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Ooogles - Object Oriented OpenGL-ES 2.0

Ooogles is a ultra-thin object oriented Delphi wrapper around OpenGL-ES 2.0 with near-zero impact on performance. It can also be used to create OpenGL applications for desktop platforms using the OpenGL-ES subset of OpenGL.

This wrapper is still pretty low-level. It is not a "rendering engine" or high-level framework, so you still need OpenGL knowledge.

The main goals of Ooogles are to make it easier and less error-prone to use OpenGL-ES, offering error reporting in DEBUG builds and a better Code Insight experience in the Delphi IDE.


Ooogles has the following features:

  • Encapsulates OpenGL "objects" into Delphi records+methods for a better organized and easier to use interface to OpenGL.
  • Provides type-safe access to most OpenGL constructs. For example:
    • In OpenGL, every "object" is just an integer (or Handle), and nothing prevents you to call a texture API on a shader object. This wrapper wraps the API into classes (actually records) like TGLTexture and TGLShader, preventing these types of errors.
    • Another big source of common OpenGL errors is to use incorrect enumeration values, resulting in GL_INVALID_ENUM errors. This wrapper uses true Delphi enums instead, preventing most of these errors.
  • The wrapper is very thin. OpenGL handles are not wrapped into Delphi classes or object interfaces, but in records instead. Most methods are inlined and wrap just a single OpenGL API. So the overhead of the wrapper is mostly zero.
  • A few methods perform multiple OpenGL calls for convenience. For example, when compiling a shader, the wrapper not only calls the compile API, but also checks for compilation errors. In DEBUG mode, it will expose those errors through exceptions, and it will also log any warnings to the debug console.
  • OpenGL APIs that are not tied to an OpenGL "object" are wrapped in the static gl class (which acts more like a namespace). For example, the OpenGL API glClear is wrapped in the method gl.Clear.
  • The wrapper provides some features to make OpenGL-ES specific constructs compatible with (desktop) OpenGL. For example, OpenGL-ES requires the use of precision qualifiers in fragment shaders, but these are not supported by OpenGL. This wrapper will modify the shader source so it will work with OpenGL as well.
  • The wrapper only exposes methods that are OpenGL-ES compliant, so you cannot accidentially use APIs that only work with OpenGL, but not with OpenGL-ES. However, you always have access to the underlying OpenGL handle and so you can use it directly with the OpenGL API if you want to.
  • The wrapper handles the sometimes slightly different API names on different platforms.
  • When compiling with the DEBUG conditional define, and assertions enabled (the default configuration for Debug builds), every OpenGL call is checked for errors, and an exception is raised when an error occurs, indicating the type of error and in which method it occurred. When DEBUG is not defined, or assertions are disabled, all error checking code is removed from the build so it has zero impact on performance.
  • Also, when compiling in DEBUG mode with assertions enabled, warnings will be logged to the debug console if you forget to bind an object before you use it (or when a different object than the one you are using is currently bound).
  • The wrapper is well documented. Each record and method contains documentation from the official OpenGL-ES 2.0 reference, as well as custom documentation where needed. The documentation also shows which original OpenGL API call(s) are used in the implementation, to make it easier to find some method if you already know the API equivalent.
  • Comes with various samples that show how to use this wrapper. These samples work on Windows, macOS, iOS and Android. However, they do not use the FireMonkey framework, but a custom light-weight (and limited) framework that you can find in the Examples\Common directory.


The wrapper does not provide higher-level features such as automatic OpenGL resource managment. You need to release OpenGL resources yourself when you no longer need them. Resources are usually created using a method called New and released using a methods called Delete. For example:

  Texture: TGLTexture;
  // Do something with texture

I may add automatic resource management in the future if and when Delphi gets support for record finalizers.

Also, the wrapper only supports OpenGL-ES version 2.0. It does not support the "old" version 1 fixed-function rendering pipeline. I may add support for version 3.0 and up once it is offered by Delphi becomes more mainstream.


This wrapper has no dependencies other than requiring the FastMath library. This library offers (among other things) very fast vector and matrix math calculations, which makes it ideal for use in high performance (OpenGL) applications.

Getting Started

To get started:

  • Make sure the FastMath directory is at the same level as the Ooogles directory.
  • You usually want to add the FM_COLUMN_MAJOR conditional define to your project (for All configurations - All platforms). This enables column-major storage of matrices, which makes more sense for OpenGL applications.
  • After you have created and activated your OpenGL context, call InitOoogles. This is needed to emulate OpenGL-ES on OpenGL platforms. If your application uses multiple contexts, you must call InitOoogles once for each context (after making it current). Take a look at the Sample.Platform.* units for examples of when to call this.
  • When using Ooogles in your unit, you may get compiler hints saying something like "H2443 Inline function X has not been expanded because unit Y is not specified in USES list". This is because Ooogles inlines most functions and Delphi requires you use the OpenGL units for inlining to work. Unfortunately, the names of those units differ by platform (eg. Winapi.OpenGL, iOSapi.OpenGLES etc). To make it easier to use the correct OpenGL units, it is easiest if you include the '' file in your uses clauses instead, as in:
  {$INCLUDE ''}

Just make sure you "use" at least one other unit after the include file.

Main Classes and Documentation

The following is a list of the main classes (actually records) used in Ooogles, along with links to their documentation:

  • gl: static class (or namespace) for OpenGL APIs that are not tied to a specific object.
  • TGLShader: a vertex or fragment shader.
  • TGLProgram: a program that combines a vertex shader and a fragment shader.
  • TGLVertexAttrib: represents a single vertex attribute in a TGLProgram. These are variables marked with attribute in a vertex shader.
  • TGLUniform: represents a uniform in a TGLProgram. These are variables marked with uniform in a vertex or fragment shader.
  • TGLBuffer: a (vertex) array buffer or element array (index) buffer.
  • TGLTexture: a 2D texture or cubemap texture.
  • TGLFramebuffer: a framebuffer.
  • TGLRenderbuffer: a renderbuffer. Serves as storage for a TGLFramebuffer.

