For this project, you will build a single-page application using Vue.js that allows a user to keep a list of notes, and to create, edit, and delete notes. Notes are made up of a title, text, and the date/time most recently updated.
The design of this app is up to you. You're welcome to reuse the design from the previous project, or you can come up with something new. You can also use Tailwind or another CSS framework if you'd like.
To get started, you will need to clone this repository and install the dependencies using npm
npm install
This application uses json-server to provide you with an API. It uses a db.json
file in the root of this project, which you will have to create using the sample file that is included in this repo. To copy the sample file, run the following command:
cp sample-db.json db.json
This application uses two different servers: one for the API, and one for the Vue application, using a build tool called Vite. To start both servers, run the following command:
npm start
This will start json-server
and the Vite development server. It should open a browser window at the same time. You will need to leave this running while you are working on this application.
The URL for your web application is http://localhost:5173
The URL for your notes API is http://localhost:3000/notes/
In the main.js file, a new Vue application is created and attached to the DOM. The application's root component is currently called App and is imported from App.vue
. In App.vue, you'll see a Single-File Component with tags for script
, template
, and style
. You are welcome to edit this file or change it in any way you see fit. You can also create new components and import them into App.vue.
Be sure to use the Vue DevTools extension for Chrome or Firefox to inspect your Vue application.
To get a list of all notes, make a GET
request to http://localhost:3000/notes/
To add a new note, make a POST
request to http://localhost:3000/notes/
. You will need to send a body and headers. Your request will look like this:
fetch('http://localhost:3000/notes/', {
method: 'POST',
headers: {"Content-Type": "application/json"},
body: JSON.stringify({ title, body, updatedAt: new Date() })
.then(res => res.json())
data => console.log(data)
// or whatever you need to do
The headers
attribute lets json-server know you will be sending JSON to it for it to read. The body
attribute is the JSON you are sending. If you have an object, then you must call JSON.stringify
with that object.
To create a new note, make a POST
request to http://localhost:3000/notes/
as shown above. Notice that you do not need to include the id
key, since JSON server will automatically generate an id for you. You will need to include the title
and body
keys, and you will need to include the updatedAt
key with the current date and time.
You can store the date in date time string format, using the new Date()
constructor. When you want to display the date in the UI, you can format it then using the Date object's methods or, more conveniently, using a library like Day.js.
To edit a note, make a PATCH
request to http://localhost:3000/notes/:id
where :id
is the id of the note. This will also require the same headers and body as the above request.
To delete a note, make a DELETE
request to http://localhost:3000/notes/:id
Your application should have the following functionality:
- A user can see a list of their notes displayed on the page
- A user can add a new note. When they do, their note should be added to the existing list of notes without a page refresh.
- A user can edit a note they have already created. When they do, their note should be updated in the list of notes without a page refresh.
- A user can delete an existing note. When a note is deleted, it should automatically be removed from the list of notes without a page refresh.
- Allow notes to be marked as completed. The UI should indicate a note is completed, and completed notes should be moved to the bottom of the list.
- Create an undo delete feature: once a note is deleted, a user should be able to click a button to undo the delete and restore the note to the list. One way to do this is to modify the delete feature so that a note is never actually destroyed on the server, but instead is marked as deleted. Then, you can add a button to the UI that will restore the note to the list by making a
request to the server to mark the note as not deleted. - Add a "priority" attribute to notes that can flag a note as "high priority". The UI should indicate which notes are high priority.
- Sort notes by date. Notes that have been updated more recently should appear at the top of the list.
- Allow your user to add tags to notes and add a search bar to search by tag.