Summernote Plugin for elFinder File Manager
Download plugin files. Extract it and copy into your summernote plugin directory.
Include the summernote ext javascript file into your html page.
Each element, DIV or TEXTAREA that is an editor must include the attribute/value pair of data-editor="summernote". This version of the plugin allows multiple editors on one page to function correctly. Example: <textarea id="sn1" name="sn1" class="summernote" data-editor="summernote"></textarea> Example:
(The class summernote is being used based on the example code below. Any jQuery selector can be used to create the editors. If you use something like $('textarea').summernote({..., the class would not be required. -
Includes code for images and file links. Note that your copy of Summernote must contain the changes noted at the link below for root relative link to work. summernote/summernote#2971
<script src="path/to/plugin/summernote-ext-elfinder/summernote-ext-elfinder.js"></script>
Initialize the plugin at your summernote initialization code.
<script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { $('.summernote').summernote({ height: 200, tabsize: 2, toolbar: [ ['style', ['bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'clear']], ['insert', ['elfinder']] ] }); }); function elfinderDialog() { var fm = $('<div/>').dialogelfinder({ url : '', // change with the url of your connector lang : 'en', width : 840, height: 450, destroyOnClose : true, // Use the parameter below to avoid an anchor link added to url useBrowserHistory: false, getFileCallback : function(file, fm) { console.log(file); var link_url = fm.convAbsUrl(file.url); // Use line below if you want a root relative url // Your summernote copy must contain the changes noted at the link below for root relative link to work. // // var link_url = link_url.substring(link_url.indexOf('/', 8)); if (file.mime.substring(0,6) == 'image/') { context.summernote('editor.insertImage', link_url); } else { var linkInfo = { url:link_url,, isNewWindow:false } context.summernote('editor.createLink', linkInfo); } } commandsOptions : { getfile : { oncomplete : 'close', folders : false } } }).dialogelfinder('instance'); } </script>
- Summernote : v0.8.10 for Bootstrap 4
- elFinder : 2.1.42
- Bootstrap : v4.1.3
- jQuery : v3.3.1
- jQuery-UI : v1.12.1
Don't forget to include the jQuery and jQuery-UI. The latest elFinder not include jquery-ui file.