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A .puz file parser


  • Takes in one or more .puz files and parses them to TOML format on stdout
  • assigns a "smartId", as a means of identifying unique puzzles based on solution grid.
  • Can return the following to stdout / file(s) / or through a module function via crate import:
authors = "Will Shortz & Someone"
size = [15, 15]
id = "something smart"

blank = [
solution = [
extensions = [
    # nothing here means puzzle is standard
    # circled squares = o
    # tile contents are given = g
    # tile has rebus @ index n = n (`u16`)
    "og3", # circled, contents given, rebus.options[3]

across = {
    1: "something",
    2: "else",
    3: "is up!",
down = {
    1: "something",
    2: "else",
    3: "is up!",

options = [ "CLUB", "DIAMOND", "SPADE", "HEARTS"]


  • Think of ways to handle multiple files when outputting to stdout


  • How do scrambled puzzles get read?
  • Assigning rebus's properly
  • GEXT analysis for board setup