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NARE - Not A Rule Engine

NARE a variation of the Specification pattern, as described by Eric Evans & Martin Fowler here:, adapter to handled more complex cases.
More generally, it is an implementation of an Expression Tree, but one which can support both unary, binary and ternary nodes expressions.


To model decision trees so they can be visualised, documented, and traced (inputs, outputs, evaluation), for legal and regulatory review. Both the specification of a rule as well as its execution can be documented.


  • Unary expressions:
    • Sequence: Sequence of expressions, result = result from last evaluation.
    • Foreach:
    • Not
    • Node: (node computation supplied by implementor) Allows for arbitrary evaluations to be included.
  • Binary expressions:
    • And
    • Or
  • Ternary expressions:
    • Computational If/Else: Simple if/then or if/then/else. Returns result from .
  • N-ary expressions:
    • Conditional If/Or/Else: Allows for evaluating only specific subtrees based on a provided condition.

Rule documentation

The rule specification may be output to Asciidoc using the supplied Javadoc Doclet. This will output names of parameters and rules to a single asciidoc document, while the trees will be output to a json document as a set of nodes and edges. The output format in json is the same for both the specification and evaluation trees (except a few evaluation specific parameters), making both suitable for long term storage.

The json output for a graph is fairly easy to graph out using any appropriate graphing library (Vue, D3, etc.) that supports a node/edge layout.


See tests for examples


  • External: Raise an issue here on GitHub
  • Internal: Slack channel #teamforeldrepenger.