P(retty)PuLP is an extension of PuLP, linear programming problem modeling tool using flopt. You can use the basic features of pulp and the following useful extensions to make modeling simpler.
pip install ppulp
git clone https://github.com/nariaki3551/ppulp.git
- Variable product
- If-then constraints
- Absolute values
- Piecewise linear approximation of nonlinear functions
- Logical operations (And, Or, Xor)
- Reduction (Sum, Prod)
# from pulp import *
from ppulp import *
# create variables
x = LpVariable("x", cat="Binary")
y = LpVariable("y", cat="Binary")
# create variable production
z = x * y
from ppulp import *
x = LpVariable("x", lowBound=-1)
y = LpVariable("y", lowBound=-1)
prob = LpProblem(sense="Minimize")
# add if-then constraints
prob += (x <= 0) >> (y >= 0) # if (x <= 0) then (y >= 0)
prob += (y <= 0) >> (x >= 0) # if (y <= 0) then (x >= 0)
x = LpVariable("x")
y = LpVariable("y")
from ppulp import *
import math
x = LpVariable("x", lowBound=3)
y = LpVariable("y", lowBound=4)
# create non-linear function
f = PiecewiseLinear(math.log, xl=7, xu=100, num=3)
prob = LpProblem()
prob += f(x + y)
prob += f(x) >= 10
from ppulp import *
x = [LpVariable(name=f"x{i}", ini_value=2) for i in range(5)]
# summation
# production