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Michael Moroni edited this page Jul 14, 2015 · 6 revisions

Follow these steps at your own risk!

Migration from a Geeksphone Keon (FFOS 1.3) to a Flame (FFOS 2.0):

  1. Turn Internet access off on both devices, so that no new messages appear during the process.

  2. Install OpenWapp on the Flame. There's no need to set it up.

  3. Using back up user profiles from the Keon and the Flame into keon-profile and flame-profile.

  4. To determine the location of the OpenWapp configuration, open keon-profile/data-local/webapps/webapps.json:

    "{ff7bf2bb-f923-4ca3-bc55-901b726e4d29}": {
      "name": "OpenWapp",
      "id": "{ff7bf2bb-f923-4ca3-bc55-901b726e4d29}",
      "localId": 1030,

    Concatenating id, +f+app+++, and localId allows setting the source, here:

    $ ID="1030+f+app+++{ff7bf2bb-f923-4ca3-bc55-901b726e4d29}"
    $ SRC="keon-profile/data-local/storage/persistent/$ID"
  5. For the Flame, the same method as above gives the destination. Note that the base path is now relative to the device instead of the backup. Example:

    $ ID="1033+f+app+++{74c82744-1aa6-4061-a6ac-4e2544368ac8}"
    $ DEST="/data/local/storage/persistent/$ID"
  6. Copy the OpenWapp configuration to the Flame:

    $ adb shell stop b2g
    $ adb shell rm -rf "$DEST" # fails if empty, just ignore
    $ adb push "$SRC" "$DEST/"
    $ adb shell start b2g # reboot

    Stoping and starting b2g may not be necessary.

  7. If present, copy the openwapp directory from the Keon’s Micro SD card to that inserted into the Flame. This directory contains multimedia data such as images.

  8. Migrate contacts.

  9. Turn Internet access back on.

When opening OpenWapp on the Flame, and if it's not yet registered, briefly the messages may flash up, and then you will be asked to verify your number.

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