##Description push2syslog allows you to push custom logs to syslog
# git clone https://github.com/nabello/push2syslog.git
# mv push2syslog /etc
# cd /etc/push2syslog
# cp push2syslog /etc/init.d
# cd /etc/init.d/
# chmod 755 push2syslog
Now you can use the push2syslog service by adding paths of logs you want to push to syslog in /etc/push2syslog/list-of-paths then do:
# service push2syslog start to start pushing those logs to syslog
# service push2syslog stop to stop pushing those logs to syslog
Note that if you don't know if push2syslog is running or not you can use # service push2syslog status
Author: nabello