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Merge pull request #141 from pyl1110/main
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Create main.mbt
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bzy-debug authored Nov 21, 2024
2 parents 350395f + 0b4f9a5 commit 15d3b1c
Showing 1 changed file with 162 additions and 0 deletions.
162 changes: 162 additions & 0 deletions teams/阿信哦耶/main.mbt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
pub struct Game {
mut seed : Int // 使用一个固定的初始种子值
mut cards : Array[Int] // 存储卡片上的数字
mut target : Int // 目标数字,固定为24
mut userInput : String // 用户的输入记录
mut numCount : Int // 当前表达式中的数字数量
mut selectedCard : Int // 当前选中的卡片索引
mut selectedOperator : Int // 当前选中的操作符索引
mut prevGamePad : @wasm4.GamePad // 上一帧的按键状态
mut button1Pressed : Bool // 追踪 Button1 的按下状态

let operators = ["+", "-", "*", "/"]

let font_x : Int = 5

let font_y : Int = 5

let g : Game = Game::{
seed: 12345,
cards: [0, 0, 0, 0],
target: 24,
userInput: "",
numCount: 0,
selectedCard: 0,
selectedOperator: 0,
prevGamePad: @wasm4.GamePad::default(),
button1Pressed: false,

pub fn start() -> Unit {
@wasm4.text("24 Points Game", font_x, font_y)

// 随机数生成函数
fn random(max : Int) -> Int {
g.seed = g.seed * 16807 % 2147483647
return g.seed % max + 1

// 生成4张卡片上的随机数字
fn resetGame() -> Unit {
for i = 0; i < 4; i = i + 1 {[i] = random(10)
g.userInput = ""
g.numCount = 0

pub fn update() -> Unit {
let gamePad = @wasm4.get_gamepad()
if gamePad != g.prevGamePad {
// 控制卡片选择
if gamePad.button_left {
g.selectedCard = (g.selectedCard - 1 + %
} else if gamePad.button_right {
g.selectedCard = (g.selectedCard + 1) %

// 控制操作符选择
if gamePad.button_up {
g.selectedOperator = (g.selectedOperator - 1 + operators.length()) %
} else if gamePad.button_down {
g.selectedOperator = (g.selectedOperator + 1) % operators.length()

// 检查是否按下 Button1,并仅在未按下状态下进行选择操作
if gamePad.button_1 && not(g.button1Pressed) {
if g.numCount < 4 {
g.userInput +=[g.selectedCard].to_string()
g.numCount += 1
if g.numCount < 4 {
g.userInput += " " + operators[g.selectedOperator] + " "
g.button1Pressed = true

// 如果 Button1 未按下,将其状态重置为未按下
if not(gamePad.button_1) {
g.button1Pressed = false

// 检查是否完成表达式并显示结果
if gamePad.button_2 {
g.userInput = if checkResult() { "You win!" } else { "Try again!" }
g.prevGamePad = gamePad

fn drawGame() -> Unit {
@wasm4.text("24 Points Game", font_x, font_y)
@wasm4.text("Use arrows to select", font_x, font_y + 10)
for i = 0; i < 4; i = i + 1 {
let yPos = font_y + 20 + i * 10
let cardText = if i == g.selectedCard {
"> Card " + i.to_string() + ": " +[i].to_string()
} else {
"Card " + i.to_string() + ": " +[i].to_string()
@wasm4.text(cardText, font_x, yPos)
@wasm4.text("Operator: " + operators[g.selectedOperator], font_x, font_y + 60)
@wasm4.text("Expr: ", font_x, font_y + 70)
@wasm4.text(g.userInput, font_x, font_y + 80)
@wasm4.text("Btn1=Select", font_x, font_y + 90)
@wasm4.text("Btn2=Check", font_x, font_y + 100)

fn checkResult() -> Bool {
let tokens = g.userInput.split(" ").to_array()
if tokens.length() < 7 {
return false
let mut result = string_to_int(tokens[0])
for i = 1; i < tokens.length(); i = i + 2 {
let operator = tokens[i]
let nextValue = string_to_int(tokens[i + 1])
if operator == "+" {
result += nextValue
if operator == "-" {
result -= nextValue
if operator == "*" {
result *= nextValue
if operator == "/" {
result /= nextValue
if result == {
g.userInput = "You win!"
resetGame() // 胜利后重新生成新的卡片数值
return true
} else {
g.userInput = "Try again!"
resetGame() // 失败后也重新生成新的卡片数值
return false

fn string_to_int(input : String) -> Int {
match input {
"1" => 1
"2" => 2
"3" => 3
"4" => 4
"5" => 5
"6" => 6
"7" => 7
"8" => 8
"9" => 9
"10" => 10
_ => -1
} // 返回 None 表示输入不是 1 到 10 范围内的字符串

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