Mapping from OpenGL to Ooogles

If you are fluent in OpenGL, the you may find the following table helpful to translate from a OpenGL API to an Ooogles method. It should all be pretty straightforward.

OpenGL Ooogles
glActiveTexture TGLTexture.BindToTextureUnit
glAttachShader TGLProgram.AttachShader
glBindAttribLocation TGLVertexAttrib.Bind
glBindBuffer TGLBuffer.Bind
glBindFramebuffer TGLFramebuffer.Bind
glBindTexture TGLTexture.Bind
glBlendColor gl.BlendColor
glBlendEquation gl.BlendEquation
glBlendEquationSeparate gl.BlendEquationSeparate
glBlendFunc gl.BlendFunc
glBlendFuncSeparate gl.BlendFuncSeparate
glBufferData TGLBuffer.Data
glBufferSubData TGLBuffer.SubData
glCheckFramebufferStatus TGLFramebuffer.Status
glClear gl.Clear
glClearColor gl.ClearColor
glClearDepthf gl.ClearDepth
glClearStencil gl.ClearStencil
glColorMask gl.ColorMask
glCompileShader TGLShader.Compile
glCompressedTexImage2D TGLTexture.UploadCompressed
glCompressedTexSubImage2D TGLTexture.SubUploadCompressed
glCopyTexImage2D TGLTexture.Copy
glCopyTexSubImage2D TGLTexture.SubCopy
glCreateProgram TGLProgram.New
glCreateShader TGLShader.New
glCullFace gl.CullFace
glDeleteBuffers TGLBuffer.Delete
glDeleteFramebuffers TGLFramebuffer.Delete
glDeleteProgram TGLProgram.Delete
glDeleteRenderbuffers TGLRenderbuffer.Delete
glDeleteShader TGLShader.Delete
glDeleteTextures TGLTexture.Delete
glDepthFunc gl.DepthFunc
glDepthMask gl.DepthMask
glDepthRangef gl.DepthRange
glDetachShader TGLProgram.DetachShader
glDisable gl.Disable
glDisableVertexAttribArray TGLVertexAttrib.Disable
glDrawArrays gl.DrawArrays
glDrawElements gl.DrawElements
glEnable gl.Enable
glEnableVertexAttribArray TGLVertexAttrib.Enable
glFinish gl.Finish
glFlush gl.Flush
glFramebufferRenderbuffer TGLFramebuffer.AttachRenderbuffer
glFramebufferTexture2D TGLFramebuffer.AttachTexture
glFrontFace gl.FrontFace
glGenBuffers TGLBuffer.New
glGenFramebuffers TGLFramebuffer.New
glGenRenderbuffers TGLRenderbuffer.New
glGenTextures TGLTexture.New
glGenerateMipmap TGLTexture.GenerateMipmap
glGetBooleanv various Get* methods
glGetFloatv various Get* methods
glGetIntegerv various Get* methods
glGetActiveAttrib TGLProgram.GetAttributeInfo
glGetActiveUniform TGLProgram.GetUniformInfo
glGetAttachedShaders TGLProgram.GetAttachedShaders
glGetAttribLocation TGLVertexAttrib.Init
glGetBufferParameteriv TGLBuffer.Get*
glGetError gl.GetError
glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv TGLFramebuffer.Get*
glGetProgramInfoLog TGLProgram (in DEBUG mode)
glGetProgramiv TGLProgram.Get*
glGetRenderbufferParameteriv TGLRenderbuffer.Get*
glGetShaderInfoLog TGLShader (in DEBUG mode)
glGetShaderSource TGLShader.GetSource
glGetShaderiv TGLShader.Get*
glGetString gl.Get*
glGetTexParameter* TGLTexture.Get*
glGetUniform TGLUniform.GetValue
glGetUniformLocation TGLUniform.Init
glGetVertexAttrib* TGLVertexAttrib.Get*
glGetVertexAttribPointerv TGLVertexAttrib.GetOffset/GetData
glHint TGLTexture.MipmapHint
glIsBuffer not needed
glIsEnabled gl.IsEnabled
glIsFramebuffer not needed
glIsProgram not needed
glIsRenderbuffer not needed
glIsShader not needed
glIsTexture not needed
glLineWidth gl.LineWidth
glLinkProgram TGLProgram.Link
glPixelStorei gl.PixelStore
glPolygonOffset gl.PolygonOffset
glReadPixels TGLFramebuffer.ReadPixels
glReleaseShaderCompiler TGLShader.ReleaseCompiler
glRenderbufferStorage TGLRenderbuffer.Storage
glSampleCoverage gl.SampleCoverage
glScissor gl.Scissor
glShaderSource TGLShader.SetSource
glStencilFunc gl.StencilFunc
glStencilFuncSeparate gl.StencilFuncSeparate
glStencilMask gl.StencilMask
glStencilMaskSeparate gl.StencilMaskSeparate
glStencilOp gl.StencilOp
glStencilOpSeparate gl.StencilOpSeparate
glTexImage2D TGLTexture.Upload
glTexParameter TGLTexture.MinFilter/MagFilter/WrapS/WrapT
glTexSubImage2D TGLTexture.SubUpload
glUniform* TGLUniform.SetValue/SetValues
glUseProgram TGLProgram.Use
glValidateProgram TGLProgram.Validate
glVertexAttrib* TGLVertexAttrib.SetValue
glVertexAttribPointer TGLVertexAttrib.SetConfig/SetData
glViewport gl.Viewport


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