filter on demand
- Primer sequences are now not required any more and cutadapt can be skipped
- Updated to nf-core template 2.3.2
- Fixed some bugs
Detailed changes
- #385 -
allows to skip primer trimmimg. - #390, #408 - Add values to option
, specifying which ITS part to use. Also, add option--its_partial <x>
to allow partial ITS sequences longer than given cutoff. - #395 -
specifies the random seed. - #396 - Barrnap annotates ASV sequences for SSU's, it can be skipped with
takes a comma separated list of "bac,arc,mito,euk" and enables SSU filtering depending on Barrnap (default: off). - #397 - Complement with links to the nf-core bytesize 25 (nf-core/ampliseq).
- #385 -
are not obligatory any more, however primer sequences are still required with cutadapt (i.e. without--skip_cutadapt
, and--cut_dada_ref_taxonomy
(cuts reference with primer sequences).
- #384 - For QIIME2 beta diversity, make directory before execution.
- #394 - Prevent simultaneous usage of
. - #402, #410 - Template update for nf-core/tools version 2.3.2
- #403 - Limit number of files for DADA2_QUALITY (plotQualityProfile) by read numbers.
- #405 - Fix omitting taxonomic filtering (QIIME2_FILTERTAXA).
- #404 - Rephrase error message for empty input files and empty files after trimming with cutadapt.
- #407 - Fix reformatting script for Unite.
Tool | Previous version | New version |
MultiQC | 1.11 | 1.12 |
Ampliseq Version 2.2.0
nf-core/ampliseq version 2.2.0 - 2022-01-31
Summary of changes
- Added features (e.g. SBDI-GTDB db update, Adonis test)
- Added convenience updates (e.g. properly reporting and on demand ignoring low read samples)
- Updated to nf-core template 2.2
- Fixed some bugs
Detailed changes
- #352, #372 -
allows to skip species level classification to reduce memory requirements, incompatible with--sbdiexport
that expect species annotation. - #364 - Adonis in QIIME2 for testing feature importance in beta diversity distances,
can be set to provide a custom formula. - #366 - New version of the SBDI-GTDB taxonomy database: v. 3. (Fixes problem with
added to some domain strings.)
- #354 - Input files and files after primer trimming with cutadapt are required to be >1KB (i.e. not empty) and either the pipeline will stop if at least one sample file fails or the failing samples will be ignored when using
, respectively. - #376 - Forbid sampleIDs starting with a number when also
is used, because such strings are unintentionally modified and the metadata will not match any more.
- #377- An error message will occur when
is used with--skip_taxonomy
- #375- Updated documentation regarding not using curly brackets in
- #362- Template update for nf-core/tools version 2.2, now requires nextflow version
>= 21.10.3
- #374- Cutadapt results can be now also viwed in the MultiQC report
Tool | Previous version | New version |
Cutadapt | 3.2 | 3.4 |
DADA2 | 1.20.0 | 1.22.0 |
QIIME2 | 2021.2 | 2021.8 |
PICRUSt2 | 2.4.1 | 2.4.2 |
MultiQC | 1.10.1 | 1.11 |
- #350 - Remove redundant derepFastq step (has no impact on results)
Ampliseq Version 2.1.1
nf-core/ampliseq version 2.1.1 - 2021-10-28
Summary of changes
This release fixes bugs.
Detailed changes
- #336 - Taxa agglomeration levels with
, with defaults that go to genus level for abundance tables and ANCOM analysis
- 338 - Write empty space instead of
for missing values in output files. - 342 - Added PICRUSt2 to summary figure.
Ampliseq Version 2.1.0 "Gray Steel Boa"
nf-core/ampliseq version 2.1.0 "Gray Steel Boa" - 2021-09-14
Summary of changes
- Updated documentation
- Added export to the Swedish Biodiversity Infrastructure (SBDI) on demand (
) - Added newer versions of reference databases
- Predict community functions on demand (
) for 16S rRNA amplicons with PICRUSt2 - Fixed some bugs
Detailed changes
- #322 - Export to the Swedish Biodiversity Infrastructure (SBDI)
- #294 - New version of the PR2 taxonomy database: 4.14.0, contains also some Bacteria, see PR2 release 4.14.0 notes
- #294 - New version of the Unite taxonomy databases: 8.3
- #302 - Pipeline workflow figure in
- #307 - Functional predictions with PICRUSt2, on demand with
- #310 - Workflow figure in when using
- #312 - Added curated GTDB 16S taxonomy:
as parameter to--dada_ref_taxonomy
- #318 - Output information about the used reference taxonomy in a separate file in results folder
- #313 - Relative abundance tables in
on ASV level were renamed and with either DADA2 (rel-table-ASV_with-DADA2-tax.tsv
) or QIIME2 classifications (rel-table-ASV_with-QIIME2-tax.tsv
), if available.
