The official Magicians & Looters website.
This site was created using Middleman, which is a Ruby gem.
In order to build and test the project, you'll need Ruby installed (version 2.2 or newer is recommended; has been tested with 2.2.4p230).
You'll also need the bundler gem, which can be installed via gem install bundler
To get started, let's open a terminal:
git clone [email protected]:morgopolis/
bundle install
bundle exec middleman server
At this point, Middleman is running an HTTP server which is hosting the content (using a live-reload plugin, which auto-updates when files are modified).
You can browse to it by navigating to http://localhost:4567/
When the project is tested and ready to go, you can create the final HTML by running bundle exec middleman build
When Middleman finishes building, the contents will be under /build/ ready to copy via FTP, SCP, or whatever means necessary.