This repository contains supplemental material for the manuscript "Assessing qualitative individual differences with Bayesian hierarchical latent-mixture models" (Schnuerch & Rouder, 2025).
The subfolder "manuscript" contains the R Markdown files as well as all required R scripts to reproduce the simulations, analyses, tables, and figures reported in the manuscript.
The subfolder "R" contains user-friendly R functions -- particularly the main function "baid()" = Bayesian analaysis of individual differences -- that implement the developed analysis approach for the assessment of qualitative individual differences with Bayesian hierarchical latent-mixture models. Please refer to the user-guide for guidance on how to install and use the functions.
The functions may be used for non-commercial purposes free of charge. Although considerable effort was put into developing and testing the functions provided herein, there is no warranty whatsoever. Please refer to Schnuerch and Rouder (2025) for further information on model development and implementation.