- #306 - Sample names can now be identical to basenames of read files
- #299, #301- Template update for nf-core/tools version 2.1
- #303 - Reverse primer of PacBio and IonTorrent reads should be now given to
in usual direction (before: reverse complement) - #305 -
now accepts integers as expected - #314, #315 - ASV fasta input via --input fixed (was broken in 2.0.0) and a test profile was added.
Ampliseq Version 2.0.0 "Blue Copper Kangaroo"
nf-core/ampliseq version 2.0.0 "Blue Copper Kangaroo" - 2021-06-29
Summary of changes
- Re-wrote whole pipeline in nextflow DSL2 instead of DSL1
- Three types of input is now supported: data folder, sample sheet, ASV fasta file
- ASV generation is now performed by DADA2 in R instead of DADA2 in QIIME2
- More reference taxonomy databases are now supported out of the box (SILVA, UNITE, PR2, GTDB, RDP)
- More data types can be analysed (Illumina SE & PE, PacBio, IonTorrent)
Detailed changes
- #229 -
for single-ended Illumina data - #229, #245, #267 - Taxonomic classification with DADA2
- #229 -
for taxonomic classification with DADA2's assignTaxonomy and addSpecies functions - #278 -
for taxonomic classification with QIIME2 - #239 - Support of RDP database for DADA2 classification
- #237 - Support of UNITE database for DADA2 classification
- #229 -
may point (1) at a fasta file ending with.fasta
that will be taxonomically classified, (2) at a samples sheet ending with.tsv
that allows analysis of multiple sequencing runs by reading the optional columnrun
, or (3) at a folder input - #229 -
; please check the documentation for their function - #275 - Read count summary
- #274 -
to prevent any steps that are executed with QIIME2 - #272 -
to cut ASV sequence to ITS region before performing taxonomic classification with DADA2 - #280 - Added support for IonTorrent data
- #283 -
allows extracting expected amplicons from DADA2 reference taxonomy database
- #254 - Updated CamelCase parameters to be lower_case_snake_case:
- #277 - Requires nextflow version
>= 21.04.0
- #273 - Template update for nf-core/tools version 1.14
- #272 - New dependency ITSx v1.1.3
- #229 - Updated from cutadapt v2.8 to v3.2
- #229 - Updated DADA2 from v1.10 to v1.18.0, now not using QIIME2 for ASV generation any more
- #229 - Updated QIIME2 to v2021.2
- #229 -
is superseeded by--input
that can now also handle a sample sheet file input (required extension:.tsv
) - #229 -
are removed because pausing at that point is not neccessary - #229 -
is no longer supported, therefore all sample IDs have to be unique - #229 -
became unnecessary - #229 -
is deprecated in favour of--skip_taxonomy
(which does the exact same thing) --taxon_reference
became unnecessary- #229 -
are not supported any more.--qiime_ref_taxonomy
allows now choosing a taxonomic reference
Ampliseq Version 1.2.0 "Teal Bronze Lion"
nf-core/ampliseq version 1.2.0 "Teal Bronze Lion" - 2021
- #106 - Added support for PacBio data
- Added
to be able to support both 'silva' and 'unite' - #157 - Added possibility to run double cutadapt steps,
- #211 - Added quality filter option
- #182 - Fix input in case there are no underscores in sample IDs
- #186 - Update github actions
- #187 - Sample ids are in incorrect order in feature-table from PacBio data
- #201 - Template update for nf-core/tools version 1.12.1
- #147 - Split
in two different processes that can be allocated different resources - #183 - Don't fetch taxonomy/create classifier when run with
- #180 - MultiQC, cutadapt and fastQC now work with
- Updated from cutadapt v2.6 to v2.8