Our version of the game Pinball Droid.
Developers: -Víctor Segura Blanco (Github: https://github.com/VictorSegura99). -Oriol Capdevila Salinas (Github: https://github.com/OriolCS2).
Our Repository: https://github.com/VictorSegura99/Victor_Segura_Oriol_Capdevila
Original Game: : https://www.classicgame.com/game/Pinball+Droid.
Differences with the original:
- We can't Open Menu.
- Some sfx that we could not extract from the original Game.
- (<-) or Z for left Flippers.
- (->) or M for right Flipper.
- Down Arrow or SPACE to impuls the ball at the begining(kicker).
- If you hit a Light you get 500 points.
- If you hit the 3 Lights in the same row you get 1500 points and a Letter gets active.
- You you hit the big light in the high part of the map 20k Points hole gets open.
- If you fall into a deactivated hole, you get 1k points.
- If you pass through arrows you activate 5k or 10k holes, depending on the arrows.
- If you hit the bouncers or the tiangles you get 200 points.
- If you active 1 light point of the start of the map you get 500 points.
- If you active all 3 lights points of the begining of the map, you get x2 combo everytime you do it. If you acomplish to get to HELD, you get x20 bonus.
Sources: Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zyyn5rvmJ9I&ab_channel=ThiBe Bonus sfx: http://csfiles.maniapc.org/cs/sound/ambience/lv_fruit1.wav New Ball sfx: http://dight310.byu.edu/media/audio/FreeLoops.com/5/5/Pinball%20Game%20Sounds-14358-Free-Loops.com.mp3 Rest of sfx all extracted from the original Game.