- 👋 Hi, I’m @muzardemoses
I am a Software Engineer with a passion for creating beautiful and user-friendly websites and applications. My passion has led me to explore the depths of Front-end development, enhancing my capabilities in building efficient, responsive, scalable, and highly maintainable applications. I have a solid understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and have experience working with popular front-end frameworks such as React and Vue. In addition to my technical skills, I am a strong communicator and collaborator and have experience working in teams to deliver successful projects... I create technical content (on my Blog, Newsletter, and YouTube, build useful open-source projects, speak at some meetups/conferences, build technical communities...
Here's a quick summary about me:
- 😊 Pronouns: A-day-bah-yor(Adebayo) mu-zar-de-mo-sis(muzardemoses)
- 💡 Fun fact: I'm currently studying at AltSchool Africa School of Software Engineering Class of 2022.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning JavaScript, Reactjs.
- 😊 I’m looking for help with open source projects, hackathons, internships, and entry-level opportunities.
- 💼 Job interests: Software Engineer, Front Engineer, or UI Engineer (Intern or Junior level).
- 📫 You can view my resume and contact me by emailing [email protected].