SPARC solaris exporter for Prometheus.
Written by Alexander Golikov for collecting SPARC Solaris metrics for Prometheus.
Tested on Solaris 11.3.25, 11.4.4, 11.4.41, 10u11(limited) SPARC.
Also work on x86 platform, community-tested with Openindiana (x86) (OI-hipster-minimal-20201031.iso) and Solaris10u11.
- 2020 Jan 31. Initial
- 2020 Feb 04. Added UpTime in UpTimeCollector.
- 2020 Feb 09. Added DiskErrorCollector, ZpoolCollector, FmadmCollector, SVCSCollector, FCinfoCollector
- 2020 Dec 17. Added PrtdiagCollector, MetaStatCollector, MetaDBCollector
- 2021 Jan 05. Added TextFileCollector, SVCSCollector now enabled for all zones (Thanks to Marcel Peter)
- 2021 Mar 01. Fixed psutil version to 5.7.0 (something changed in the newer versions, have to time to look at)
- 2022 Jan 24. Added support for Python 3.
- 2022 Feb 04. Documentation update for support of Solaris 11.4.41.
- 2022 Feb 05. Fixed support of Python 2.7 for Solaris 11.4.41.
- 2022 May 04. Added LdomsLsCollector due to discussion.
- 2025 Jan 16. Added InventoryCPUCollector, InventoryMemCollector, InventoryOSinfoCollector - all for inventory requests in prometheus
- Solaris Zones CPU Usage with processor sets info (PerZoneCpuCollector);
- Solaris Zones Virtual Memory (SWAP) Resource Capping (PerZoneCapsCollector);
- Common CPU stats (CpuTimeCollector);
- Avg Load (CpuLoadCollector);
- Disk IO (DiskIOCollector);
- Disk Errors (DiskErrorCollector);
- Disk Space (DiskSpaceCollector, requires 'file_dac_search' priv for solaris zones)
- Memory Usage, swap-in, swap-out (MemCollector);
- Network Interfaces (NetworkCollector);
- Node time, uptime (CurTimeCollector, UpTimeCollector);
- FC links Multipath (FCinfoCollector, /usr/sbin/mpathadm list lu)
- System Services health via 'svcs -x' command (SVCSCollector);
- Whole system health via 'fmadm faulty' (FmadmCollector), requires pfexec of '/usr/sbin/fmadm'.
- Zpool devices health via 'zpool status' command (ZpoolCollector)
- prtdiag -v return code(PrtdiagCollector)
- Solaris Volume Manager disk status (MetaStatCollector, MetaDBCollector).
- Get info from text files *.prom in folder provided by text_file_path var (TextFileCollector).
- LDOM info via 'ldm list' (LdomsLsCollector), requires auth ''.
- Inventory infirmation (InventoryCPUCollector, InventoryMemCollector, InventoryOSinfoCollector, DiskSpaceCollector)
Dashboard config is located in file grafana-dashboard-solaris.json
To use this exporter you need Python2.7 or Python3.x and its modules prometheus_client, psutil.
