Made By: Kacey Crosby Arsheen Taj Syed Mohammad Yakoobi Mohammad Agha Mohammadi Sushant Potu
Last Updated: 2023-02-20 13:30:00
You do need to install emailjs-com
Time Value Vault is a web application that helps users calculate their monthly loan payments based on their loan amount, interest rate, and monthly expenses. The application also sends an email to the user with the calculated results.
- User login
- Loan payment calculation
- Email notification with calculation results
You will need to to install: npm install emailjs-com
Start the development server: npm start
Open your browser and go to http://localhost:3000.
Enter your loan amount, interest rate, and monthly expenses.
Click on "Calculate Payment" to see the monthly payment result.
The result will be displayed on the screen and an email will be sent to the user with the calculation details.
App.js: Main application component email.js: Contains the sendEmail function to send emails using EmailJS login.js: Login component TMV.js: Additional component (if any) interest.js: Total interest calculator component App.css: Styles for the application Dependencies React emailjs-com
--readme made by Github CO-pilot