To install the stable version use the Menu - Manage palette
option and search for node-red-smartpi
, or run the following command in your Node-RED user directory - typically ~/.node-red
npm i @nd-enerserve/node-red-smartpi
Execution environment of this node is Node-RED v1.0 or later.
Use the smartpi-input module to read out and evaluate the measured values of the SmartPi.
The value to be used can be set in the settings. The measured values are output at one second intervals.
The smartpi-treshold-trigger can convert the measured values of the smartpi-input node into logical values. For this purpose, it is specified in the settings of the node from which value (exceeding) the node outputs a 1 (rising threshold) and from which value (falling below) the node outputs a 0 again (falling threshold).
By specifying different values for the rising threshold and falling threshold, hysteresis is possible.