# Setup proxy vars to have access to internet
export http_proxy=
export https_proxy=
# Install pkgutil
pkgadd -d ./now
# Update repo list
/opt/csw/bin/pkgutil -U
# Install Python 2.7 or Python 3.3 (it works on both)
# Python 2.7 (preferred)
/opt/csw/bin/pkgutil -y -i python27
/opt/csw/bin/pkgutil -y -i python27_dev
/opt/csw/bin/pkgutil -y -i py_pip
/usr/sbin/pkgchk -L CSWpy-pip # list installed files if you need
# or Python 3.3
/opt/csw/bin/pkgutil -y -i python33
/opt/csw/bin/pkgutil -y -i python33_dev
# pip3 is not included in pkgutil, we need to install it by hands
# download pip3.3 installer [] and run it with python3.3
# Install gcc5core
/opt/csw/bin/pkgutil -y -i gcc5core
# Install Python module prometheus_client
# Python 2.7
/opt/csw/bin/pip2.7 install prometheus_client==0.7.1
# Note than current versions of prometheus_client (0.14.1 +) for some reasons not works with Python 2.7,
# that is why I fixed its version to 0.7.1, it is tested.
# or Python 3.3
/opt/csw/bin/pip3.3 install prometheus_client
# Install Python module psutil, it have to compile some libs, but we preinstalled all that needed
ln -s /opt/csw/bin/gcc-5.5 /opt/csw/bin/gcc-5.2
# Python 2.7
# note that the latest version of psutil not supports Python2.7,
# that is why version of psutil is fixed to '5.7.0'
/opt/csw/bin/pip2.7 install psutil==5.7.0
# or Python 3.3
/opt/csw/bin/pip3.3 install psutil
# Run exporter, check http://ip:9100
# Python 2.7
export LANG=C
# or Python 3.3
export LANG=C
# Setup proxy vars to have access to internet
export http_proxy=
export https_proxy=
# Install Python 2.7 module prometheus_client
pip-2.7 install prometheus_client==0.7.1
# Note than current versions of prometheus_client (0.14.1 +) for some reasons not works with Python 2.7,
# that is why I fixed its version to 0.7.1, it is tested.
# Install Python 2.7 module psutil, it have to compile some libs
# Also you could get psutil for Python 2.7 via 'pkg install library/python/psutil-27',
# but it returns wrong Network statistics, tested from Solaris 11.4.4 repo.
# The latest version of psutil not supports Python2.7, that is why version of psutil is fixed on '5.7.0'
pkg install pkg:/developer/gcc/gcc-c-5
ln -s /usr/bin/gcc /usr/bin/cc
export CFLAGS=-m32
pip-2.7 install psutil==5.7.0
# if you have troubles with compilation, try to switch to gcc-c-9 and Python 3.7
# Run exporter, check http://ip:9100
export LANG=C
# Setup proxy vars to have access to internet
export http_proxy=
export https_proxy=
# Install Python 3.7 module prometheus_client
pip-3.7 install prometheus_client
# tested with version 0.13.1, to install this version you may run
# pip-3.7 install prometheus_client==0.13.1
# Install Python 3.7 module psutil
# Also you could get psutil for Python 3.7 via 'pkg install library/python/psutil-37',
# but its old version '5.6.7' not adapted for Sol11.4.41 changes, fails at 'swap -l' output, have network dev inaccuracy.
# The best way is to install actual version of psutil (tested on '5.9.0')
pkg install pkg:/developer/gcc/gcc-c-9
ln -s /usr/bin/gcc /usr/bin/cc
pip-3.7 install psutil==5.9.0
# Run exporter, check http://ip:9100
export LANG=C
- Create user and group 'monitor'
- Run './' to create 'prometheus/solaris_exporter' service.
- The best way to do all installation tasks on all nodes is Ansible. See tasks file install_solaris_exporter.yml as an example for creating role. You have to create Role and add all declared variables to it.
- 'alerts.solaris.yml'
- job_name: 'solaris_exporter'
scrape_interval: 60s
scrape_timeout: 50s
metrics_path: /
scheme: http
- files:
- 'inventory/static/hosts.yml'
- 'inventory/static/hosts/*.yml'
- 'inventory/dynamic/solaris/*.yml'
- source_labels: [os] #force this job if os label is 'solaris'
regex: '^solaris.*'
target_label: jobs
replacement: solaris_exporter
- source_labels: [jobs] #pick up config if it has 'solaris_exporter' in comma-separated list in label 'jobs', drop if not
regex: '(.*,|^)solaris_exporter(,.*|$)'
action: keep
- regex: '^jobs$' #drop unused label 'jobs'
action: labeldrop
- source_labels: [__address__] #save ip address into 'ip' label
regex: '(.*)(:.*)?'
replacement: '$1'
target_label: ip
- source_labels: [__address__] #add port if it is absent in target, save ip:port to '__param_target' label
regex: (.*)(:.*)?
replacement: ${1}:9100
target_label: __param_target
- source_labels: [__param_target] #copy '__param_target' label to 'instance' label
target_label: instance
- source_labels: [__param_target] #copy '__param_target' label to '__address__' label
target_label: __address__